Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 311 The South African Emperor Started to Panic!Qin Feng's evidence!

Chapter 311 The South African Emperor Started to Panic!Qin Feng's evidence!
"Wow, who is this beautiful girl doll?"

"What a beautiful girl, she seems to be from the Dragon Empire, right?"

"The figure is really bumpy, youthful and beautiful!"

"I've never seen such a beautiful Dragon Empire girl."

The people around were dumbfounded.

I don't know this girl at all.

Of course, the South African emperor rarely took the two sisters out, so it was normal for these people not to know each other.

And the words of many of the confidantes of the South African emperor.

They will know.

This girl is a maid bought by the South African emperor many years ago, and now she is a godfather and goddaughter, and she is also very special.

To put it simply, it is a little lover who grows up and eats.

"This woman is the Bingqing seen in the photo? Is this one of the two sisters?" Qin Feng was also a little dumbfounded here. After all, what do you say, the photo is not as good-looking as the real person.

Many people know a truth, if the real person is ugly, the photo looks very good.

Then see the real person and compare the photos, then the photos look very good.

If it looks good in real life, it won't look good in photos.

Because those beautiful girls in real people will be much prettier in photos when they see real people.

"Let me introduce. This is my adopted daughter. She got lost many years ago and came to South Africa. She has no surname. She is from the Dragon Empire. I named her Bingqing."

Of course.

these words.

It was also discussed with Bingqing.

The South African emperor couldn't tell the head of the family that he bought the two girls himself, right?
Of course, since she and Bingqing have already discussed it, she will not expose it.

After all, the South African emperor wants to send her away.

"As for now, this Mr. Qin is from the Dragon Empire, and he also knows something about the parents of the two sisters Bingqing's hometown, so I brought the two sisters here and planned to let them go back to the Dragon Empire to find their relatives. It took a lot of hard work to find this Mr. Qin."

The words of the South African emperor.

Although they are all deceptive scene words.

But presumably, Mr. Qin won't expose him, right?After all, why did she expose it?I have agreed to send this elder sister away, but to keep my younger sister, this is already one person.

The other party should know how to be content.

"As for Bingqing's younger sister, she suffered from appendicitis before she came here, so she's at the hospital right now, and she'll be here soon."

The South African emperor finished.

Qin Feng also wondered, "What do you mean? The South African emperor wanted to give me both? No, no, no, it was clearly agreed to send one of them to Bingqing, or it was a trick by the South African emperor to deceive Bingqing. Bar."

Qin Feng soon understood.

"Bingqing, this brother Qin Lie is probably about seven or eight years older than you. Hurry up and call your brother. After today, you have to go back with him." The South African emperor spread his hands towards Qin Feng.

Qin Lie's words were Qin Feng's false identity found by the South African Emperor.

They haven't found out Qin Feng's real identity yet.

In other words, if they find out, they won't be so daring.

By the time.

There is no excuse to send troops to destroy them.

"Qin Lie?" Bingqing was stunned, and looked at the handsome guy in front of him, he was really handsome, Bingqing swore that he had never seen such a handsome person in his life.

Of course, although she seldom goes out, she is not a boy who has never seen the Dragon Empire.

Among those boys, there are also handsome ones.

But it's not as good as this Mr. Qin.

"Brother Qin Lie, Bingqing is being polite." Sister Bingqing said, and squatted down to salute Qin Feng.

"Your appearance." Suddenly, Qin Feng looked at Bingqing and began to think, "I remember my mother said that many years ago, she lost a pair of daughters, and now"

Qin Feng said so.

The people below immediately exploded.

"What's the situation? Could it be."

"My God, it's not that bloody, is it?"

"Are these two sisters actually Mr. Qin Lie's younger sister?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! I don't see any resemblance."

And at the moment the ice is clear.

People are already stupid.

"Mr. Qin, what do you mean?"

Bingqing didn't understand either.

Anyway, when I got lost.

How old are the two of you?
What can you remember?

After getting lost, he changed hands several times and sold it to the mansion of the South African emperor.

Although they are living a good life, they know that they are from the Dragon Empire, and they are not here at all.

"I mean, you should be my sister who has been lost for many years. I also said that I saw your photo a few days ago, and I saw it somewhere, but today, I saw your arm, so I can be sure." Qin Feng walked up to Qian and grabbed Bingqing's arm, "I remember the mole on your wrist. Now I can be sure that you are my sister."

"Hahaha, Mr. Qin, I didn't expect you to make such a joke on me just after you came here?" The South African emperor laughed, "Don't be kidding, don't be joking, sit down and eat."

"Huh? So you were joking?"

"I'm serious!"

"Let me just say that although Mr. Qin is handsome and Miss Bingqing is also beautiful, they are not of the same appearance, and they don't look like siblings at all."

"Are you kidding me?" Bingqing is also a little bit complicated at the moment, she was so excited just now, is her brother real now?Are you kidding me?
No way, Bingqing really hopes to have such a big brother.

"No, His Majesty the South African Emperor, I'm really not joking. This must be my sister. I can't forget the beauty mole on her wrist." Qin Feng said seriously, and his face was full of tears. It's serious, there's no hint of a joke at all.

"Ahem, cough, this guy? Do you want to use this excuse to take away the two sisters, Bingqing and Yujie? I have already agreed to give you sister Bingqing, and now you play this game for me, right? Obviously It's just playing tricks and playing tricks." The South African Emperor was not a fool, and he immediately saw Mr. Qin's tricks.

"Well, Mr. Qin Lie, right? Since you said that you are her elder brother, then I am very happy. Congratulations to you members of the brother and sister regiment first." The South African Emperor looked at Bingqing and said: "Bingqing, as for Is this person your brother, you always want to find out about this matter, right?"

"Enen, yes." Although Bingqing hated the South African emperor, at this moment, she must want to know whether the person in front of her is her brother or not.

It would be great if it was my brother.

No, why do I have a glimmer of hope, this is not my brother.

"Since Bingqing really wants to find out about this matter, I, the South African Emperor, is not a person who judges a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart. I didn't want to test Mr. Qin...but I still have to ask now." The South African Emperor She is very eloquent, "I can't judge it just because of the beauty mole on her arm. After all, what should I say? Many people can see the beauty mole in the evening dress she is wearing today."

"What does the Great South African mean? Do you think I'm talking nonsense? Do you think I'm fooling around here?" Qin Feng sneered, completely disrespecting the other party.

Seeing Qin Feng's attitude, the South African Emperor was also slightly upset, but he still endured it and said, "I didn't question Mr. Qin Lie's intentions, the main reason is that you heard what Bingqing herself said. It's a matter, so you have to produce more evidence, so that your sister can feel at ease, right?"

"Yes, since you are my elder brother, you can't rely on this little beauty mark, so you can conclude?" Bingqing has no selfish intentions, and at this moment, she just wants to know whether this elder brother is real or not.

Although she knew that it might have helped the South African emperor.

But I can't control that much anymore.

"Hehe." Qin Feng laughed, he also understood Bingqing quite well, and was anxious to know the truth of the matter if someone suddenly came out to recognize his relatives and calculated Qin Feng.

"Since the South African emperor and my sister Bingqing are asking this question, then I can only tell the secret things about the girl's family." Qin Feng was a little bit hard to say, "But once I tell the girl's daughter The secrets of the child's family, these bad things, things that are difficult to be elegant, what about my sister's reputation?"

When the South African emperor saw Qin Feng say that, it was obvious that the other party didn't dare.

Not a sister at all.

It's all excuses.

"I, the South African Emperor, put down a word here. If anyone present here hears these secrets, anyone who dares to chew their tongues, then I'm sorry, that is against my South African Emperor." The South African Emperor said majesticly.

"You want to tell me my girl's secret?" Ye Bingqing really didn't understand, what is the secret?

Is it about some .
Part or something?

"Hehe, since the South African emperor said so, I have no objection, but I am afraid that my sister will be embarrassed, will she have any objection?" Qin Feng laughed.

"I" Bingqing didn't pay attention, what should I do?

But in order to know whether this person is her brother or not, Bingqing couldn't control so much, and said: "If you are really my brother, I don't think it's bad if you say these things from your mouth. Say whatever you want."

"Ahem, cough, well, since you agree, then I will say it." Qin Feng paused, cleared his throat, and said: "There is a mole on the left side of your place, probably If so, in the Foot Tai Spleen Meridian and Foot Jue Liver Meridian."

Qin Feng is the last.

He also mentioned a very specific location.

"Uh...that's not it." Bingqing blushed instantly, why the other party knew about this position.

But the other party was right.

It really is.

If it wasn't for my brother, how would I know?
"That. Is this true?" The South African King was speechless. It could be said that he sold these two people at a very young age, but basically, the South African King kept them.Haven't done it yet.

Of course I don't know anything.

"Well, Bingqing, tell yourself, is it true?" The South African Emperor was also very speechless, afraid that the two would join forces on purpose?

"En." Bingqing nodded, and buried her head directly.

"Um..." The South African Emperor's face was a bit ugly at the moment, and he couldn't hold back anymore.

"Your Majesty the Great South African, you can stop doubting me now, right? This is really my sister, do I need to lie to you?" Qin Feng smiled and stepped forward, "Remember, you will be called Qin Bingqing from now on, you have a surname Come on, call me brother."

"Brother, is it really my brother?" Bingqing couldn't accept it at all at the moment, very dull.

Of course.

How did Qin Feng know about other girls. .

There is such a beauty spot.

Of course, after Qin Feng saw her photo, he printed a copy of the photo and sent it to the country. Under Qin Feng's powerful search, there was nothing that Qin Feng could not know.

In a few hours of thinking, the parents were basically found.

The parents are probably in the jewelry business, and they are very rich in China now, but compared to Qin Feng's status, they are far worse.

More than ten years ago, two people came to South Africa to meet a friend, who was considered a businessman.

Then these two beautiful sisters spend little girls.

He was targeted by those traffickers.

After inquiring, it turned out that the couple came to discuss business, and it was easy to deal with such foreigners.

Just set up a game casually, and got the two little girls.

The couple had been searching for this place for half a year, working together with local officials, but they couldn't find it.

I can only give up and return to China. Now in China, the couple have two more children, two boys.

According to such information, Qin Feng can find out about the children who lost their children and two daughters in South Africa more than ten years ago, and then they can find out about their parents.

Of course, as I said before, the South African Emperor was afraid that the matter would be exposed, so he sent people to the Dragon Empire, intending to assassinate these two people.

But the person sent there was actually bribed by the couple. They spent their ordinary savings and asked the person to go back and report that the two of them had been killed, but they hadn't.

In the end, in order to avoid the pursuit of the South African emperor, the two also changed their appearances to do business.

And they have always wanted to come to South Africa to find the South African emperor's important person.

But they didn't act in a hurry, because they knew they couldn't beat the South African emperor.

I can only silently take care of my daughter.

But now, Qin Feng called them and said that Qin Feng would save their daughter.

The two couples were very grateful and shared many beauty spots on their daughters. ,

And he also promised that if Mr. Qin really wanted to save them back to China.

I am willing to adopt both of my daughters to Qin Feng as goddaughters.

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(End of this chapter)

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