Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 283 The Lu Corporation?What kind of?

Chapter 283 The Lu Corporation?What kind of?
"What is our husband's identity?" Lu Yaqing didn't even know what kind of person Qin Feng was in the Dragon Empire. Anyway, he looked rich, otherwise there wouldn't be so many top-notch beauties following him.

And get along so well.

Don't say anything else.

Among the three girls, Luo Yu is not outstanding, right?

But even so, Luo Yu is still a goddess among goddesses, at the level of a super beauty.

In the entire Dragon Empire, there may not be more than 100 such beauties.

Beauty is a super scarce resource.

"Little Baihe, you don't need to tell her now, let's find a chance." Although Qin Feng thinks that the mother and daughter are very good people, they should not use their identities to talk about it, but when they communicate with their relatives, they say out.

It is very dangerous to be alone in a foreign country.

Although Qin Feng is not afraid of those dangers, it is always better to have less trouble.

Otherwise, those flies would have to send someone to kill themselves.

Don't be afraid of thieves stealing, but be afraid of those thieves being annoying.

"Could it be that Mr. Qin's identity is a very secret existence of the Dragon Empire?" Lu Yaqing guessed in her heart, but she didn't think too much about it. What she loves is him, and it doesn't matter whether he is poor or rich.

Of course, Lu Yaqing is not pretending.

Some people will say that Qin Feng is so rich, so you can say that it doesn't matter whether you are rich or poor. If you don't have money, it's another way of saying it.

Ha ha, such an idea is wrong.

Qin Feng's good looks alone, not to mention other things, would basically fall in love with any daughter.

That is infinitely attractive to girls.

Coupled with the fact that Qin Feng is rich and powerful, this is undoubtedly a catalyst for the girl Zige to fall in love with this man faster.

Not to mention, for Lu Yaqing's sake, Qin Feng was decisive and killed the black boss.

Under such circumstances, Lu Yaqing definitely loves Qin Feng desperately.

"Qin Feng, it's really difficult for us to go back to the Dragon Empire." Lu Yaqing can only call Qin Feng's name. If you call Mr. Qin, you are his woman, which is inappropriate, but if you call her husband, or other affectionate names, In front of so many people, I really can't scream.

"What's the problem? You just said it. The world's affairs belong to me, not to the people of the world." Of course, Qin Feng wanted to say the next paragraph, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say it. The other party must have been confused again, and then began to doubt Qin Feng's identity or something.

And Qin Feng said that the world's affairs belong to me, not to the people of the world.

Although this is crazy.

But it is.

The current Qin Feng is completely talking about Tianxian, and arbitrarily arbitrarily asserting the existence of Chao Gang.

Not only in his own empire.

In the whole world.

They are all so invincible.

"This matter." Lu Yaqing hesitated for a while, then turned to look at her mother, then at Qin Feng, but did not speak.

"It's Mr. Qin like this. If it's the case, let me briefly talk about it!"

Followed by.

Fan Sisi put herself to death at her husband's house. ,

He told Qin Feng completely.

"Your Lu family was the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River at the end of the Qing Dynasty, right? And because of something committed by Lu Yaqing's grandpa? The Lu family sank? In recent years, you have developed a family business with a scale of 500 billion, right?"

After Qin Feng listened.

He also probably understands the affairs of his family.

Qin Feng has also heard that at the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Lu family in the south of the Yangtze River was indeed very rich.

If all these assets are converted into the current yuan, then at least tens of trillion yuan.

Such a super-rich family, if it wasn't because of Lu Yaqing's great-grandfather's lineage, it is very likely that the family will develop into Su Xinghe's level in modern times.

After all, Su Xinghe's ancestors were a very wealthy family in the late Qing Dynasty.

Of course, these families had to withstand the shock of dynastic change.

But generally such a family can resist it.

Because there is money in hand, there will be intellectuals in the family, and intellectuals are often very good and can support the whole family.

Coupled with the money to operate, even if the dynasty changes, you can get rich quickly.

Or optional clan.

It can also let the family take off.

"The people of the Lu family are too pedantic, right? Grandpa Lu Yaqing did something, what happened to the descendants? They hate it because of this? Then let Grandpa Lu Yaqing never come back The Dragon Empire? The Dragon Empire belongs to his Lu family, right?" Qin Feng was very angry, because such an approach was wrong.

But on second thought.

If my family is also a big family, then because of a certain lineage, the whole family will be ruined.

Then Qin Feng will also have some opinions on the descendants of this line.

Speaking of the current Lu family.

It has developed.

It has a family industry with a scale of 500 billion.

It seems to be some architectural properties, hotel industry, factories and so on.

Do more complicated.

But even so, compared to the glory of others, it is already too far away.

The 500 billion worth belongs to the whole family, and if it is counted on individuals, it is basically just some billions of personal assets.

"Jiangnan Lu's family? Is it the Lu Group?" Luo Yu asked, because she knew this company.

"Oh? Yu'er, do you know the base camp of the Lu family?" Qin Feng turned to look at her.

"I just heard about it, but I don't know people from the Lu family." Luo Yu smiled and said, "It's okay, there must be someone in my circle of friends who knows people from the Lu family. gone."

"That's all right, Yu'er, just call the people in the Lu family and talk about easing the relationship." Qin Feng didn't intend to punish the Lu family, after all, he hated the descendants of Lu Yaqing's grandpa. The pulse is also normal, although it is unreasonable, it is also human nature.

"Well, then I'll call now." Hearing Qin Feng's order, Luo Yu must have put the bowls and chopsticks in his hand on the table temporarily, took out the phone, rummaged for a while, and finally called out.

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(End of this chapter)

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