Chapter 303 Godfather and Goddaughter!

"Back to the South African Emperor, now we have found a lot of people in South Africa in the Dragon Empire to help us find out the specific information of Mr. Qin."

The detective continued: "Mr. Qin, originally named Qin Lie, is the eldest son of a real estate company. He is very rich, but his net worth is around hundreds of billions. He is a hidden rich family from the Dragon Empire. "

The South African Emperor listened carefully to his subordinates, and then laughed, but he still asked carefully, and said: "In this case, have you found out why he has such a relationship with the Dragon Empire War Department? After all, he helped fight the war. It’s really not easy for the War Department of the Dragon Empire to sell high technology to us with just a few greetings.”

"My lord, regarding this matter, it seems that this Mr. Qin is indeed related to the Nangong family. He should be an internal son-in-law, or a direct relative."

Anyway, when the investigation team leader is investigating.

It was indeed Qin Lie.

There should be nothing wrong.

"Then Great Emperor, what are you going to do here?" The team leader naturally knew that the maids and beauties of the two peerless beauties were really things that the Great Emperor couldn't put down. As long as there wasn't an emperor-level figure on the opposite side, the South African Great would not Handed over people easily.

"Of course I told them that we've turned our backs!" The South African emperor thought of the anime-like figures and looks of the two little maids. Presumably, as long as men saw them, there would be no dislikes, right?
It can be said.

As long as the beauty reaches a certain level.

It can make men crazy about her.

Of course, not everyone likes it.

Mainly the scorer.

"Okay, Great Emperor, we will inform you here."

"Wait a minute, don't offend the other party too much, you have to persuade him with good words, after all, how can I say this, since this Mr. Qin knows that we have imprisoned a girl from the Dragon Empire, if he speaks out, then I am still the Great Emperor of South Africa after all, Internationally, I'm not good at speaking."

The South African emperor paused, and said: "From my mansion, I selected a few nobles who are also maids, and sent them to me directly, and then sent some rare treasures, expressing that Mr. Qin should give up this opportunity. .”

The South African emperor smiled slightly.

If so.

This thing will definitely be taken care of.

No one wants to force trouble, right?

Take some presents, won't you?

Anyway, if this matter is over.

The South African emperor is about to start working on two peerless beauties.

can imagine.

Such two super beauties.

That fly.

stand up.

Definitely is.
Forget about it.

Easy to explode.

Immediately afterwards, the South African emperor arranged everything and walked into a room.

The house is guarded by these guards outside.

And after going in.

There is some faint fragrance in the room.

This kind of aroma also made the South African emperor inhale deeply.

Of course, this aroma is not any perfume.

Nor are there any flowers.

It's the body fragrance of the two little beauties themselves.

Of course, there is no such thing as Concubine Xiang's ability to find butterflies, just some faint fragrance.

But the South African great was very intoxicated.


Two little girls.

When I saw the South African emperor for a moment.

I didn't realize it was called such a title.

Not because of anything else.

The main reason is that the South African Emperor is older than them. If he takes the two girls out in the future, he must have an explanation to the outsiders. Therefore, being a daughter is the best choice.

The point is, in fact, the South African emperor still likes this title very much.

There is a different kind of stimulation.

"My two little babies, I heard that you don't eat?"

Although the South African emperor was in front of his subordinates.

Sometimes I always scold these two women, they don't know how to enjoy life, but they want to run away, what a bitch.

But when facing these two women, the South African emperor had to pretend to love them very much.

"Godfather, if you really like us, you should let us go back to our empire, and the relationship between us should not be that kind. If you are a pure godfather or goddaughter, we can accept it."

It was Bing Qing who spoke.

There was really nothing she could do. ,
I could only go on a hunger strike with my sister.

See if the other party can let them go.

But she also knew that such an approach would definitely not work.

Just try it out.

Resistance is to be resisted, but it is basically useless.

But you can’t do nothing just because it doesn’t work, right?
"Okay, okay, godfather promises you, eat well, and if you find time later, I'll just send you back to the Dragon Empire." The South African emperor laughed, these little girls just passed by, really speechless.

"Really? Godfather?" Yu Jie said, it was the younger sister, who was relatively innocent. Sometimes, she was deceived by the fake gentleness of the South African emperor. If her sister hadn't kept telling her that this person was a hypocrite, fraud.

My innocent little sister. ,
It is estimated that the godfather who has worshiped her for a long time is going to die.

"How can there be any false words, Yujie, please persuade your sister to eat more food. Although you are not considered to be a long-lived body at your current age, if you are hungry, your skin will not be good!" the South African emperor said. , said very gently.

That Yujie was almost deceived by these sweet words again.

But the older sister Bingqing is pulling her younger sister.

"Sister, don't listen to this person's nonsense, she's not doing it for our own good, she must be trying to trick us." Bingqing whispered softly in her sister's ear, not knowing what was going on with her silly sister, so she tried to persuade her I have said many times, don't believe a single punctuation mark in the words of the South African emperor.

But my sister can get confused every time.

My younger sister really wants to go out alone.

I'm afraid I'm going to be tricked by those men into falling asleep so many times, I don't know what's going on, right?
Therefore, if this younger sister really gets out of the South African Emperor's mansion in the future, she has to protect herself.

"Sister, I think godfather is pretty good to us, why do you always say he's hypocritical?" Yu Jie said a little speechlessly.

"Ah,..." There was a black line on the weapon.

I don't know how to say it.

Anyway, in today's juncture.

I and my sister must want to do everything possible to escape.

Because the South African emperor saw that they were getting more and more mature, and he was about to make a move.

And it also means that they are sisters together.

This is even more intolerable.

"Okay, okay, Bingqingyujie, no matter what opinion you have on me, but what should you eat or what should you eat? I let people cook the dishes that your sisters liked to eat when they were young, and they were all from the Dragon Empire. Yes, at least you have the strength to fight me when you are full, right?" the South African Emperor said, looking at the elder sister Bingqing.

"We won't eat, we'll starve to death, and we won't let you defile us." Bingqing said fiercely, and pulled her sister to the edge of the bed.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat it? This is braised iron lion's head. In the Cangzhou area of ​​Huaxia, you have delicious food across from there. I still specially invited the chef from the restaurant that your parents took you to when you were young."

Of course.

For the South African emperor, he always said that the parents of these two people could not be found at all.

In fact, their parents, the South African emperor, have already been found.

It even made the two people die in a car accident.

Now the two of them are completely orphans.

Because the South African emperor bought these two maids, after all, he was still worried that his parents would come to his house, so he did so.

After all, the two of them are really naturally beautiful, perfect twins.

"Sister, why don't we eat?" Seeing this, younger sister Yujie swallowed unceasingly. She hadn't eaten for more than a day, and she was starving to death right now.

"Don't eat, sister, just persevere," said Sister Bingqing, although she was very hungry, but she was also suffering at the moment. Although such a confrontation had no effect, it must be resisted.

"I said Bingqing, godfather has been persuading you to eat. You can forget if you don't eat, but you still starve your sister? You have to know that this kind of confrontation is useless to me. You just need to know, you If you faint from hunger, I can also get someone to give you an infusion at that time, you won't starve to death."

The South African Emperor was speechless.

This ice clear is full of moths.

It's really hard to coax.

But for Bingqing, although the South African emperor hates this person, he is more attractive to her character.

After all, such a rebellious wild horse.

If conquered.

That's what men feel the most conquering.

"You..." Bing Qing didn't know what to say. Looking at her sister's pitiful appearance, the other party said it well. It's fine if she's hungry, but she still has to suffer with her sister. In the end, such resistance was not ineffective.

Can you really starve yourself to death?

Hungry and dizzy.

The opponent was saved again.

Besides, they didn't want to die either.

If you want to die, just commit suicide in the room.

"Then sister, go and eat, my sister won't eat." Bingqing said suddenly.

Seeing this, the South African emperor immediately asked a little girl under his banner to bring up the dishes, "Did you hear that, your second lady is going to eat, so bring up all the dishes."

Hula Hula.

The hot braised iron lion head.

Yujie ate with great enthusiasm.

I've been hungry all day.

Anything must be delicious.

And at this moment, Bingqing, seeing her sister's foodie appearance, was speechless, because she wanted to eat too.

But the South African emperor is here, she will definitely not eat it.

The South African Emperor also understood it very well, and said: "You bring in some other dishes from the Dragon Empire, and then keep it warm slowly over a low fire, and don't disturb your lady's meal."

The South African emperor finished.

Naturally, he exited the room.

I have to say that as long as a girl is beautiful, there are men who will do everything possible to hurt her.

Although the South African Emperor was actually bad, he really had nothing to say to these two women.

From the beginning to the present, I have tried my best to get the pure sincerity.

Now he doesn't get either.

And the other side.

Qin Feng, Chiyo Sakurako, Miyazaki Sayuri, and Luo Yu are waiting on the luxury yacht at the pier.

Wait for the South African emperor to send out the imprisoned girls.

Of course, here at Qin Feng, he only heard voices on the phone. Up to now, he has not known the appearance of these two imprisoned girls at all.

"Husband, you said that the South African emperor won't play tricks on us, right? Why hasn't he sent him here yet?" Sayuri Miyazaki sat in Qin Feng's arms, hugging her neck, and the two were still kissing just now.

"I don't know, don't care about them, this South African emperor, as long as he dares not send it over, I'll kill him." Qin Feng smiled, and kissed Sayuri Miyazaki's crystal clear ears, "Let me kiss again Darling, it wasn't enough just now."

"You, you, 24 hours a day, you don't have a beauty in your arms to bully you, you are not used to it, are you?" Anyway, Sayuri Miyazaki knows that the current Qin Feng, in that respect, is getting stronger and stronger.

Anyway, all the time.

Every man needs a woman in his arms.

But Qin Feng really loves his woman.

They are the ones who are loved in every possible way, and they are meticulous. These women are also very happy.

"Husband, what do you think about the two girls imprisoned by the South African emperor? Could it be a maid? Or some kind of prisoner from South Africa? A spy?" Saiduri Miyazaki only heard the phone call, There were two little girls asking for help, and they didn't know what was going on.

"I guess, how would I know? Judging from the voice, it looks like he is about 18 to 20 years old." Qin Feng smiled and said.

"I think the voices of the two little girls on the phone just now are a bit naive. Although they are strong, they are not that kind of perseverance. I don't think they are like captured spies, but they really look like maids who have been imprisoned and refused to obey. Sayuri Miyazaki analyzed it. After all, she used to be an agent. The way, tone, and aura of the two girls just now did not look like capable spies at all.

"Why do you care so much, as long as they are people from my Dragon Empire, I will not let them be bullied. Along the way, I will not let anyone who dares to bully my Dragon Empire people along the way .”

Qin Feng smiled, and continued, "Besides, the one who imprisoned the girl this time was actually the South African emperor, or the same sentence, as long as he doesn't let her go, I basically have an excuse! When the time comes, the army will come! I want Take down all the exercise rights here in South Africa!"

Dragon Empire now.

Strong as a horse.

We all have to find excuses to gain more voice in the international arena.

This South African emperor is good.

Now this stall is wrong.

Even if these two women are beautiful, is it worth it?
But Qin Feng didn't know that these two twins were completely disastrous to the country and the people. Anyone who encountered such a situation would make the same choice as the South African emperor.

Besides, the South African emperor didn't know that Mr. Qin was Qin Feng.

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(End of this chapter)

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