Chapter 304 Mr. Nangong is calling!
"Husband is right, now let's wait for the movement from the South African emperor!" Sayuri Miyazaki said, her eyes slightly widened, "Well, husband, it seems that some people have come over from the shore."

Sayuri Miyazaki was facing the shore of the pier.

Can only see now.

A lot of cars.

But mostly some vans.

There are about seven or eight vehicles.

"Could it be that the South African emperor sent the two imprisoned girls here?" Qiandai Yingzi muttered.

"Who knows? Let's take a look first." After Qin Feng finished speaking, he patted Sayuri Miyazaki's little cliff, "An outsider is here, so put him in your man's arms first."

"En." Sayuri Miyazaki's incomparable figure left Qin Feng's embrace.

Qin Feng stood up and leaned towards the pier.

But the people on the other side began to shout, "Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin, please bring your luxury yacht over here!"

"Xiao Baihe, drive the luxury yacht over first, and see what they are going to do." Qin Feng ordered.


The boat also began to sail towards the shore.

The speed of wearing is very fast.

After all, although Qin Feng's luxury yacht is a luxury yacht on the surface, secretly, it is a high-tech existence.

Not even ten seconds.

Qin Feng's luxury yacht also landed smoothly.

The current Qin Feng.

He didn't get up to greet him either.

After all, unless the South African Emperor came here in person, he was qualified to let Qin Feng get up. Although the South African Emperor was not qualified, at least Qin Feng would stand up to greet him as a courtesy.

But the other party came with a bunch of young people.

That would definitely not stand up to greet him.

"Xiao Baihe, go up and negotiate, and see what they are going to do. Why didn't I see those two girls?" Qin Feng laughed, wondering if the two women were in the car or not. , or not at all.

After hearing the order, Sayuri Miyazaki walked to the railing of the luxury yacht, got off the car and left.

"Miss, what's your name?"

The head guy.

Naturally, he is the steward of the South African emperor.

"I'm the girl next to my young master. Where are your people now? The two little girls who were imprisoned, have they been brought here?" Sayuri Miyazaki glanced at the pickup truck.

Found a lot of boxes inside.

In the first car, there are many small gift boxes.

"Well, this lady, in fact, the South African Emperor did not imprison these two Dragon Empire girls, but they couldn't find their way back, so now, the South African Emperor has already sent them back." South Africa The emperor's old housekeeper said.

Of course.

Even if you don't hand over the person to Qin Feng.

The South African emperor would not directly say no to it.

Instead, they made an excuse to send it back.

After all, in terms of international public opinion, this is also beneficial to oneself.

"Oh? Your South African emperor sent the two girls back to the Dragon Empire by himself? Didn't we ask Mr. Qin to send them back in the first place?" Sayuri Miyazaki laughed, she was naturally not a fool, knowing that the eighth floor was directly sent by the other party I broke my promise.

"Now the situation has changed. Our South African emperor contacted the families of these two little girls. Their families were very worried about the two girls, so they wanted to see them as soon as possible. Therefore, the South African emperor arranged the fastest The plane, the fastest flight, is still my own private plane, which quickly sent the two of them back to the Dragon Empire."

The steward of the South African emperor said.

Have a look at some stuff here.

He said politely again.

"Miss, the things on the car are naturally some small gifts from our South African emperor to Mr. Qin. At first, our South African emperor was a bit abrupt. The emperor said, how could he treat him like this? What about the people who got so much technology? These are some apologetic gifts."

The butler of the South African Emperor said, and handed over a gift list, "Miss, here is the detailed gift list, please have a look."

"Oh? Gift list?" Sayuri Miyazaki naturally didn't dare to decide whether to accept the gift or not, so she could only accept it and show it to her husband, who can make a decision.

But Sayuri Miyazaki knew.

If the matter is that the other party refuses to hand it over.

So how could Qin Feng accept their gifts?

"Okay, I'll show it to Mr. Qin, and I'll get back to you when the time comes." Said Sayuri Miyazaki, shaking her invincible figure, and left from the shore and went back to the luxury yacht.

"My God, this Dragon Empire woman is really beautiful. Among the women I have seen, this is the most beautiful. Of course, except for the twins who are slightly prettier than the one in front of me, this woman is really invincible , Mr. Qin doesn't know where to find such a beautiful and peerless beauty!"

Steward of the King of South Africa.

Although only a black man.

But at the moment.

He is also interested in girls like Sayuri Miyazaki.

to be frank.

When talking with Sayuri Miyazaki.

He almost stiffened.

I can't bear it at all.

So sexy.

Thinking of how such a woman would be a girl by Mr. Qin's side.

It must be a bed warmer too.

Thinking of this, the old butler was so envious.

"Husband, this is the old housekeeper of the South African Emperor. Some gifts were sent here. The car is full of gifts. There are no two little girls who are imprisoned. The South African Emperor said that the parents of these two little girls have contacted. Because I was anxious to see the two little girls, I sent them back to the Dragon Empire first. I asked them, didn’t they agree to give us the two little girls, and we sent them back? That’s how they explained.”

Saiduri Miyazaki said it all.

At this moment, Qin Feng also groaned, and said: "Nonsense, nonsense, this kind of nonsense is really naive, they just see that I have some relationship with the Dragon Empire war department, and they know that they imprisoned the girl of the Dragon Empire. Get some presents and shut me up, or continue to be friendly, right?"

Qin Feng looked down at the gift list.

Basically, they are some precious woods and gems from Africa.

There are also several beautiful maids.

There are rare and precious fruits, medicinal materials and so on.

Probably adding up, I'm afraid it's over a billion.

"Take these things back, I won't accept anything from the South African emperor." Qin Feng handed it to Sayuri Miyazaki before he finished reading it.

"Understood." Sayuri Miyazaki knew that her husband would not accept it, so she took the gift list, folded it back and gave it to the old butler of the South African emperor.

"Miss, why didn't Mr. Qin accept it?" the old butler of the South African Emperor asked in confusion. It was worth one billion yuan.

How could no one be moved.

the present era.

Money is a good thing.

Anyone would be thrilled.

"If you don't accept it, you don't accept it, and why?" Sayuri Miyazaki said angrily, and was about to leave.

But the old butler of the South African Emperor hurriedly said: "Miss, you also have to tell me why your Mr. Qin didn't accept it. There must be a reason. As a subordinate, I can go back to work for the South African Emperor. If you want Otherwise, he would think that I offended Mr. Qin, so he wouldn't accept gifts."

"Hehe." Seeing this, Sayuri Miyazaki turned her head and snorted coldly, "Because your presents are not enough, definitely not enough, and they still can't impress our Mr. Qin."

: "Can't impress Mr. Qin?" The old housekeeper is stupid, this is one billion, the South African emperor doesn't want Qin Feng's help, just let Qin Feng stop talking about the detention of girls.

And it counts as an apology.

Is this too little money?

"Okay, I understand." The old butler of the South African emperor knew the reason for the rejection, so he could only drive these trucks out of the dock.

"Hehe, our men, it's not because of your gifts, just hand over South Africa, maybe our husband won't say anything." Sayuri Miyazaki finished speaking, and turned back to the luxury yacht by the pier superior.

"Come on, Lily." Qin Feng saw that she was back, patted his thigh, and signaled her to do it.

Sayuri Miyazaki didn't care too much, now that outsiders have left, she naturally sat in Qin Feng's arms and put her arms around his neck, "Why, I haven't been in your arms for a few minutes, and I have to hold you again Me, did you bully me then?"

"Hee hee." Qin Feng said, kissed the corner of her mouth slightly, and said softly, "What did the other party say? After we refuse the gift, is there any follow-up?"

"There is nothing to follow, but it can be seen that the other party is a little unbelievable. After all, for ordinary people, a gift of one billion is already far beyond the sky." Sayuri Miyazaki said, "But for the target is the entire blue Xing, the husband of the entire universe, this little money is not as good as buying a bag of instant noodles."

"Hahaha, you can really say that one billion is the money to buy a bag of instant noodles." Qin Feng smiled, stroked her long and smooth legs, and his face turned dark, "Let me know now Dragon Empire, just drive me a warship, I want to sweep South Africa! I want to ask them, why are the girls from our Dragon Empire imprisoned and still not released!"

"Husband, I know what to do!" Qiandai Yingzi, who was standing aside and rubbing her shoulders, picked up the phone, dialed it to Mr. Nangong, and put it next to Qin Feng's ear.

Qin Feng gently hugged Sayuri Miyazaki.

Then nibbled on her crystal clear ears.

Waiting for the other party to answer.

"Hey, Xiaofeng, how are you doing in South Africa? Are you doing okay? Why do you suddenly call me when you have time?" Mr. Nangong answered the phone. Now Nangong Mingyue in China, and Nangong's family Several sisters are in the office.

them now.

Can be very busy.

After all, the Dragon Empire is now invincible.

A lot of things.

The whole world is changing.

And old man Nangong also knows that every time Qin Feng calls him, there won't be a girl in his arms, right?

Anyway, Mr. Nangong is used to it.

"Grandpa, what are you talking about? I miss you and Nangong Mingyue, so I can't call you?" Qin Feng glanced blankly across the phone.

"Hahaha, yes, I heard Mingyue said that you only made a video call to her once after you have been away for so many days? There is no follow-up, right?" Mr. Nangong didn't mean to ask the teacher for a crime, but he just helped his granddaughter Say something.

After all, Qin Feng's strength is now.

Even if Mr. Nangong is a supreme celestial being.

That's not something you can casually ask a teacher for.

"Well, Grandpa, I really haven't looked for Mingyue much during this time, how about this, when I go back, I will spend a few days alone with her in the world of two people, will this be okay?" Qin Feng knew that the old man Nangong felt sorry for his granddaughter No man with me.

And the last time I played a video for Nangong Mingyue.

It was also Nangong Mingyue who showed Qin Feng.

Anyway, it's weird.

A future queen of the Dragon Empire.

It's actually on the video, that's for Qin Feng to watch.

It's really a cow with a cow.

But how?

Such a video, no one dares to watch.

Unless these people's technology is higher than Qin Feng's.

Or they just don't want to live.

Once I saw something about Qin Feng's woman.

Then the person can only wait for death.

"Okay, I'll tell Nangong Mingyue the news. When you come back, spend a few more days alone with Mingyue." Nangong said with a smile, "Well, Qin Feng, and the family at home. The two Nangong Yunji, that is, your sister-in-law, said that they wanted to move to your villa when you came back, and that you knew a lot of high technology, and they were also very curious about it. Then I can ask you for advice.”

"Ah?" Qin Feng was speechless, he didn't know, this old man Nangong was going to push his granddaughter again.

In fact, at the beginning, Mr. Nangong's attitude was just that.

Nangong Yunji and Nangong Wan'er at home.

Even eldest sister.

Let nature take its course.

If Qin Feng likes it, Mr. Nangong will not interfere.

but now
It seems that Qin Feng is getting better and better, and there are more and more women.

Their Nangong family doesn't want to lose Qin Feng's first position here.

Therefore, Mr. Nangong decided that as long as the daughters of the Nangong family are beautiful, they will be given to Qin Feng.

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(End of this chapter)

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