Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 293 Want a maid, right?Fighter to change!

Chapter 293 Want a maid, right?Fighter to change!
"Mr. Qin, isn't there an idiom in China called Yangzhou Slim Horse?" Michael's black boss laughed.

"Yangzhou thin horse?" Qin Feng didn't know this idiom.

In the ancient times on the side of the Dragon Empire.

In ancient times, Yangzhou was the settlement of salt merchants from the two Huaihe Rivers (Huainan and Huaibei). The salt merchants were wealthy and their lives were as luxurious as those of the royal family. Their wealth also supported a large number of industries that lived next to them. " Raising lean horses" is one of them.

Yangzhou Slender Horse was created to cater to the abnormal psychological needs of salt merchants.

Skinny horse is an insulting word for girls, which means that girls can be tortured and abused arbitrarily.
It's like using a weak horse to abuse it.

So why is it called "skinny horse"?
Because the Yagong and Yamao engaged in "breeding thin horses" bought young girls from poor families at a low price, and then sold them at a high price after they were raised. , so people call this kind of girls "skinny horses".

Too much to say, these are the introductions of the encyclopedia.

To put it simply, it is to value the beauties among the children of poor families.

Then buy them at a low price, then teach them piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, cultivate artistic cells, and when they grow up, their worth will increase dozens of times, more than a thousand times.

Of course, in today's Dragon Empire, there are many such situations in the entertainment industry.

That sister's is also called a skinny horse.

But I don’t know if it’s true or not, we just watched the excitement and listened to what others said.

"These were bought by someone more than ten years ago? And now the value has skyrocketed, right?" Qin Feng smiled, not only those ancient people in the Dragon Empire can play, it seems that foreigners are also very good at playing For play.

"That's not true. If you want to buy just one of these people, the value must range from tens of millions to hundreds of millions. Especially the best of the few among them, the French maid, someone has already bid It's over a billion."

While talking, the black boss Michael looked towards the crowd inside.

There are two girls who are dressed as maids in those cosplays.

The height is about 173 or so.

Long-legged figure, thin waist.

Explosive development.

Golden twin ponytails.

Distinctive blue eyes.

Really invincible beauty.

Such a face, imagine if squatting down.

then side.
Then he raised his head and looked at the master.

like that.

It literally exploded.

"Mr. Michael, your stuff this time is pretty good. I think it's right." Qin Feng grinned. Working on his own private island with such quality is also very eye-catching. When he came to South Africa this time, Really came to the right.

"Mr. Qin, you don't want to be satisfied with what you look at. The key thing for us, you have to do it for us." The black boss of Michael is not surprised that the other party is so satisfied, because the goods are so good, who Can you be dissatisfied?

The key is that the opponent can eat these.

That is, we must help to open up relationships.

"Your business, isn't it just that you want to buy some advanced weapons in the Dragon Empire? I've said it, there's no problem." Qin Feng smiled. There is no need for the other party to make a phone call for such a small matter. , asked a girl next to him to make a phone call to the war department. ,

Those people have to execute immediately.

Of course, these people in South Africa want advanced weapons that some dragon empires have eliminated.

They are also treasured.

Of course, the technology of the Dragon Empire is developing too fast, so there is no way around it.

"Oh? Mr. Qin, since you have no problem, then you can tell me, who do you know in the war department? Then how should we operate? Can we send a batch of advanced weapons to South Africa?" Michael's black boss paused He paused, "You have to know, what we want here is a batch of fighter jets equipped with advanced anti-radar technology and advanced cannons, about ten of them, namely the Fighting Sky fighter jets named by the Dragon Empire."

"Dou Break Cang Qiong?" Seeing this, Qin Feng wanted to laugh, and even the girls around him looked like they wanted to laugh.

How to say after all?

The Dou Po Cang Qiong fighter jets were just the first batch of fighter jets that Qin Feng produced last time when he was in Koryo, that is, when he helped Sikong Xuanmei seize power and deter the rice empire.

At that time, this fighter still amazed people all over the world.

But that was all a few months ago, and fighter jets of this level are not the strongest in the Dragon Empire at all.

Dragon Empire has jumped out of several levels of fighters now.

"It is this type of fighter jet. Its performance is excellent in all aspects and it is also very advanced. If Mr. Qin can open up relationships and financially convenient matters, we can help. What we need is that you have this connection. Our royal family in South Africa , It’s also because there is no way out.” Michael’s black boss continued, “Tell Mr. Qin the truth, these maids and maids are all going to be given to the royal family of South Africa, but they haven’t been sent yet. My idea here is, If I can exchange these things for ten fighter jets, it will definitely make the royal family of South Africa happier than sending these 25 beauties."

"Could it be that these girls are not worth 10 fighter jets?" Qin Feng looked at these top-notch figures and top-notch looks, and was really a little drunk. Where did this kind of business come from?
Of course, it may be because Qin Feng has too much high-tech in his hands that he thinks 25 women are better.

Fighter or something, it's worthless.

But the other party is different. The other party can't invent such awesome high-tech, so they think fighter jets are more worthwhile.

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(End of this chapter)

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