Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 270 Dai Yingzi's eavesdropping, a good thing.

Chapter 270 Chiyo Sakurako's eavesdropping, a good thing.

But right now.
Didn't Lu Yaqing go out to get the medicinal materials for the hot spring?

In such a situation, the door of the hotel suite bedroom is of course covered.

Therefore, Lu Yaqing breathed out as soon as she came in.




Lu Yaqing was simply stupid.

Can only see.

That Qin Feng actually suppressed Sano.

And also hand
Anyway, put it
It's invincible.

Of course, after the general waiter goes out, he will close the door, or knock on the door when he comes in.

But as Lu Yaqing said just now, she will come back immediately with the medicinal materials.

Qin Feng also added, that door is reserved for you, you can come in directly later.

Sayuri Miyazaki is a little suspicious at this moment, because Qin Feng deliberately let this girl see all this.

"You stinky bastard, why don't you get up?" Hinako Sano was extremely embarrassed, if she was in her own home, she was facing her sister.

Anyway, they have served Qin Feng dozens of times together.

It doesn't matter.

But if a strange girl, or an unfamiliar girl, sees her like this.

Sano Hinako is still embarrassed.

"Cut, I don't know why you are embarrassed." Qin Feng twisted a little and rubbed.

Then he got up with satisfaction.

But Lu Yaqing was even more numb.

This Qin Feng was actually in front of his own face.

Make that rubbing action.

Really invincible.

"You guy..." Seeing this, Sano Hinako was even more ashamed to face others. She was too ashamed. She knew that Lu Yaqing had seen all of these now.

"Well, Ms. Lu Yaqing, I'm really sorry. I didn't know you came in suddenly. It's really rude." Qin Feng turned around and said in an apologetic tone, "Then you should put all the medicinal materials for the hot spring first. Put it in the hot spring pool."

"Well, okay, Mr. Qin, I'll let it go." Lu Yaqing responded slightly, but she felt like a zombie when she answered the question, and now all she was thinking about was the scene between Qin Feng and Sano just now, and she blushed anyway.

Immediately, he took some cassia seeds, roses, and ganoderma lucidum on the plate in his hand.

And so on medicinal materials.

All in the hot spring pool.

Of course, in the West or South Africa, rich people think that spa is a good way of health preservation.

In ancient Chinese medicine, hydrotherapy also has a saying, and it is still very important and effective.

Most of the spa treatments that Westerners know come from ancient China.

Of course, you can also choose other western spas, but Qin Feng didn't choose.

However, if Qin Feng does not soak in hot springs in the bedroom, he can also choose some milk pools, original soup pools, etc., with more than 30 kinds of hot springs.

As for those German-style spas.

Exotic room for couples.

Special shower room.

You can choose this hotel.

This is totally heavenly enjoyment.

Of course, for these, Qin Feng is not greedy at all, what kind of enjoyment, can there be these three delicate beauties serving together?Come at ease?
Therefore, the hot spring in the bedroom is the best.

In other places, Qin Feng doesn't want to join in the fun.

"Then Mr. Qin, you can soak in the hot spring now, so I'll go out first." Lu Yaqing said, hurriedly holding the tray in her hand, and walked outside. Now she doesn't want to stay for a quarter of an hour, really So speechless.

But Lu Yaqing thought of this man.

Maybe later with Hinako Sano, Sayuri Miyazaki, and Luo Yu.

Hot springs. ,

When they are as clean as onions.

Let's go to the hot spring together.

next to each other.

I don't know what kind of scene it is.

Then do something bad.

Thinking of this, Lu Yaqing blushed even more, quickened her pace, and left the suites.

"I said stinking bastard, you, you, you see how embarrassing that little waiter Lu Yaqing is? I think you did it on purpose?" Said Miyazaki said, and walked over, while explaining Qin Feng Clothes buttons.

After all, it's time to take a hot spring.

Naturally, Qin Feng had to change his clothes.

"Little Baihe, don't talk nonsense, don't slander your husband," Qin Feng said dissatisfied, "I didn't intend to humiliate Lu Yaqing on purpose, but she went to get the medicinal materials, and I didn't expect to come in so soon .”

"Ghosts believe you." Sayuri Miyazaki gave this guy a blank look, and then completely unbuttoned Qin Feng, took off a coat, and handed it to Luo Yu who was beside her.

Luo Yu put the coat neatly on the hanger.

The whole person also posted it.

"Okay, okay, everyone, hurry up and change your clothes, today you have to take a good soak in the hot spring!"

Qin Feng smiled happily.


The onion was peeled clean.

Just start cooking.

As for the gate, it was naturally that Chiyo Sakurako was guarding the gate.

After all, onions go into the pot.

That must be watched.

At this time, as long as anyone rushes in, it's okay for women, but if it's a man, it will definitely be obliterated for Qin Feng.

Because of Qin Feng's beauty, no one can look at him.

This is Qin Feng's principle.

It is worth mentioning that every time Qin Feng lives in a hotel, Qin Feng will send Chiyo Sakurako to check the hotel, whether there is a miniature camera in it.

After all, in this era, many hotel owners specialize in such things.

Then spread it online.

And deliberately covered his face.

Why do you do this?

Because he was still worried that people would find him.

But if the face is covered, then it is very likely that the person saw it and didn't know it was him.

Anyway, every time I can only see Chiyo Yingko swaggeringly holding an instrument, scanning any corner of the hotel suite, not to be missed.

But not slow.

Basically 1 minute to get it done.

After all, Qin Feng has a lot of high technology.

Qin Feng can imagine that if there is no micro-camera found in any hotel when Qin Feng checks in, Qin Feng can guarantee that this person does not know how he died.

And at this moment, Chiyo Sakurako, who was guarding outside the suite, was also in a very complicated mood.

After all, Chiyo Sakurako is also a girl.

She was very curious.

When she was at home, she had eavesdropped on the corners of Qin Feng and the girls many times,

After all, Qin Feng is basically playing with that for six to eight hours a day.

Chiyo Sakurako was at home, why didn't she give her a chance to eavesdrop?
This time Chiyo Sakurako is no exception.

She put her ear against the door slightly, and then separated a door.

I can only hear the sound of the game inside, it is already three kills, four kills, five kills.

Not once high.

It's just too good.

Of course, neither Sano nor Sayuri Miyazaki were afraid of such a loud game.

Just shout it.

Because they know.

Chiyo Sakurako stood guard outside.

There will be no one in the place where the villa is ten meters away.

So I am not afraid that someone will hear their shouts.

In other words, the only one who could hear it was Chiyo Sakurako.

"It's so hilarious."

Chiyo Sakurako listened.

I can't bear it anymore.

She felt that she wanted to play such a game too.


Chiyo Sakurako tiptoed secretly, then came to the living room of the villa, moved a small stool, and sat at the door of the bedroom.

Going to eavesdrop.

On the other hand,

Anyway, that's what it means, anyone who understands it can understand it, and there is no need to explain too much.

And at this moment, Chiyo Sakurako was eavesdropping.

Her fine clothes must have long since disappeared.

She dared to do it. ,
Naturally, he knew that it was impossible for Qin Feng to come out so soon.

Just do it generously.

Of course, on Qin Feng's side, her ears moved slightly. If it was someone else, she really couldn't hear the subtle movements of Chiyo Sakurako at the door. Even Miyazaki Sayuri was also an agent, but she was very happy and energetic God wandered away, so naturally he didn't notice the sound at the door.

But Qin Feng is different. Qin Feng has been genetically modified, and his hearing and perception are very strong. ,
Naturally heard the voice at the door.

There is a bowl of porridge at the door, and chopsticks stir it.

The sound is not great though.

But it was still captured by Qin Feng.

For normal people, the sound that can be heard is only 2 Hz to [-] Hz.

In other words, the minimum can hear 20.
Up to 2 can be heard.

For example, outside the door, Agent Chiyo Sakurako, the stirring sound she made was almost just a few hertz.

Others may not hear him.

But Qin Feng will definitely hear it.

"What's wrong, Qin Feng?"

Sayuri Miyazaki saw Qin Feng hang up.

He couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing, Xiao Baihe, how much do you want to play, a good sister of an agent? Didn't she play games with her, did she line up by herself?" Qin Feng laughed.

"Ah? Alone?" Sayuri Miyazaki didn't understand at first, but when she saw Qin Feng's smile, she immediately understood that it might be this Chiyo Sakurako, because she couldn't bear it.

I am out there.

Do it yourself. ,
"This Chiyo Sakurako is really worthless." Miyazaki Sayuri cursed fiercely, and then thought about it, if she met Chiyo Sakurako's situation, would she be able to bear it?

The answer is of course unbearable.

Faced with such things every day.

A young girl in bloom.

It's not necessary. ,

How can I bear it.

Don't play by yourself?
"I said stinky guy, this is not you. I have called you many times. Chiyo Sakurako has feelings for you, and you want to marry her. But you refuse every time, and you still intend to do things every time." , let others guard the gate, aren't you just deliberately teasing Chiyo Sakurako?"

Sano Hinako couldn't stand it anymore.

She had known for a long time that Qin Feng was interested in beauties like Chiyo Yingko.

But it seems that Qin Feng is not in a hurry.

Instead, hang slowly.

Every time, let Chiyo Sakurako guard the gate.

Therefore, Chiyo Sakurako can listen to the whole process every time.

In fact, if you don't listen to such a thing, it won't work. ,

After all, sometimes it is too loud.

Anyway, it's weird.

During this period of time, Chiyo Sakurako was secretly thinking about Qin Feng and Hongyan in her room every day when no one was around.

"Sano Hinako, you can see this, my baby is really smart." Qin Feng smiled, and swam over to Sano Hinako in the hot spring.

He hugged her waist.

"You're right. As for me, I just deliberately teased this Chiyo Sakurako. You don't know. Once I couldn't help kissing her, she even slapped me. Although it wasn't hard, I remember of."

Qin Feng remembers one time.

Two people because of changing the equipment in the bathtub.

There are some ambiguous spaces.

In such a case.

Qin Feng hugged her.

And kiss her.

But for some reason, Chiyo Sakurako hit Qin Feng.

At that time, Chiyo Sakurako regretted it.
Although she had a very temper when she was an agent, but this is Qin Feng, and she can't fight by herself.

So she immediately knelt down and shouted: "Master, I made a mistake, please do whatever you want with me, please forgive me."

Chiyo Sakurako has such a temper, and when she is impulsive, her head doesn't work at all.

But when you calm down.

Completely changed people.

At that time, Qin Feng didn't say anything, but just let her go out. It was the first time that she kissed a woman under her banner forcibly.

And was beaten.

Indeed a little angry.

But Qin Feng also noticed that when the slap came, she was originally very strong, but when she slapped it, she still took into account that it was Qin Feng, so she didn't dare to use any force.

Withdrew a lot of strength.

When Chiyo Sakurako went out of the bathroom, she felt extremely regretful, and immediately found her good sister Miyazaki Sayuri, and then started to tell, and then asked Sayuri to apologize to Qin Feng for her.

At that time, Sayuri was happy.

I really didn't expect that Qin Feng would also be slapped by a girl.

However, Sayuri Miyazaki was part of Chiyo Sakurako's secret service team, so she naturally spared no effort to speak for Chiyo Sakurako.

Then Qin Feng's words naturally left her indifferent for a while.

During that time, Chiyo Sakurako thought of various ways to appear in front of Qin Feng, and then apologize or something.

Slowly, Qin Feng was also melted by her cute appearance.

Don't be angry about it.

But if you are not angry, you are not angry, Qin Feng still thought of a good idea to "revenge" this Chiyo Sakurako. ,
That is, every time I go out, I go to the hotel to stay.

They will let this Chiyo Sakurako guard the goal.

and today is no exception
"I said husband, so you haven't forgiven Sakurako Chiyo for that matter?" Saiduri Miyazaki knew that her husband had forgiven Sakurako, but she just talked about it, jokingly said, "Are you tricking her like that? "

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(End of this chapter)

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