Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 271 Lu Yaqing's Danger!Negroes come to the store!

Chapter 271 Lu Yaqing's Danger!Negroes come to the store!

"Where am I playing tricks on her? Isn't it just to let her listen more? Then learn some skills later?" Qin Feng laughed.

"You, you, so what do you mean? Are you admitting that Chiyo Sakurako is your woman?" Sayuri Miyazaki said.

"I admitted it when I was about to kiss her, but it's a pity that this girl has a bit of a temper, and she actually hit me. The indifference during this period of time probably also sharpened her temper, and she will definitely not dare to treat me when the time comes." Do it again." Qin Feng said.

"Chiyo Sakurako, you've been scared to death a long time ago, how dare you? At that time, it wouldn't be impulsive, saying that you scratched her." Sayuri Miyazaki explained infinitely for her sister.

"Okay, okay, don't mention this matter, let's talk about it later."

As for Lu Yaqing, her father is from Huaxia, and so is her mother.

But they used to be overseas Chinese living in the big tiger empire in the west.

In the 80s and [-]s, the big tigers of the rice empire were naturally more chaotic. Lu Yaqing's parents offended some local mafia factions because of their business.

They had no choice but to leave the West and Europe and come to South Africa to do business.

But what I didn't expect was that probably due to the unacceptable environment and the decline of the family's business, Lu Yaqing's father fell ill and passed away not long after he came to South Africa.

And in business, they are short of a lot of money.

So, Lu Yaqing's mother and daughter have started a long career of repaying money, but fortunately, the people his father borrowed money from are not bad, they are all his father's friends, and there is no such thing as usury.

For orphans and widows, there is no act of forcing money back.

In the seven or eight years from her teens to her twenties, her mother paid off all her debts.

Lu Yaqing, who is in her early twenties now, has a little bit of hope and sunshine in her life.

Lu Yaqing's parents, on the other hand, were in a not-so-bustling neighborhood in South Africa, where they made supper and sold some snacks.

After all, this is a relatively developed city in South Africa, and people who come and go have spending power. Onoden also has a monthly gross profit of about 5000 US dollars.

Calculated, in China, the monthly income is more than 2.

Coupled with the fact that Lu Yaqing works as a waiter in a high-end hotel, the life of mother and daughter is of course not bad.

In China, this kind of income is already at the level of small white-collar workers.

But to put it bluntly, whether it is a hotel waiter or a night snack shop, it is all dependent on the sky, not an iron rice bowl, and it may not be gone the next day.

However, although they add up to a high monthly salary, they don't have much savings because they haven't paid off their debts for a long time.

Now Lu Yaqing's mother is working hard to open the store in order to get a sum of money and a dowry for her daughter.

"Yaqing, you're back?" Fan Sisi looked at the door, but didn't look too much, because she was lowering her head and clearing a handful of dollars in her hand.

Of course, although South Africa has its own currency, most of the consumers in such a tiny place are gringos.

Therefore, there are quite a lot of dollars.

Fan Sisi also had a happy smile on her face, because she had saved a lot of money in the past year, she continued: "Yaqing, we still have to work harder and save more money, when the time comes, our store will Just change the location from here, because there is really no traffic, and the food is delicious, and you can’t make a lot of money. When there is about [-] US dollars, let’s go to the bustling area and sell the store.”

After Fan Sisi finished speaking.

He still had some dollars in his hand.

But she is weird.

Today's daughter, why didn't she answer her own words?
"Daughter, are you listening to your mother? Why don't you respond? What are you thinking?"

"Mom, what did you say? I was distracted just now and didn't hear it." In Lu Yaqing's heart at the moment, naturally, she was thinking about nothing else, but the man she met in the hotel, that Huaxia man. He was really handsome. A man who will never be forgotten once he sees him.

I don't know what happened to him.

Let her be so attracted.

The key is to send the medicinal materials in by herself, and see her belittle her girlfriend.

Lu Yaqing was actually thinking along the way, if she changed herself, it would be great.

She hadn't experienced anything yet, and she yearned for that, but was timid.

After all, he is not very old.

Only in my early twenties.

In addition, most of the people around me are black people, and I really can't find a satisfactory boyfriend.

In addition, this man provoked the black man who owned the mine.

And in the follow-up, the black man didn't trouble Qin Feng either.

She couldn't help but start to worry about Qin Feng. Could it be that the black man didn't make a move?What car accident is brewing to kill Qin Feng?

Or is Qin Feng really strong?The other party dare not retaliate?
"I said daughter, why is your expression so strange today? Is it because you are not feeling well?" Fan Sisi said, then paused, "No, have you been bullied, that black mine boss? Is it him?"

Fan Sisi knew that the black man had been pursuing his daughter recently.

I don't know why this black man likes oriental faces and is so obsessed with them.

You know, black people in general like the kind of sexy white people in the West.

Maybe it's because his daughter's invincibility is too invincible.

It must have been a disaster.

"Mom, today, it's really because of that black man. I'm a little worried. I met a man from the Dragon Empire in the hotel, and had an unpleasant encounter with that black man." Lu Yaqing immediately told the matter, "I'm very worried, if this black man doesn't act, is he doing it secretly."

Lu Yaqing said here.

He looked at his mother thoughtfully, and tentatively said: "How about mother? Let's go back to the Dragon Empire to recognize our ancestors, shall we? We have been in a foreign country, and we don't have any relatives or friends. We are really weak."

"Daughter, what are you talking about? Can we go back to the Dragon Empire?" Fan Sisi groaned, "You should remember what your father said, the ancestors of your father's line committed crimes during the Qing Dynasty and implicated the whole family, resulting in A wealthy and powerful family in the Qing Dynasty has completely declined, and that family hates your father's ancestors, so we will be harsh when we go back."

"I said, mother, we are going back to the Dragon Empire, and we don't go back to the Lu family, so we didn't offend them?" Lu Yaqing said dissatisfiedly.

"I said daughter, don't be so naive. Back then, your father's grandfather caused the Lu family to suffer so badly. Unless we go back and hide our names, otherwise, if the Lu family finds out, we will be kicked out of the Dragon Empire." Yes. After a hundred years, the Lu family has developed, and its total assets in China are 500 billion yuan."

These things.

In fact, to put it bluntly.

Just one reason.

Lu Yaqing's father's grandfather's lineage.

It really hurt the entire Lu family too badly.

Therefore, the entire Lu family expressed that this lineage got out of the Dragon Empire.

never come back.

No one will accept them.

If you see them, you have to drive them out.

Going back is a bad choice anyway.

"It's true, it's all my great-grandfather's work. What's the matter with us descendants? Is it necessary to do this to us?" Lu Yaqing's words are reasonable.

But the Lu family is a big family, they just hate it.

After all, the previous generation began to indoctrinate them. If it weren't for Lu Yaqing's lineage's mistakes, their Lu family is so good, even if the dynasty changes, it must be a very good existence.

After all, if the emperor changed at will, the aristocratic family would not have much influence.

Now in China, Su Xinghe, the largest consortium of the Dragon Empire, isn't it the ancestors who were a big family during the Qing Dynasty?

No matter how bad the Lu family was, if they hadn't been implicated, they would definitely be among the top ten financial groups by now.That's on the order of ten trillion.

And now?It's just that after decades of hard work, a family with a total asset of 500 billion has been obtained.

"Hey, don't talk about it, it's useless. Let's stay abroad honestly. Don't think about going back. Don't go back and be kicked out by others. The store that was finally built in China, It must be lost for nothing." It's not that Fan Sisi doesn't want to go back, but she's worried that she will be found after she goes back.

Now as long as you can earn a million dollar deposit.

Even if you are found after you go back.

If you have money in your hands, you can also live in another place.

"By the way, daughter, you just said that a man from the Dragon Empire in your hotel offended the black boss of the mine? He looks like a good person, you have to get him out of South Africa quickly, this black man can do anything Yes." Fan Sisi was also kind-hearted and kindly reminded her.

"Mom, I told this Mr. Qin, but he was not afraid at all, and the black man didn't bother him. It's still the same sentence. I don't know whether the black man is afraid of him, or the black man is planning to attack him secretly. I am very worried. .” Lu Yaqing said.

"Hey, it doesn't matter whether this rich man in the Dragon Empire is rich or powerful in the country, but a strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake. Here in South Africa, the black boss has armed forces, and the government is also covered by someone. In South Africa, The place, he can't get it no matter what, so it's better to leave as soon as possible. I guess, this man must want to save face, don't do it for the sake of saving face, and be careful to suffer a big loss." Fan Sisi said kindly.

But when the mother and daughter were discussing this matter.

The door of the nightclub.

Here are some guests.

These few guests were all dressed in black clothes, and they were dressed badly, like workers.

And next to the black men, there were three men from the Asan Empire dressed as Christians.

There are seven or eight in total.

"What are these people doing in our nightclub again? How dare they come to collect protection money now?" Why doesn't Fan Sisi know these people, isn't it just a gangster in a remote street in South Africa?It is a store that makes people trouble. If they don't pay protection money, they will make trouble every day, making people unable to do business. The police are not good at such things.

The ones they bullied most were weak people like Lu Yaqing's mother and daughter.

But in recent days, the Dragon Empire has begun to stand proudly all over the world, and the overseas Chinese in various empires have also begun to rise in status.

As long as the overseas Chinese of the Dragon Empire are bullied here, the officials will take care of it seriously.

It's not as good as when the Dragon Empire was still very poor. Once something happened to a foreigner in a foreign developed country, it must be taken seriously in the country, because the foreigner must be given an explanation.

After all, as long as one's own empire is strong, the people will be valued wherever they go.

Therefore, in the past six months, the higher-ups have said hello, don't bully the overseas Chinese of the Dragon Empire.

"Gevorge Midford? You came to the store today? What's the matter?" Fan Sisi walked up and said politely. She is a 40-year-old woman, she is very polite without any face.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at? Do you think we are here to collect protection fees?" Gevorg Midofor smiled and said, "Today we are also here to consume, okay?"

As Gevorg Midford said, he pulled a chair and sat on it, and then put his feet on another chair.

Looks like an old man.

"Okay, Fan Sisi, hurry up and serve all the delicious food in your house. My brother and I want to drink some wine."

Gevorg Midford finished.

Fan Sisi didn't respond.

Didn't go for supper either.

Seeing this, Nagvarge Midofor took out a hundred-dollar bill from his pocket with a smile, and said with a smile: "Take the money first, here is a hundred-dollar bill, and you will be refunded later if you don't." , now you can rest assured to serve us, right?"

"This..." Fan Sisi saw that the other party paid the money, and returned so much money, 100 US dollars, that is 600 yuan, enough for a meal.

Although the prices in South Africa are high, they are not ridiculously high. ,

Basically, it is not much different from the first- and second-tier cities of Dragon Empire.

"Yaqing, you go back to the room now. I'll be here to greet you. Don't come out." Fan Sisi immediately let her beautiful daughter into the room.

She also saw these people, and kept aiming at her daughter's devil figure.

Stay with them for a while, and do something that shouldn't be done.

It will be troublesome then.

Anyway, these black people looked at their daughter's eyes and wished they could eat their own daughter.

Fan Sisi knew that these people had no money and were single all year round. Seeing such a beautiful woman, was it a dog that had been hungry for a few days and saw a meat bun?If you don't commit a crime, you can't wait to pounce on it right away?

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(End of this chapter)

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