Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 273 Lu Yaqing Was Set Up!I can only be obedient...

Chapter 273 Lu Yaqing Was Set Up!I can only be obedient.
After Lu Yaqing drank her temper.

Did not feel any discomfort.

On the contrary, it was a little strange.

How did these people drink by themselves?Actually left?
Lu Yaqing also thought that these people would break their promises and then ask for some rude demands.

But everything caught her by surprise.

It seems that these people came here to let themselves drink a glass of wine.

However, Lu Yaqing thought about it, she bought her wine from the wholesale market by herself, and if it hadn't been packaged, there was no possibility of problems, so she didn't think much about it.

"Lu Yaqing? You seem to be a bit out of spirit today. Did you not rest yesterday?" Qin Feng must have continued to stay in the hotel.

As a waiter in the hotel, Lu Yaqing is also from the Dragon Empire and can speak Chinese well, so she is naturally responsible for cleaning the rooms for Qin Feng and others.

Today's Qin Feng, of course, has contacted some channels of private maids, and plans to go and have a look, and then buy them.

After all, Qin Feng came to South Africa for this matter.

"Mr. Qin, thank you, Yaqing, for your concern." Lu Yaqing never thought that this rich man would be flattered to see that he didn't have a good rest and would care about him.

"But you don't have to worry, Mr. Qin. I just slept late because of some unhappy things, and then I was out of shape." Lu Yaqing explained that the restlessness in her heart was not because of the drink that day I have nothing to do with the wine, but I always feel that their eyes are very strange. Is there something wrong with that glass of wine?
Anyway, Lu Yaqing is very worried about gains and losses.

On the one hand, I feel that it has not been opened, so it must be fine.

Then worry again.

"People, you just want to forget the bad things, put them aside and don't worry about them, don't affect your mood." Qin Feng enlightened a little, and then said, "Well, let me tell your manager, Let you take half a day off, go home and have a good rest, in this way, if you catch up on sleep, you will feel better in the afternoon."

"Mr. Qin, this..." Lu Yaqing felt embarrassed.

But Luo Yu beside Qin Feng.

But she gave this guy a blank look, and then she didn't tell her, and she went to do things on her own very sensible.

Luo Yu quickly found the hotel manager.

Although the hotel manager doesn't know who Qin Feng's identity is, but such a rich man must give face.

"Mr. Qin, thank you very much." Lu Yaqing decided silently, this Mr. Qin, wouldn't be interested in him, would he?But thinking of the three girls around him, all of them are god-like, except for Luo Yu, who is a little bit worse, and the other two are so beautiful that there is no edge.

Of course, among normal people, Luo Yu is also a goddess among goddesses.

But the other two were simply not human. ,
We are talking about Sano Hinako and Miyazaki Sayuri.

"You're welcome, we're all members of the Dragon Empire. When we're away from home, we should take care of each other." Qin Feng admitted that he was really interested in her cows, but he didn't feel like he was about to accept them.

Because Qin Feng is really good at women.

Therefore, by the way, the component of helping is a little bigger.

But if the other party is not a beautiful woman and not so kind-hearted, I will definitely not help. ,
The biggest factor is kindness. She provoked the black boss, and she kept trying to persuade herself to run away, so she could tell that she had a kind heart.

"Then I'll clean up your room, Mr. Qin, before I go to rest."

"En." Qin Feng nodded, and then chatted with Nvwazi on the sofa in the living room.

When that Lu Yaqing entered the bedroom to tidy up.

Immediately saw the water bed.

That messy thin sheet.

In Lu Yaqing's heart, a bad imagination began
Presumably, a few people should be very happy about what happened yesterday.

Wei Wei stretched out her hands to tidy up the bedding.

Lu Yaqing's face was flushed.

Because she can smell something special.

It's all on the quilt.

After about 10 minutes, Lu Yaqing, who couldn't stay any longer, changed into a new bedding, cleaned the room, said hello, and left.

"What's the matter with me? I remember that I also tidied the "messy" bedding of other guests before, but I didn't think about it. Today" Lu Yaqing was very strange. Could it be that he was interested in Mr. Qin?Is this just a random thought?

After returning home, Lu Yaqing had two things on her mind.

The first is that Mr. Qin cares about him, does he like himself?Or is it really like what he said, they are all members of the Dragon Empire, and they just care about each other?

For example, many nerds nowadays, if there is a beautiful female classmate who suddenly sends a text message to him, he will wonder why the other party suddenly took the initiative to greet me.
Then I feel that I am not worthy, maybe I think too much.

No, no, no, the other party must have taken a fancy to him.

Anyway, just thinking about it like this, worrying about gains and losses.

And the second thing on Lu Yaqing's mind was the wine that those gangsters let her drink.

"The body doesn't seem to have any adverse reactions. It seems that I am thinking too much, right?"

Lu Yaqing didn't think about it any more.

Because the body is fine.

On the other side, at the moment, in a villa in the capital city of South Africa.

Inside sat a black man.

He was Nalutis Waxman.

At first, Qin Feng provoked the black boss, but he didn't dare to mess with Qin Feng's people.

Lucius Waxman sat on the sofa, looked at the beautiful garden in front of him, and gently shook the red wine glass in his hand. It was a bottle worth several 10 yuan. Today he was very happy and opened it to drink it one time.

It is enough to prove how powerful this person's financial resources are.

Alcohol can drink hundreds of thousands of bottles.

If it weren't for those cheating teenagers, the kind of money blowing like a strong wind, people like them would be considered top local tyrants.

And beside Lucis Waxman, stood a western woman, blonde and blue-eyed, very sexy.

Looks like a model.

And there are other men beside Lucis Waxman, they should all be his younger brothers, and they are also served by maids.

But it is not as pretty as the black boss.

"Boss, may I pour you a drink?"

"No need, I'll do it myself." Lucis Waxman glanced at the western model, completely inferior to Lu Yaqing, that girl, she had a feeling of "pure desire" as the oriental said.

It is very desirable.

Maybe it's the best that you can't get.

"This Lu Yaqing, I don't know what's going on, how is the matter going?" Lucis Waxman muttered here.

But soon.

Someone said: "Mr. Lucis Waxman, those little bastards you called, the work has been done! It was done yesterday, because you had a good time last night, and you just got up now. That's why I'm notifying you."

"Ah? Things are done right? Did you give them one hundred thousand dollars?" Lucis Waxman immediately smiled, this Lu Yaqing couldn't run away.

Think of that invincible figure.

Totally exciting.

"Mr. Lucis Waxman, the money has been given to them, and they also said that if you have anything to do in the future, just ask."

"Hahaha, no problem, they do a good job." Lucis Waxman smiled, "Well, give them another fifty thousand dollars, and I will reward them."

Lucius Waxman is happy.

Naturally, the gift of tens of thousands of dollars is not stingy.

Anyway, those little gangsters made a lot of money this time.

"Military officer, your attention is really good. You directly contacted the wholesaler who took the bottle of wine from Lu Yaqing's night snack shop, and then tampered with the beer. Send it to his night snack shop. Under such circumstances, Lu Yaqing will be more excited , I don’t think there will be problems with an unopened bottle of wine, and it’s from your own store, right?”

Lucius Waxman said with a smile.

"Yeah, I've checked. This chick is usually very careful. She seems to be inseparable from her friends. She is also very careful when she goes to the bar to drink. Friends say she is very stingy. I know about it. , so we set up such a game." The dog-headed military division said with a smile.

"That's right! That's right. If this girl says something hard to him, she will definitely not give in. If it gets on that thing, even a god can't stop it." Lucis Waxman laughed, and when the time came, she would not give in. Wait for Lu Yaqing to crawl over obediently, and then beg

Lucius Waxman couldn't be happier.

All I can think of is how to play with her.

A series of processes have been thought out.

A girl I recently fell in love with. ,
Finally got a chance to taste it.

"It's a pity, what is it called? Those around Mr. Qin are also top-notch, but we have been investigating this person for a long time, and we can't find him in the country at all?"

What a joke.

All Qin Feng's current information is sss-level secrets in China.

Don't say it's him.

Even someone n times stronger than him.

Can't investigate either.

"That's right, this Mr. Qin, from the Dragon Empire, doesn't know how deep he is, so it's better not to act rashly. Anyway, this guy is supposed to be here for a trip, and he won't be here for long, so why bother?" said the military adviser.

"That's the truth, but when I think of the arrogant look of this dog, I get angry." Lucis Waxman gritted his teeth fiercely.

"Mr. Lucis Waxman, take a step back!"

On the other side, because Qin Feng helped her ask for leave for a whole morning, Lu Yaqing, who got up at noon, went to work as usual.

But she got up now. .

It is obvious that there is some difference in the body.

It's just not right.



wait for symptoms.

"Why am I doing this all of a sudden?"

Lu Yaqing couldn't figure it out either.

"I don't know the wine I drank last time. Is there really a problem?"

It's been almost a day since the last time I drank.

That's it for myself.

Doesn't it matter?
But Lu Yaqing thought that this was her own wine, unopened.

Maybe I have a cold.

Of course, the inexplicable dizziness and nausea were also related to eating the powder.

This is the precursor.

Lu Yaqing came to the bathroom at home and flushed her face, but the feeling of dizziness and nausea hadn't disappeared much. ,
Look at yourself in the mirror, how beautiful and charming.

And he has such a good figure.

For a moment, Lu Yaqing became more confident.

In fact, I am worthy of that gentleman.

but look at
The nausea and dizziness in Lu Yaqing's heart became more and more serious.

She gradually.

His face also began to pale.

"How uncomfortable!"

"Dry mouth!"

"I want to drink water!"

a series of symptoms.

Lu Yaqing panicked for a moment.

Immediately went to the living room, took a glass of water, and drank it vigorously.

But after drinking water, I still feel very dry mouth.

Lu Yaqing suppressed her physical discomfort, staggered and picked up her phone, called her manager, and said, "Manager, I'm not feeling well here, can I ask for a day off?"

"Ask for leave? Are you asking for leave again?" The manager on the opposite side was obviously upset, because this woman just asked for leave in the morning, and now she wants to ask for it again?


"What are you doing? Do you know that this rich boss of the Dragon Empire only speaks Chinese, and there is an interpreter by his side, and he doesn't need it. He just looks like we love to understand, and he says Who told us not to learn." The manager continued, "If you come, you can communicate well, you know?"

"But manager, I'm really dizzy, nauseous, and uncomfortable. I must have caught a cold. I really can't go to work. You can deduct my salary!" Lu Yaqing knew very well that she couldn't go to work due to her current physical condition. Yes, because it is too serious.

"Do you think it's a matter of money? That Mr. is very hostile to us who don't speak Chinese, but he is easy to speak to you. If you don't come to communicate, what shall we do?"

"I,,,,,," Lu Yaqing felt that she couldn't speak, she forced her teeth and said, "Manager, I really can't come today, I'm sorry."

Lu Yaqing said.

Just hang up the phone.

I also keep asking what the manager of the other party thinks.

Anyway, I was too uncomfortable.

"This feeling doesn't feel like a cold!"

It's not that Lu Yaqing has never had a cold.

It's completely different from the previous cold state.

But this feeling never happened to her.

I don't even know what disease I have.

Lu Yaqing persistently turned on the computer again, and then entered some of her symptoms into the browser, intending to ask the Internet, what is wrong with her?
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(End of this chapter)

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