Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 292 More superb maids, too invincible!

Chapter 292 More superb maids, too invincible!

"Mr. Qin is overthinking. What I'm going to say is all top quality. There is absolutely no exaggeration in it. It is true as it is."

The black boss Michael laughed.

Those excellent maids are not of ordinary nature.

It is very beautiful existence.

This confidence, Michael's black boss still has it.

But they counted, they should be prepared for others.

"Since Mr. Michael said so, please come out with them." Qin Feng smiled lightly, "As I said, even if Mr. Michael asks for a price, I can still afford it. And it's still the same sentence, It depends on how your goods are."

"Mr. Qin, don't worry, you are guaranteed to be satisfied with the goods this time, but well, what I want is not money." Mike and the black boss's transaction this time are not for money.

"No money? What do you say? Are you not planning to trade? Or something?" Qin Feng didn't understand for a moment, what exactly did the other party want?Talking strangely.

"Mr. Qin, on my side, I would also like you to buy a batch of advanced weapons. If you can help me get in touch with the Dragon Empire's war department, then these maids can not only be sold to you, but also the price can be negotiated." .”

The style of Michael's black boss suddenly became polite.

"I'm going to help you get through the relationship with the war department? You want some advanced weapons from the Dragon Empire, right?" After Qin Feng finished speaking, he didn't agree, but he didn't refuse either.

"Mr. Qin, I know this is very difficult, but why don't you take a look at the goods first? Then make a decision? Or if you don't have the ability to get through the relationship with the war department, then these maids will not sell you anything Yes, but there is a saying in Huaxia that there is no righteousness in business."

There are about 25 of these maids of Michael's black boss. .

They are all the best of the best that have been scoured from all over the world.

They are not just Filipino maids.

There are also French maids.

There is also the Tsarist Empire.

Both the West and the East. ,

All are given to the bigwigs in South Africa.

Pretty much the royal family of South Africa.

After all, Boss Michael wants to survive in South Africa, and these things are all gifts.

In other words, this is the same reason that those ancient officials sent things to the magistrate.

"Get through the relationship with the Dragon Empire's war department, right? I can give it a try." Qin Feng smiled slightly, and he was naturally very modest when speaking. Where could he give it a try?As long as Qin Feng said a word, the millions of lions in the war department of the Dragon Empire would immediately point out where to fight.

The current Qin Feng just doesn't want to expose his identity and cause some unnecessary troubles.

Of course, some people may say that Qin Feng's non-reveal of identity is not deliberately pretending to be a slap in the face?

Are you kidding me, is it necessary for Qin Feng to act forcefully and slap his face?People of any level.

For example, if you see an emperor who goes out for a private visit on Weibo and wants to expose his identity, don't say anything else, won't he cause trouble for himself?

"But give it a try? Mr. Qin, you have to be more certain about what you said, don't be so ambiguous." Mr. Michael said.

"If you want to be sure, there is no problem. I will still say that and see how your goods are." Qin Feng nodded, and his tone was a little more certain.

"In that case, let's stock up on Mr. Qin, but if you like these maids, you can't take them away now. You must help to open up the relationship, and you can take them away when things are ripe." Michael The black boss smiled.

"Stop writing, bring any good girls to our young master." Chiyo Sakurako couldn't stand it anymore, she found her man was a little unhappy, so she opened her mouth.

"Okay, okay, come here." Michael's black boss was not angry. After all, the other party said that they can get through the relationship with the Dragon Empire War Department, so the other party is the God of Wealth, so he must let it go.

Can't tell, this Mr. Qin, who still has some energy in the Dragon Empire, can actually guarantee that he can get through the relationship?
If these things can be done, then this time it will really make a lot of money.


After about 3 minutes or so.

In this room, there are many girls.

Of course, this group of girls is much more beautiful than those maids just now.

If the maids just now were all at the sub-goddess level with a score of 85 or more.

A low-scoring goddess with a maximum of 92 points.

Seven or eight of the goddesses with a score of over 90 were selected by Qin Feng.

And the 25 girls who came out of this batch are all girls with high scores above 95 points.

Some are top-notch, and there are beauties with 99 points to close to full marks.

"In South Africa, there are indeed a lot of rich people, and there are so many of them." Qin Feng could not help but smile, still satisfied in his heart.

these girls.

Some should be from the Sun Empire.

Some are Goryeo.

But only a few.

Most of them are French maids.

There are also British maids.

It's really all the best fighter jets.

"How about it, Mr. Qin, are you satisfied with this group of girls?" Michael's black boss smiled wickedly, looking at these girls with explosive figures and delicate faces, if he could have A few of them, isn't that flattering?
But where did he have that blessing, these people were all brought here and dedicated to the royal family of South Africa.

"Mr. Mike, you guys are all private maids and maids. Where did you get so many beauties?" Qin Feng was puzzled. These beauties are so beautiful. It seems that his mother must also pretty.

Then the problem is coming.

If the mother is beautiful, then their father must be very capable.

Dad is very capable.

Then why did they become like this?

This is very strange.

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(End of this chapter)

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