Chapter 294 It's Done!
Seeing Qin Feng asking such a question, Michael's black boss smiled and said: "It seems that Mr. Qin doesn't know much about high-tech things. If you can buy a high-tech fighter plane from Dragon Empire, it won't cost you much money. Come, it is priceless, these girls are just, what is there to regret?"

"It's true, technology is priceless." Qin Feng smiled noncommittally, but didn't say anything.

But Michael's black boss asked: "Mr. Qin can do this, right? Let me confirm again."

"What's so difficult about this?"

Qin Feng smiled slightly, waved his hand, picked up the phone, and made a call.

Then he winked at Chiyo Sakurako.

Indicate the past phone call,

There is no need for Qin Feng to make a move.

Just let Chiyo Sakurako do it all.

In other words, Qin Feng can get things done by asking the girl beside him to answer the phone.

Probably this call is only about 40 seconds long.

That Chiyo Sakurako came back and said, "Master, the matter is settled."

"Okay." Qin Feng nodded and looked at the black boss Michael, "The matter is settled, then I will take these chicks away. By the way, you can pay whatever you want."

"It's done? Is it true?" Michael's black boss asked in disbelief: "Dare to ask Mr. Qin, which relationship did you go for? I remember that there are four major families in the Dragon Empire? You go Which one? Or directly the Nangong family?"

"If it's done for you, it's done. Why do you have to ask who to ask for help?" Chiyo Sakurako was unhappy with this person at the beginning, so naturally she has nothing good to say now.

"Yes, yes, the matter is settled, why do you care about other things?" Michael's black boss smiled awkwardly, and glanced at Chiyo Sakurako. He should have been upset with this little girl, but because of her master, he helped to do it. If such a big event happened, it must be her fault.

And if this matter is really handled by the other party, then this Mr. Qin's status in the Dragon Empire must be a very high existence.

At least the upper echelons of the four major families or the Nangong family.

"Then, dare to ask Mr. Qin, how do we operate?" Michael's black boss still didn't mention the matter of selling these top-quality maids. He must thoroughly understand the matter. If Qin Feng can't say that the matter is settled, then the matter will be settled. right?

"For the specific operation, you should contact your South African royal family and ask them to apply to the Dragon Empire to purchase the Dou Po Cang Qiong No. 001 fighter jet. They will approve your expressions at that time. By then, the matter will be over?" Qin Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at Michael's black boss.

"If the other party can pass the application, then the matter must be over." Michael's black boss's tone became more and more respectful, and he immediately took out his mobile phone and called out.

The opponent is the heir to the South African royal family.

He is a prince-level figure.

These superb maids.

It was originally dedicated to him by Michael.

"Prince Danlin, hello."

Michael's black boss found a small private room and spoke respectfully.

"Michael? Did you call me for something? Also, how about the 25 superb maids you told me about? I'm looking at the photos you took up now. In a few days, I will be the king. birthday, I hope these maids can attend and serve me at my birthday banquet."

The eldest prince Danlin said, with some nasty expressions on his face.

Remember the quality of this batch.

He felt very yearning.

"Your Highness, it's like this. I'm giving away all these maids."

Michael the Black Boss hasn't finished yet.
The eldest prince of the opponent immediately ran away.

"What, you bastard, you didn't promise to give it to me as a birthday present. Now you give it to someone else, what do you mean?"

After a burst of scolding.

Michael's black boss twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely, and began to explain: "Prince, didn't you always want to get the advanced fighter jets of the Dragon Empire for South Africa? It's done."

"Ah? It's done, what's the situation? You won't lie to me, will you? My father has applied for many purchases, and the Dragon Empire used the reason of lack of supply, right?" How could the eldest prince not know, now The pattern of the world.

That is, Ruo became the younger brother of the Dragon Empire.

Then you can buy advanced high technology.

If there is no statement of position.

Then the Dragon Empire will not have any benefits.

For example, Great Britain, Yuenan, and other empires are completely attached. Basically, the high technology and resources of the Dragon Empire are used to support new territories.

That's the treatment of being a real son, not a younger brother.

But South Africa has not expressed any attitude yet, because it is far away from the Dragon Empire, and it has not been threatened yet.

They haven't made a decision yet.

Whether to be a younger brother or a real son.

Therefore, there is naturally no way to deal with the issue of weapons and equipment.

But the empire of the small island of Madagascar at the door to the east has become their little brother.

There are some advanced weapons, which have been left there to show off.

Therefore, the eldest prince's father really wanted the advanced weapons of the Dragon Empire.

"Elder Prince, don't worry, the rich man I met this time has quite a background. I guess he is a senior figure from the four major families of the Dragon Empire or the Nangong family. It is only a phone call away, and it seems to be very fast." Michael's black boss mentioned again, "It's just because the matter was settled so quickly, I can't believe it, but the other party asked me to inform our majesty to apply for the purchase, and it should be approved."

"Then this matter is not simple, can I just say no to my father?" The eldest prince Danlin laughed, hung up the phone impatiently, and then called his father .

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(End of this chapter)

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