Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 272 Lu Yaqing's Crisis!Help!

Chapter 272 Lu Yaqing's Crisis!Help!

"Well, Mom, I'll go in. If you're too busy, just call me."

Lu Yaqing squinted at these hateful people, said hello, and then left. ,

She is a girl after all.

I am very uncomfortable with the astringent expressions of these men.

If the other party is a handsome guy, most women can accept it. ,
But if there are some men who don't feel appetizing when they look at them, girls generally hate their eyes.

The key is that they didn't take a sneak peek, but really looked at it brightly. Not only did they look, but they also talked about Lu Yaqing's invincibility while watching.

What big legs.


It must be very comfortable.

What a nice little mouth.

If you can.
Although Lu Yaqing didn't hear very clearly.

But from just a few words, it is not difficult to guess that these things should be talked about.

So can Lu Yaqing stay here?

The key point is that if they do this, Lu Yaqing has nothing to do with them. Are you going to sue them for insulting?

Sorry, you have no proof.

Because people can say that they didn't talk about you or scold you.

What can you do?
But just as Lu Yaqing was heading towards the cash register.

The black man at the head of the seven or eight people over there, Gevorg Midford, stood up slightly, opened his mouth to look at Lu Yaqing, and said, "Miss Lu Yaqing, you are such a sexy chick, where are you going?" Woolen cloth?"

Gevorg Midford said.

Walked directly towards the cash register.

There is a small door for Lu Yaqing to enter the cash register.

Such a small door is suspended in the air, and it is only about half a meter high. (If everyone understands such a small hanging door, the author will not explain much)
Gevorg Midford shut the little door.

Lu Yaqing couldn't get into the cashier anymore.

The cash register is connected to the backstage.

Naturally, Lu Yaqing couldn't get in either.

"What do you mean? What are you going to do? You eat your supper, where am I going? What's none of your business?" Lu Yaqing immediately looked unhappy, "Didn't my mother serve you all the food and wine? Is it? What else do you want?"

Looking at Gevorg Midford's greedy eyes, Lu Yaqing felt very uncomfortable.

Also worried.

I'm afraid that something will happen to these people.

And she hastily lifted her collar.

To guard against my little invincibility, being peeped by the other party.

own body.

Only a beloved man can appreciate it.

None of the others.

But it seems that the development is really invincible.

I can't hold it at all.

"You're already so invincible, and you still wear it so tight, can you cover it?" Gevorg Midofor looked at Lu Yaqing's movements, and also smiled on his face, muttering silently.

"Miss Lu Yaqing, as for me, I have nothing else to do. I just want to buy Miss Lu a drink. I don't have any other special things. I don't know if it's okay?" Gevorg Midford was not drunk, after all He didn't drink much, but his face was a little reddish, probably looking at the sexy and invincible chick, and he looked a little interesting.

Anyway, this woman is too invincible.

It's already Wei Wei-Na Han.


Such a woman is really a stunner.

That invincibility is too tempting.

Too much development.

Also very tall and straight.

Just don't know.

Open words.

What kind of scene will it be?

If you can.
Anyway, put it in the middle.

That taste.

It was almost fatal.

"Mr. Gevorg Midford, I'm really sorry. I don't know how to drink, and my mother never let me drink since I was a child. I'm sorry, you step aside. I'm going backstage to rest." Of course Lu Yaqing knows how to drink , although it's not bad wine, but she won't drink with such a person.

"Miss Lu Yaqing, are you sure you don't want to have a drink? It's just a glass of whiskey, but you won't get drunk? What are you afraid of? Are you still worried about our brothers, will you be killed?" Gevorg Midford laughed With a smile, this kind of tone, making fun of beauties, has always been their favorite thing to do.

For example, many male keyboard warriors in China just like to make fun of beautiful women online.

very sao.

But in reality, another one is cowardly.

Seeing the beautiful woman, I didn't dare to take a breath.

"Mr. Gevorg Midford, please be more civilized. I'm not a street girl on the street. I don't drink. What can you do? Get out of the way!" Lu Yaqing said more and more Angry, these people are too much, and they have no kingly law at all.

This is my own nightclub.

To be bullied like this.

At this moment, Fan Sisi walked over and said sharply: "Mr. Gevorg Midford, aren't you afraid of officials by what you are doing now? You should know that the current Dragon Empire is not a hundred years ago. Well, it’s not ten or twenty years ago, the Dragon Empire has very good protection for us overseas Chinese, so if you dare to do something, the South African officials will not ignore it.”

What can Fan Sisi do?

This is the only way to scare the other party.

"Can you stop mentioning these?" Seeing this, Gevorg Midofor laughed and said, "Isn't it clear to me? You need to tell me? Isn't it like this? I won't come to collect you for more than half a year. Your protection fee?"

Gevorg Midford is not afraid of the overseas Chinese of the Dragon Empire these days.

After all, the black mine boss said it.

They came to work today.

If something goes wrong.

The mine owner can keep them.

The owner of the mine, of course, was Qin Feng who offended the black man.

"Since you know that overseas Chinese are not easy to mess with nowadays, you should step down quickly and stop causing trouble." Fan Sisi said protecting her daughter. ,

"Hehe, so what if I know? Today I want your cow to have a glass of wine with me!" Gevorg Midofor laughed, his tone firm.

"You still want to make trouble, right? That's good." Fan Sisi picked up the phone in her hand and warned, "If you don't leave, the South African police will come soon."

"Hehe, look for the police, right?" Gevorg Midford smiled disapprovingly, "Then you can look for it, but, although these policemen will agree to dispatch the police, I don't know if they can arrive here immediately. It might be an hour, it might be two hours."

Gevorg Midford smiled. He didn't know what to do, but now he had the black boss behind him. ,

These arrests will definitely not come.

"You..." Seeing that the other party dared to say that, Fan Sisi must have greeted the police.

South Africa is really different from China.

There is simply no law.

Catch and these punks.

It's actually a nest of snakes and rats.

Really disgusting.

"Fan Sisi, listen, if Miss Lu Yaqing doesn't accompany us for a drink today, we won't quit." Gevorg Midford paused, then whispered: "Actually It's just a matter of face, I came up to invite her to drink, but she refused me in front of so many people, do you think I can lose this face?"

Gevorg Midford explained.

It means to let the other party drink a glass of wine.

Go through the process.

"If you don't give this face, then the harassment like today will continue. We will come every day, but we also smash stores and don't beat people. We won't commit such a situation. Don't think about it." Live here in peace."

This method of Gevorg Midford.

It also belongs to the signature killer of the punks.

Just be a fly. ,
If it doesn't bite you to death, it will annoy you to death.

"If you are an old lady, it's not impossible to have a drink with me. Although you are not as young as your daughter, you are indeed a beauty."

have to say.

Fan Sisi is really beautiful.

Even at the age of 39 now.

But still has a charming figure and appearance.

It is estimated that Lu Yaqing also inherited some of her mother's genes.

Anyway, both developments are invincible.

"Gevorg Midford! Please don't insult my mother! You are too much!" Lu Yaqing sternly said, "You want to harass me, don't you? Then come every day, at worst, our store will not open. .”

"Daughter, you're well said. It's a big deal not to open a store." Fan Sisi also groaned, feeling very distressed in her heart. She opened the store quietly for half a year, and now she will return to those days of being bullied?

"You guys are really stubborn!" Gevorg Midford looked a little unhappy, and leaned towards Lu Yaqing slightly.

"What are you doing? Please don't mess around." Lu Yaqing immediately took a few steps back.

"Sexy chick, you are so beautiful, hurry up and have a drink with us, otherwise your store really doesn't want KIA."

"You Dagon! Me and me." Lu Yaqing was a little scared.

"Oh? Did you agree?" Seeing this, Gevorg Midford felt that this chick was really timid.

"Gevorg Midford, you guys are messing around here too. I hope you can keep your word. After I drank a glass of wine, you can stop making trouble." Lu Yaqing agreed, but she was not Xiaobai. Fools, of course they know that there is probably some kind of medicine in their wine.

The means of these little bastards.

She still knows.

So she won't be fooled.

"Oh? Miss Lu Yaqing, have you finally agreed? Have you compromised?" Gevorg Midford laughed, "Then come over and have a drink with us."

Gevorg Midford is happy now.

It seems.

This one hundred thousand dollars is in hand.

This is the black mine owner, please ask them.

That is to let Lu Yaqing drink a glass of wine.

Isn't the black boss afraid to offend someone like Qin Feng who doesn't know how to understand?

Therefore, the matter that provoked him, the black man also let it go, and endured it.

But to get this Lu Yaqing, the black boss is very yearning.

Therefore, the dog-headed military adviser of the black boss came up with a unique trick and planned it, so that Lu Yaqing had to follow.

The plan is this.

That is to ask these punks to harass Lu Yaqing's shop.

And let Lu Yaqing drink a glass of wine.

And the cup was filled with white powder.

That is the addictive kind.

Of course, it is impossible for Lu Yaqing to drink the beer they opened, she must be very careful.

Will open a new bottle.

But the beer manufacturers in their supper shop were naturally bribed by the black boss.

The ones sent there were directly sold by the factory with white powder.

Then Lu Yaqing who ate this thing, when he became addicted, when he couldn't take it anymore.

The powder channels are all controlled by the black boss.

Will she not submit obediently by then?

To be honest, such tricks are very common. In China 20 years ago, there was a lot of such tricks.

"Drink, then?" Gevorg Midofor pretended to offer the glass, and then lost his temper here and there.

"I won't drink yours!" Lu Yaqing immediately refused.

"Hehe, that's good." Gevorg Midofor smiled, took out a bottle of wine from the beer box behind him, and said, "Is this your own temper? Don't you worry about it?" ?”

When Lu Yaqing saw that the man was acting out of her own temper, she never opened her mouth.

Naturally relieved a lot.

Then take it by yourself.

I found a clean cup by myself.

sat beside them.

Then started drinking the glass of wine.



These tempers were drunk by Lu Yaqing in one gulp. ,
Because she didn't want to spend another second with them.

Because of drinking too fast,. 】

The beer spilled out of his mouth.

through the neck.

Then there's that invincibility.

such a scene.

It's really an indescribable temptation.

Let Gevorg Midford and his younger brothers look stupid, staring straight at the invincible place where the beer passed.

They also kept swallowing.

To be honest, such a stunner can only be enjoyed by black bosses.

They really can only look at it.

But fortunately, after helping the black boss to get things done, then one hundred thousand dollars is enough for their brothers to have a lot of fun.

At that time, we will need to find a few more tender models.

"I, Gevorg Midford, really didn't expect, Miss Lu Yaqing, to be able to hold such a good amount of alcohol? A bottle of wine will be gone in a few sips." Gevorg Midford laughed, with wicked eyes, Laughed so hard I couldn't see.

"I've finished the wine, I hope you keep your promise, and leave quickly after eating the food and wine." Lu Yaqing felt a little uncomfortable. Although the wine was delicious, in her opinion, it was not good. , because she likes low-degree ones.

"Miss Lu Yaqing, of course we keep our promises." Gevorg Midofor smiled and waved, "Everyone, the food and drink are almost done, let's go. As for the $100, the rest is counted as money." Thank you. By the way, Miss Lu Yaqing, you are really sexy."


Gevorg Midford led the people and left with a smile.

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I beg everyone!Please don't give up!Don't give up!real!The author begs!Everyone must continue to support the author!Thank you! 】

(End of this chapter)

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