Chapter 274 Qin Feng Rescue!manually.


"Will not"

"How did that happen?"

Lu Yaqing asked a design platform about her symptoms.

One person jokingly said, wouldn't you eat that?Then it happened?
All at once.

It scared Lu Yaqing quite a bit.

She doesn't know which food is so powerful, usually as long as she eats it, the whole person will be completely destroyed.

Now Lu Yaqing is very scared.

Very scared.

"No, no, it must be a coincidence. How could I eat that thing? I haven't eaten it before."

Lu Yaqing forced herself to comfort herself.

But my body is getting worse and worse.

Slowly, she felt as if 1000 million ants were biting her heart.

The chest began to feel tight.

Breathing is not smooth.

"Did I really eat that powder?"

Lu Yaqing now slowly began to recall.

Apart from the glass of wine I drank yesterday, I should not have touched other things, right?
Is this really the case?
What those punks drink for themselves is.
"But the wine belongs to my own family!"

Lu Yaqing still firmly believed in this.

But now, she felt more and more restless.

Very irritable.

She's starting to freak out.

This is an inexplicable irritability and madness.

And it's getting stronger and stronger.

In the end, her fair arms were scratched by her own nails.

Many people who ate this thing have had self-reports.

Once this thing is stained, it is difficult to eradicate, unless it is the kind with strong willpower.

Few people can survive.

Of course, it depends on the type of food you eat, if it is generally mild, then you can bear it.

If violent.

Then there is no need to play.

Now Lu Yaqing can only rely on her own willpower to endure that thing.

"Daughter, what's the matter with you? Haven't you gone to work in the afternoon yet?"

Fan Sisi walked in, and was so frightened by her daughter's appearance that she almost cried.

All I could see was the mess in Lu Yaqing's room.

The cushions on the couch, were torn.

The brain clock was smashed to the ground.

There are also bloodstains all over the arms from nail scratches.

At this moment, Lu Yaqing's face was pale and her hair was messed up.

"Mom, give me some money now, give me money!"

Lu Yaqing persisted for half an hour.

I can't bear this pain anymore.

The point is, the black boss gave her food.

It is not a general medicinal effect.

It's the fierce kind.

The black boss knew that this woman's willpower must be very good, so he was afraid that she would bear it, it would not be good.

So give me something very fierce.

Then let's see how Lu Yaqing handles it.

"This black boss! He's a beast!" Lu Yaqing had just received a text message from a stranger, saying that she couldn't stand it anymore, so she went to the villa in District xx.

"Daughter, what's the matter with you?" Fan Sisi looked at her daughter like this, and the more worried she was, could it be
"Mom, I ate that, and now I'm really suffering, please, give me some money." Lu Yaqing said frantically again.

"Daughter, you are so good at eating that? Didn't I always tell you, don't fool around? Are you disobedient?" Fan Sisi immediately became anxious, hating that iron can't be made into steel. This place is already chaotic, but her daughter actually ate it that?

"No, mom, there was something wrong with the wine I drank yesterday. I really can't take it anymore. Give me some money."

"Daughter." Seeing her daughter in such pain, Fan Sisi also cried. She could only nod her head in agreement. After all, it was too scary, and she couldn't bear to see her daughter in such pain.

I plan to get through this time first, and then let her quit.

I still have a deposit of [-] US dollars.

It's not enough to keep eating.

"Hello, hello."

Lu Yaqing quickly followed the person who sent her a text message and made a phone call.

She wants to buy that thing.

I must have been plotted against by those gangsters, and I want to sell that thing to make money.

Of course, this was Lu Yaqing's idea. She hadn't thought that it was not for money that they set up a trick on her.

"I'm here, why are you shouting? Sexy girl, you can't help it at last, right?" The person opposite is yesterday's gangster leader.

He's right next to black owner Lucius Waxman right now.

"Sexy girl? Is that what you can call her?" Lucis Waxman yelled at the side with a slap, "Miss Lu."

"Who the hell are you guys?" Lu Yaqing was in a state of confusion at the moment, and she didn't recognize the voices of the black boss and those gangsters from yesterday.

just shouted.

"Hurry up and give me fans, I will give you money, how can I find you!"

At this moment, Lu Yaqing's hand holding the phone was trembling.

It felt so bad.

"Why are you looking for us?" The gangster laughed, "Miss Lu, how about this, if you give us 50 US dollars, we'll sell you a little bit of that thing, otherwise, don't even think about it. "

"50 U.S. dollars, you guys." Lu Yaqing immediately growled after hearing this. Where does she have so much money? Isn't it too expensive?
My family only has savings of one hundred thousand dollars.

"Isn't it 50? This thing is so good, of course it's expensive, after all, you need it too." The gangster smiled and said, "But it doesn't matter if you don't have money."

"Is it possible to have money without money?"

"Of course. Our boss said, if you can't come up with 50 yuan, then come to the villa in xx district. Our boss wants your people." The gangster leader laughed.

"You... who are you? Why do you want to kill me? Do I have anything to do with you?" Lu Yaqing almost yelled like crazy, while the mother next to her kept crying.

Lucis Waxman also laughed when he heard the violent voice on the speakerphone, grabbed the phone and said, "Miss Lu, of course I'm here for your growing baby."

After Lucis Waxman smiled, he immediately started swearing, saying: "Stinky bastard, when I was chasing you, I talked sweetly and sent you flowers every day, didn't I just want you to do it willingly?" I am a woman? And you? You have been pretending to be high-spirited, ignorant of good and bad, and met a boss of some kind of Dragon Empire? And then help you talk, right? Let the good days go, but now you know you regret it? It’s too late !"


"Don't talk." Lucis Waxman growled, "Not long ago, labor and management picked up a girl from your Dragon Empire. At the beginning, she was as fake and high-spirited as you. It's not true. Wait until it's true. When you get started,'s even more awesome than us black girls. In the words of your Dragon Empire, this is called toasting and not eating fine wine. Who do you blame? Come here quickly, and take care of labor and capital. Whatever you have, otherwise you will suffer.”

"You are not human, you bastards! You bastards!" Lu Yaqing had never scolded anyone before, but today she cursed violently.

She was so angry.

The other party wants to get himself.

But used such a dirty trick.

I have been very careful.

Unexpectedly, it was still in the middle.

"Hahaha, it's a kind of enjoyment to hear Ms. Lu swearing at me? But now listening to you scolding me, why do I feel so happy? If someone else scolded me, I would definitely be angry , but now yours, I can't get angry at all." Lucis Waxman continued to taunt the other party, spreading all the anger on Qin Feng on Lu Yaqing.

"Let me tell you, stinky watch, hurry up and come here obediently, the kind of food I give you is very fierce, you can't bear it, and when the time comes, you will not be able to survive or die." Lucis Waxman said.

"You're a beast! You're not human!" Lu Yaqing began to scold the other party, constantly cursing, completely violent.

"Think about it yourself, labor and management are too lazy to talk to you." Lucis Waxman smiled, hung up the phone directly, and saw how long Lu Yaqing could last.

At that time, it is not obedient to be played by myself.

"Mr. Lucis Waxman, congratulations. This time, this Lu Yaqing may only become your confinement." The leader of the gangster next to him said flatteringly.

"Of course, I guess within ten minutes, if she can't bear it anymore, she will call me." Lucis Waxman smiled, and waited for the woman to come to the door by herself Just deliver the food.

She is invincible.

a pair.

I can do it today


Very flattering.

On the other side, Lu Yaqing was still persevering, she really couldn't stand it any longer.

her hand.

Already reaching for the phone, trying to call Lucis Waxman.

But it was put back.

I have been tangled in this way many times.

"Leave it to this guy! Treat it like a dog!" Lu Yaqing made up her mind, so she called.

She squatted by the bed alone.

curled up. ,
It was tragic.

"No, no, I can't take advantage of this bastard. I can still persist." Lu Yaqing took a deep breath and stayed up for another minute.

But the mother Fan Sisi beside her was crying: "Daughter, why don't you agree to the other party? Mom looks at you like this, it's really good."

"Mom, do you know another channel to sell this thing?" Lu Yaqing suddenly said tremblingly, this thing is not sold by Lucis Waxman alone.

found in other channels.

It is also possible.

"Daughter, how do I know who sells this thing?" Fan Sisi cried.

Lu Yaqing saw her mother say so.

The only thought in my heart was dismissed again.

But at this moment, she thought of someone.

This person is so rich, he must know the channel.

"Hello, is it Mr. Qin?"

Lu Yaqing has Qin Feng's phone number, which she got after bringing tea and water to Qin Feng in the past few days.

It was Lu Yaqing who brought it up on her own initiative.

But in fact, the phone number Qin Feng gave was not his own, but that of Chiyo Sakurako.

"Are you Ms. Lu? What's the matter with you?" Chiyo Yingko heard the other party's voice, a little strange, and immediately frowned and sniffed.

"Mr. Qin, is he there? I'll find Mr. Qin. Now I've been murdered and I've eaten powder. I'm begging Mr. Qin to help me find another channel. I want to buy it!" Lu Yaqing said violently. .

"Ah? You actually ate that." Chiyo Sakurako was shocked immediately. Such a beautiful and kind girl actually ate that?
So isn't this person's life over?
very scary.

"Young Master, Young Master, that Lu Yaqing, ate the powder." Qiandai Yingzi could only quickly spray into the living room, only to find that Qin Feng was still having a romantic kiss with Sano Hinako.

The two are very forgetful.

But at this moment, Chiyo Sakurako is not the time to blush.

"What? What's going on here? How did you eat that?" Qin Feng immediately stopped his bad hands and kisses on Sano Hinako.

"Yeah, it seems that she has persisted for a long time, and she is really violent." Chiyo Sakurako said.

"This shit? Who hurt her?" Although Qin Feng has not been in contact with this girl for a long time, he knows that it is impossible for such a girl to take the initiative to eat it. She must have been drugged.

"Master, how would I know who harmed her?" Chiyo Sakurako said weakly.

But at this moment, Lu Yaqing on the other side of the phone said violently: "Mr. Qin, I beg you, please hurry up and find the source for me! I don't know when I ate that, anyway, it was Lucis That bastard Waxman killed me."

"Lucis Waxman? That black man? This dog." Qin Feng immediately stood up, grabbed the cup on the coffee table, and smashed it.

It also scared Hinako Sano on the side.

"You can't catch up with a woman like this dog? It really embarrasses a man to use such a method. Cao." Qin Feng is very angry. It's easy to bully them when they are members of the Dragon Empire, right?

This time.

Qin Feng wants this Lucis Waxman to pay the blood price.

"Qiandai Yingzi, come here." Qin Feng hooked his fingers towards him, "You go and solve this person for me! Cut off all the people involved! Let's talk after the investigation is clear."

"Um... Chiyo Sakurako has never seen Qin Feng so "cruel".

But still nodded.

I went to work.

"Wait." Qin Feng shouted, "This Lucis Waxman is the key point, he will give me a knife."

Qin Feng didn't go on.

Anyway, this person must die.

Others can consider living.

After all, he is the main leader.

"Others, please tidy up a little bit, and take your secret service team to protect me!"

Qin Feng knew.

The ability of this special task force.

These things.

completely fine.

I was also impulsive for a while, so I asked Chiyo Sakurako to kill all the participants.

After all, those people are just knives.

A knife hurt Lu Yaqing?Is Qin Feng going to kill the knife?What's wrong with a knife?

Anyway, the crime does not lead to death.

After Chiyo Sakurako received the order, she immediately went out.

According to Qin Feng's instructions, she must finish this Lucis Waxman with a knife.

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(End of this chapter)

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