Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 286 Lu Yaqing's melon time has begun?

Chapter 286 Lu Yaqing's melon time has begun?

"Having a bad time and want to go back to China?" Lu Tianlong almost laughed out loud when he heard this, and then he snorted coldly and said, "Do they still have the face to come back? When their lineage was driven out of Huaxia , but as I said, I can’t come back to Huaxia. How glorious was my Lu family back then?”

Lu Tianlong said.

I also want to mention those old sesame seeds and rotten millet things a hundred years ago.

But Lu Xuan'er immediately interrupted, saying: "I said, grandpa, I know all these things, but the head of our Lu family, that is, Lu Yaqing's great-grandfather, did not embezzle the disaster funds. It should be quite awesome, at least Su Xinghe’s billion-level super chaebol, right? These granddaughters know it, but now our Lu family is not worth trillions, but our life is pretty good.”

"Have a good life? What do you know?" Lu Tianlong couldn't help becoming annoyed even when facing his favorite granddaughter today, "When this happened, I wasn't born yet, but I was born At that time, I often heard my father complaining constantly. At the beginning, my father was a super son of Jiangnan. After the incident, he was sent to the frontier to be a commoner. How miserable is your family's life, how do you know this? The new generation of you, once born, the Lu family has recovered, and you are living a good life, how can you understand the suffering of our older generation?"

"Grandpa, I'm sorry." Lu Xuan'er first apologized, and then said: "But Grandpa, do you know that my elder sister, Lu Yaqing, is in South Africa. If she hadn't met Brother Qin, she might be a fan Yes, it's been a miserable life. I think these things were done by Grandpa Lu Yaqing, so they can't be blamed on others, right?"

"Brother Qin? Who is this person?" Lu Tianlong had no idea who this "Brother Qin" was, and his face was completely blank. ,

"I don't know very well. Anyway, what I told you last time, Grandpa, I provoked some rich second generations in the bar, very good rich second generations, but this person helped me with a word, you I know, some of those rich second generations are the sons of hundreds of billionaires." Lu Xuaner said.

"The person you mentioned is quite powerful." Lu Tianlong's current family assets are only about 500 billion. It is true that he is a rich man, but it is still not enough for a big brother who has reached [-] billion.

But Lu Tianlong is not willing to please the other party.

Live your own life.

Why bother to please?
Just because of Brother Qin interceding?Are you going to let the family sinner go back to the country?

Anyway, as long as they know that they have returned to the country, there will be various ways to make them unable to stay in the country.

They are also embarrassed to come back.

They are 70-year-old family members who have experienced the misery of the Lu family's downfall. For the sinner of the family, Grandpa Lu Yaqing, it cannot be resolved in a short time.

"Well, grandpa." Lu Xuan'er tried her best. She knew from the very beginning that even if Brother Qin was rich, her grandpa would not be able to sell his face.

It's true that the other party is rich, but there's no need to please my grandfather.

The current Lu Xuaner.

I can only tell Qin Feng about this matter.

"Brother Qin, on my grandfather's side, his attitude is still quite tough, and he doesn't listen at all. I've been persuading him for a long time."

"Is that so?" Qin Feng was also a little surprised when he heard the news. After all, although Lu Xuan'er didn't know that he was the best person in the world, at least last time, his strength was that even the second generation of billionaires could easily chased away.

In such a case.

Or the actual strength of the old man of the Lu family is stronger than that of hundreds of billions of rich people.

Or the hatred is too deep.

I don't want to give this face.

"Mr. Qin, what's the matter? What does the Lu family say?" Seeing this, Fan Sisi also asked anxiously.

"I haven't agreed yet." Qin Feng thought that this matter could be resolved by simply saying hello, but Qin Feng still muttered about Lu Tianlong's hatred.

"Could it be that Mr. Qin and the others are not willing to show face?" Fan Sisi said with a gloomy look on her face.

"Who are they? How dare they?" At this time, Chiyo Sakurako growled in a low temper, "Don't they know the identity of our young master?"

Chiyo Sakurako did not continue.

But Fan Sisi asked, "What is Mr. Qin's identity?"

"It's nothing, but both of you, mother and daughter, just follow our young master back to the country. You don't have to worry about the rest of the matter. The Lu family dare not do anything to you." Qiandai Yingzi said.

"Don't talk about it, this matter is settled like this. It's fine if they don't give face to the Lu family, and I don't need to say hello to them." Qin Feng snorted and said, "This time we came to South Africa, we I haven't done it yet, it's time to go."

Of course. ,
What is Qin Feng doing in South Africa?

That's because I heard that there is a huge market for Filipino maids here.

So come here to find some of your own private islands in the past.

After all, the private island is too big.

Needs more maid management.

"Lu Yaqing, you and your mother should deal with all the things about the nightclubs now, sell them out, or just don't want them at all, and start to pack up the salute for returning home, and then you can go back together on my luxury yacht , or I can send a plane to pick you up." Qin Feng is not worried about the Lu family at all.

But Fan Sisi was a little worried and said: "But the Lu family."

"Mom, let's trust Mr. Qin. This matter must be a trivial matter to Mr. Qin. I don't want to stay in South Africa anymore. It's so chaotic here." Lu Yaqing squinted at Qin Feng slightly, saying no, She works in a high-end hotel, and she still has some ability to recognize people. She can tell that Qin Feng is the kind of person who is like sitting on a cloud, and his status may be terrifying.

Although she doesn't know what it is.

But at least a 500 billion family like the Lu family cannot afford to mess with it.

Maybe there is a relationship with Baidao in Huaxia.

should be.

"That's fine, daughter. Let's find someone to transfer the store, but it will definitely not be handled well in a short time." Fan Sisi said here.

Qiandai Yingzi who was beside her spoke up and said, "Sister Fan, listen to me, if this shop can't be dealt with, then don't let it go, your daughter now has a man like our young master, let alone a shop, Even if it is a city, there is nothing to give up."

Chiyo Sakurako was really drunk.

A store can earn tens of thousands of dollars a month.

And what about Qin Feng?

The daily expenses don't know how many hundreds of millions of dollars.

Even though Qin Feng didn't do anything, it's not a waste of money. In fact, Qin Feng spends money like crazy every day, because Qin Feng is too rich, and he can't use it if he doesn't spend it.

After dinner.

Lu Yaqing and Fan Sisi returned the houses they lived in, and then the store.

They moved directly to the hotel.

Except for some necessary things, I don't want any furniture. ,
It's cheaper than the landlord.

But I heard the landlord is very nice.

This can be regarded as good returns. ,
"It's still comfortable in the hotel. The furniture in Yaqing's house makes my butt hurt when I sit on it." Qin Feng came to the hotel and sat on the sofa swaggeringly, while Luo Yu helped massage the stick in the back.

And in the arms.

It is holding a Sano Hinako.

Qin Feng's life is just like this every day.

Just finished kissing.

Sano Hinako's complexion was slightly reddish.

She hugged Qin Feng's neck tightly, and said: "Sister Lu Yaqing had a difficult life in the first half of her life, but now that she is yours, you have to treat her well."

As for Hinako Sano, she was originally from the Sano family on the side of the Sun Empire.

She still felt sorry for Lu Yaqing's hard life.

"You, you, do you still need to say this? Now she is my woman, and of course I want to give her the best life in the world." Qin Feng looked in the direction of the bedroom.

Just hit the street.

Qin Feng spent money to buy a lot of beautiful clothes for Lu Yaqing, all of which are world famous brands worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Don't look at South Africa as an international metropolis.

But there are quite a few brand stores for luxury clothes.

Maybe it's because there are so many local tyrants in this place.

"Which dress do you think Yaqing will wear to meet me later?" Qin Feng put his arms around Sano's slender waist, and moved up a little.

Sano didn't let go of this stinky hand like before.

Instead, squint and enjoy silently.

Qin Feng is quite curious about Lu Yaqing's choice of clothes.

After all, it was the clothes she was going to start the game with.

"How do people know? Sister Lu Yaqing seems to be quite conservative. She probably only wears the purple dress. As for the silk stockings, I think she will choose shredded meat. After all, she is a bit afraid to wear black silk. High heels , and probably the most conservative low heel. I won’t wear leopard print high heels.”

Hinako Sano analyzed it.

Don't say it yet.

Generally speaking, it is basically correct.

Because at this moment, Lu Yaqing had packed up and came out of the room.

Naturally, she was wearing a suspenders that were not very trendy.

The skirt covered the knees.

The words of stockings.

Naturally, it is the most low-key shredded pork.

"Sure enough, it's so conservative." Qin Feng looked at it, and said with a bit of puckered mouth, "Yaqing, your suspender skirt should not be so long, it will cover your knees, go and change it, just the shorter one, I remember Did you buy one for you too?"

"Ah? This..." Lu Yaqing's face became unnatural when she heard Qin Feng say that, but she still nodded and turned to go to the room.


He came out dressed up again.

But this time the dress.

It just covered the small cliff.

Qin Feng dares to guarantee.

If she bends over.

Can see the absolute field.

"That's right, such a good figure, such long legs that defy the sky, why cover them up?" Qin Feng smiled, and hooked his fingers towards her, "Come here."

"En." Lu Yaqing nodded lightly, the closer she got to Qin Feng, the more her heart beat.

Because Qin Feng asked for it.

Today is her playtime.

But there can't be anything in it.

In other words.

At this moment, Lu Yaqing,.

Completely in vacuum packaging.

Under such circumstances, it is already very good that Lu Yaqing can walk steadily.

But this is what the man she loves asks, is her lucky star, and everything to her, so she has to listen.

Although it was embarrassing, it was still obedient.

"Sano, get up." Qin Feng patted Sano's beautiful back lightly. She was also very obedient, stood up and stood aside.

Sano Hinako also knew.

Qin Feng is about to hug a new beauty.

"Why are you still standing, let me hug you?"

Seeing Lu Yaqing standing still, Qin Feng smiled slightly and pointed to his arms.

That is thighs.


Lu Yaqing is really going to be pissed off, how can this work?

I have only known Qin Feng for a few days. Although she is willing to fall into Qin Feng's arms, there are Luo Yu, Chiyo Sakurako, Miyazaki Sayuri, and Sano Hinako around.

She is absolutely ashamed.

"Your new sisters are a bit embarrassed." Qin Feng smiled and looked at the beauties beside him, they seemed to understand. ,
Just looked at Lu Yaqing and smiled.

Followed by.

All went to the gym.

Said to be exercising.

On the scene, isn't there only Lu Yaqing and Qin Feng left?
"What? They're all gone, are you still shy?" Qin Feng looked at her nervous, scared, and cute look.

My heart almost melted in an instant.

have to say.

Among Qin Feng's girls, there are very few common people like this.

Even Luo Yu, who has the lowest status, is also a little daughter, right?
As for Lu Yaqing's words, she is indeed a real Cinderella.

But Cinderella belongs to Cinderella.

She is still pretty.

At least the goddess with a face value of 99 points.

There are basically no 100 such appearances in China.

Especially those long legs, round and plump.

An explosive figure against the sky.

It's empty now.

Did not see the slightest sagging.

enough to explain.

The appearance must be very nice.

"I'm not ashamed, but I think it's pretty good." Lu Yaqing didn't know what she said, anyway, she just said something incoherently.

Then he took a few steps forward boldly.

Look at Qin Feng's handsome face.

Still bent slightly.

Put into Qin Feng's arms.

sat on his lap.

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(End of this chapter)

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