Chapter 284 Luo Yu's Strength!
"Hello, Xu Lili?" Luo Yu held the phone and greeted the other party.

"Luo Yu? Is it you? Where have you been during this time? You haven't contacted me for a long time. Why don't we make an appointment today?"

It can be seen from Xu Lili's words.

The two hadn't been in touch for a while.

If Luo Yu hadn't wanted to say hello to Lu Yaqing's family today.

I really don't know how to contact Xu Lili.

This Xu Lili is just a multi-billion-level daughter. Since Luo Yu has been with Qin Feng, how can she still have contact with these little people.

Of course, as I said before, although Luo Yu is a girl who worships money and likes outstanding boys, her heart for Qin Feng is true.

During this period of time, I have really been devoted to Qin Feng without any second thoughts.

In everything, I am satisfied with Qin Feng and listen to Qin Feng's words.

People are not saints, Qin Feng can't make anyone want nothing like a saint, can he?As long as Luo Yu is loyal to herself, everything will be fine.

Therefore, after Luo Yu developed, there was basically no contact with unimportant people.

"Why have you been there recently? Haven't contacted me for so long? Have you gone abroad?"

Xu Lili's side.

Obviously he didn't know Luo Yu's situation.

"Lily, let's talk about the appointment for dinner later. I'm abroad now, so I can't go out, can I?" Luo Yu smiled slightly and said, "I'm not joking, let's talk about something serious now, that you You should know someone from the Lu family, right?"

"Lu family? Which Lu family?" Xu Lili asked, and immediately said, "Luo Yu, are you talking about the Lu family in Jiangnan? I heard that the ancestor was the richest man in Jiangnan at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and then because one person committed a crime, the whole family was killed. Involved, buried for decades, but the family has only prospered a little in recent decades? But compared to the status at the end of the Qing Dynasty, it is one heaven and one earth."

"Enn, this is the Lu family." Luo Yu nodded.

"Okay, can you contact the Lu family? Help me, and I'll invite you to the Haitian Hotel when you come back." Luo Yu said politely with a smile.

"That's easy to say. We're on the golf course. A daughter of the Lu family, Lu Xuan'er, is playing golf there." Xu Lili said, and asked, "Why don't I ask her to come over and you guys can chat?"

"That's fine!" Luo Yu nodded.


After Xu Lili finished speaking, she didn't hang up the phone, she just put her phone on the coffee table, raised her head and shouted, "Lu Xuaner, come here, there are delicious food."

The relationship between the two is very good.

Naturally, it was just a joke.

Then Lu Xuan'er came over, looked around and said, "Where is the delicious food? Why didn't I see it?"

"Hahaha, I'm lying to you, little idiot, chatter, someone is looking for you, please answer the phone." Xu Lili smiled and handed over the phone.

"Who is looking for me?" Lu Xuan'er asked wonderingly.

"It's a daughter of the Luo family."

"The daughter of the Luo family? I don't know her." Lu Xuan'er said.

"Of course you don't know each other. If you want to, they will call you directly. Otherwise, what are you doing through me?" Xu Lili pouted.

"Okay." Lu Xuan'er still picked up the phone and answered the call.

"Hi, Ms. Lu, I won't be too polite. You know, if you are abroad, you still have some relatives who can't go back to the Dragon Empire." Luo Yu said bluntly.

"What? What kind of relatives does the Lu family have overseas?" Lu Xuan'er wondered for a moment, and after thinking about it, she began to look a little sad, and said: "There is indeed such a thing, this is the sinner of our family, our family Don’t let them go back to the country.”

"Miss Lu, you are wrong. Sinners and not sinners are all done by the predecessors. Why do you put resentment on the descendants?" Luo Yu knew that the other party didn't like to hear such words, but he continued. "Let's tell Ms. Lu the truth. We are in South Africa right now. We happened to meet Lu Yaqing, mother and daughter of your Lu family who are alone in a foreign land. She is so pitiful. She was bullied and framed by that black boss." , being a fan, if we hadn't saved her, I guess there would be a walking dead still driven by people. And they are so pitiful, your Lu family won't let them go back, but even make things difficult, is this really okay? ?”

"Miss Luo, this is a matter of my own family. You don't need to worry about it? This Lu Yaqing is a sinner of our family." Lu Xuan'er will not give face to the other party.

"I'll say it again, this is your relative, not a sinner. Don't blame future generations for what the predecessors did!" Luo Yu said sharply, "Do you know? According to the seniority of the family tree, this Lu Yaqing is still yours. Sister, after three generations, her surname is still Lu and has not been changed, which means that she has not abandoned the Lu family's surname, and you, who still have such a big resentment, are now your sister, who has been bullied to the point of becoming a fan , and forced to dress up the black boss.”

"My sister." When Lu Xuaner heard these words, she felt very sympathetic for a moment, but she also heard the elders in her family say that her family was originally a very powerful family in Jiangnan, because Grandpa Lu Yaqing They did something wrong there, and the whole family was sent to the frontier;.

The entire Lu family was withered.

Later, the entire Lu family hated people from Lu Yaqing's lineage. ,

"Let me tell you the truth, with the strength of the gentleman behind me, there is no need for Lu Yaqing to return to your Lu family, but how should I say it? There is an old saying called "Recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan, and falling leaves return to their roots. It's not because of these factors." , the gentleman behind me really won't let me call to discuss it."

Luo Yu saw that the other party hadn't nodded in agreement yet.

I'm a little angry.

But she would not call Qin Feng her husband in front of outsiders.

After all, she has always been kept outside as Qin Feng's lover. When Qin Feng missed her, he went to play.

That's all.

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(End of this chapter)

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