Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 287 Both Lu Yaqing and Dai Yingzi are gone.

Chapter 287 Both Lu Yaqing and Chiyo Sakurako are gone.

"It's really obedient, as expected, there is nothing in it."

Qin Feng just explored the way a little bit.

There was a smug smile on his face.

"do not"

Lu Yaqing saw that man's bad hands.

I'm ashamed now.

It's not that this person made her like this.

Now make fun of yourself.

It's really bad.

"You are really nice, you have a good figure. Among my women, you are the biggest." Qin Feng slightly enjoyed the invincibility.

But Lu Yaqing didn't even object.

Basically just shy.

But this person is the benefactor who saved her. She can't object to her words, nor can she object to any of her actions.

Let him be.

Anyway, as long as Qin Feng is happy, she has no opinion on what to do.

If it wasn't for this man, I would have become the personal property of the black boss, because the powder was a special size back then, a very large size, and he couldn't bear it at all.

Once she can't bear it, won't she go to the black boss for fans?

"Ah? Qin Feng."


Lu Yaqing let out a coquettish cry.

Because she saw the rabbit's ears.

He was actually bullied.

It was so embarrassing.

How can this happen.

"Let me kiss you, I can't take the initiative this time, you can do it yourself."

Qin Feng looked at her delicate red lips.

I want her kiss right away.


Lu Yaqing didn't know what to say, after all, she had kissed her last time, but it was Qin Feng who asked her to kiss her.

This time, Qin Feng, let himself take the initiative to ask for a kiss and lean over.

It was a little embarrassing indeed.

"What's the matter, I've kissed you before, aren't you still shy?" Qin Feng laughed a little, looking at her slightly parted red lips, and that delicate face.

that hand.

Naturally, in the plump long legs.

Keep supporting.


Lu Yaqing hesitated for a moment.

The other party is also right.

I've kissed them all.

What to be afraid of.

Wei Wei emboldened a bit, and leaned her face over.

The two began to kiss passionately.

So much so caay.

After tasting for seven or eight minutes.

The skin of Lu Yaqing's onion was almost gone.

That is, the shoulder straps slipped onto the shoulders.

(I don’t know if this English word is correct. Anyway, it means crazy. No, I made a typo on purpose. I want to add a few words. Hee hee, it should be Crazy!)

When that makes it a little hard to tell.
After kissing.

Lu Yaqing realized this time.

The two little rabbits I raised.

He just walked out like that.

Really speechless.

Lima pulled up some straps.

Then he lowered his head shyly.

"Yu'er, have things been done in the bathroom?" Qin Feng looked at Lu Ya and smiled lightly, then shouted at the girls in the gym over there.

"It's done, everything is done." Luo Yu responded from a distance of seven or eight meters from the gym, because the house is relatively quiet, although the distance is a bit far, but it can still be heard.

"Okay then, call Chiyo Sakurako and Miyazaki Sayuri, and then come in." After Qin Feng finished speaking, he looked at Lu Yaqing in his arms, kissed the corner of her mouth and said, "You said Yes, come with me and them"

"En." Lu Yaqing also nodded slightly, although she was a little embarrassed, but she had promised Qin Feng.

I said it before.

Tonight is naturally the first banquet of Lu Yaqing and Qiandai Yingzi's fledgling.

But the two of them are just recruits after all, and they don't know anything, even if Chiyo Sakurako has learned some things in the room.

Anyway, it's a skill.

But she was just talking on paper.

There must be veterans like Sayuri Miyazaki, take them along.

Therefore, according to Qin Feng, this time, the three of them will come together.

In fact, in Qin Fengping's time, the number of people he liked most was still 2.

Because one on each side is just right.

Too much will affect sleep and experience.

"I'll carry you in and wrap my arms around my neck." Qin Feng patted her little cliff slightly, because it was very.
It's short.

So bare.

A slap made a crisp sound.

Lu Yaqing let out a soft cry from the beating.

"Well, I know."

Lu Yaqing's snow-white and perfectly slender arms wrapped around Qin Feng's neck.

that's it.

Qin Feng is hugged by a princess.

Just take her.

Headed towards the bathroom.

After entering.

You can only see that everything is ready inside.

After all, it is a high-end hotel, and there is a hot spring pool in the bathroom.

After all, there are in the bedroom.

Of course there are.

After preparing all the utensils, Qin Feng looked at the shy Lu Yaqing, and said, "Why are you still standing there, don't you know how to serve me?"

Qin Feng wanted to laugh anyway.

This Lu Yaqing didn't understand anything and could only be dumbfounded.


I need to change Qin Feng's clothes.

"Why don't you do it yourself?" Lu Yaqing is so embarrassed, if it's the dress above, it's just a short sleeve, she can still do it.

Anyway, if it's pants or something.

She's really hard to shoot.

"It's really useless, look at your shy look."

Qin Feng vomited a little, but he didn't really scold her.

I saw Sakurako Chiyo and Sayuri Miyazaki coming in.

Qin Feng could only order Sayuri Miyazaki.

Sayuri Miyazaki began to change Qin Feng's clothes skillfully.


It's all blank.
"Sister Yu, what are you eavesdropping on?"

Sano Hinako and others.

And Luo Yu. ,
Naturally watching TV in the living room.

But Hinako Sano glanced at the bathroom, and found Luo Yu listening to the door.

Of course, Sano Hinako's words, according to the order of following Qin Feng, she is the second to follow Qin Feng.

But after all, Luo Yu is Luo Xiyan's older sister.

Luo Xiyan is Qin Feng's first woman again. ,

So Hinako Sano is very polite, so let's call her older sister.

"Sano, come and listen, this Qiandai Yingzi is simply a devil." Luo Yu's words were not what she wanted, because Qin Feng had taken good care of them in the past few days.

But she just wanted to hear that Lu Yaqing was so shy.

When it happened.

What kind of state will it be.

But it doesn't matter if you don't listen, once you hear it, Chiyo Sakurako is really crazy.

All kinds of shouting and shouting.

And the action is a little bit explosive.

"Oh? Let me listen?"

Sano Hinako was also very curious.

Started to stick the door sounded.

After a while, she couldn't hold back her face.

This Chiyo Sakurako is really invincible.

But there is also the voice of Sayuri Miyazaki, who has been teaching Lu Yaqing how to please Qin Feng.

Not just some tricks.

And some experience.

Although Lu Yaqing didn't say a word, she could hear her humming constantly.

"Okay, sister Yu'er, let's stop eavesdropping. The husband's words are just a small trial inside. I guess we'll go back to the room later. Let's prepare some of their utensils for later."

After Sano Hinako listened for a while, she naturally stopped listening.

Anyway, there will be two more recruits in the family in the future.

From the perspective of veterans, this is a very good thing.

I can share some of the pressure of Qin Feng, a combatant.

"Well, then let's go." Luo Yu is also an ordinary person around Qin Feng, so he naturally knows some of his hobbies and interests. ,

Generally, you need to prepare several uniforms.

There are also some fun utensils.

More importantly, there must be more black silk.

All types are required.

Wait about half an hour,
The three of them left there.

Another place was changed.

When Lu Yaqing came out, all she could see was that her figure and face seemed a little more charming.

It may be because of the loss of identity.

A kind of nourishment.
Be beautiful.

Tonight is destined not to be quiet.

Newcomer's words.

Of course, it will give Qin Feng infinite freshness.

So it was past three o'clock.

Linghu, who was not asleep at night, went into the room and helped them cover the quilts and the like.

After checking that there are no hidden dangers in the room.

The vigil began again outside the door.

After all, Qin Feng can rest, and her girls can rest.

But Linghu, the head of the nine night angels, has to keep watch with her female killers.

As for the daytime words.

That's 12 agents, of course.

That is, the 12 agents under Sayuri Miyazaki and Sakurako Chiyo that Qin Feng recovered last time. ,

They are divided into two shifts of 12 hours during the day and night, and they are all protecting Qin Feng's safety.

morning moment.

At the dining table in the hotel, there are two beauties sitting on the left and right of Qin Feng, one is Qiandai Yingzi, and the other is Lu Yaqing.

As for herself, Chiyo Sakurako is also in charge of breakfast.

But today, the sisters feel sorry for her losing her identity, so naturally let her rest well.

Qin Feng also kept looking for two beauties left and right, chatting with each other.

Of course, the content of the chat is nothing more than some pain or not.

words of comfort.

The two women are also very happy.

"Yaqing, I'm so sorry, did I feel too bad yesterday? Are you feeling better? Take the medicine." Qin Feng needs comfort most, but this is Lu Yaqing. After all, her physical fitness is not Qiandai Yingzi Such agents can compare.

Her words are not the kind of explosive weakness of Lin Daiyu level.

Just because she is an ordinary person.

I can't stand Qin Feng.

"I'm fine, husband, you don't have to worry too much." Lu Yaqing originally wanted to call Qin Feng her husband, but for some reason, Sano Hinako used this husband's name from the beginning. After all, she is from the Sun Empire. The names are all messed up.

Later words.

Everyone has this name.

Only Luo Xiyan, and Luo Yu's words, were born and bred, so naturally most of them call her husband.

"Today, you and Chiyo Sakurako will take a good rest in the hotel. I will leave a few people to protect you. If you need anything, you have to call me." Qin Feng comforted, "If you come to South Africa this time , I just wanted to find some good-looking maids. After all, my private island always needs a lot of people to take care of it. The island is really too big. So I have been playing here for a few days, and I have to deal with things OK, then go back."

"Husband, I don't need to rest, I still have to protect you." In Chiyo Sakurako's words, because of her good physical fitness and the toughness she has learned, two people shared the situation yesterday.

Naturally it's no big deal.

"Let's take a rest and have a good rest, won't you be disobedient?" Qin Feng turned his head and pinched her greasy little face.

The skin of these girls, it can't be said, is really so good that it explodes.

Absolutely the ultimate creaminess. ,
"I won't, I want to protect you." Qiandai Yingzi also learned to act like a baby, "I'm really fine, I'm not a weak woman, it's fine to come back tonight."

"Hahahaha," Qin Feng laughed loudly when he heard her say that, looked at the corner of her mouth, there were some breakfast bread crumbs, leaned over slightly, and kissed the corner of her mouth. ,

That crumb.

Naturally there is no more.

This action, in the eyes of ordinary lovers, is simply normal, but at this moment, Chiyo Sakurako is not calm in her heart.

how to say?

Because Qin Feng has more girls.

Just such a little act of affection.

It directly melted Chiyo Sakurako's heart.

She swears that she will protect such a man for the rest of her life, and she will never leave him for the rest of her life.

"What's the matter, Yingzi, why are you looking at your husband? He just ate your bread crumbs, so he won't be so stingy?" Qin Feng kissed the corner of her mouth, and when he looked up, he could only see Qiandai Yingzi's tenderness looking at myself.

Qin Feng also knows the inner thoughts of the other party.

It must have been very moving.

After all, Qin Feng is not an ordinary person, just like an emperor.

If an emperor loves a concubine so much, then that concubine will definitely be very moved.

It's all because there are too many girls.

Love cannot be separated.

As long as you treat one of them a little bit better, they will all be so moved.

Especially recruits like this.

After breakfast, Qin Feng took a few girls with him, as well as the female agents who secretly protected him, and set off.

Went to a small island off the coast of South Africa called Alakishi.

The words of this place.

Heard there are many sellers of good quality maids here.

Qin Feng naturally came over to have a look, and carefully selected dozens of them. ,
Qin Feng, who is not short of money, naturally can afford it.

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(End of this chapter)

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