Chapter 312 Do it!Live or die!
"Of course I'm your brother. Can someone other than your brother know about a place like a girl's house?" Qin Feng looked at her tenderly, and there was really a bit of the meaning of a brother looking at a sister.

But like her domestic parents.

He said he wanted to adopt his two daughters to him.

The current Qin Feng.

Also young.

Start the postgraduate entrance examination.

A few years have passed now, and I am only about 27. ,
She is only ten years older than these two little girls.

Brother can do things like godfather, that's really too young.

"Well, brother, brother, I know." Bingqing now believes that Qin Feng's words are absolutely correct, and the other party's eyes looking at her are also full of doting.

This time.

Have you finally found your family?

"This..." the South African emperor was speechless at the moment. He knew that this was Qin Feng's plan. Qin Feng wanted to take the two of them away together, right?
Because the South African emperor had already said, send his sister to Qin Feng.

But Qin Feng still wants to make such a moth?
Wouldn't that be both?

"Your Majesty, the South African Emperor, thank you very much. Without you, I would not have been able to find my sister." Qin Feng pretended to glance at the South African Great, and found that the current South African Great was basically black-faced.

"Cough, cough, nothing, it should be." If the South African emperor jumped out to refute at this moment, it would be unreasonable after all. People have said such things, so why do they still need to go for a DNA test?

Of course.

If you really want to verify DAN.

In fact, Qin Feng also has a way to make Bingqing similar to his own DNA.

High tech at hand.

Nothing can be done.

"Well, His Majesty the Great South African, my Bingqing girl, do I still need a younger sister? Where is she?" Qin Feng smiled slightly, putting his hand on Bingqing's shoulder, and she also slightly hugged Qin Feng waist.

even though.

This is Bingqing's older brother.

But such affection.

It made her less resistant to that strange feeling.

"Bing Qing's girl? This." The South African emperor hesitated for a moment, and said, "Go and see, Yu Jie is in the hospital at the moment, is she better? If she is better, bring her here."

However, after the South African emperor finished speaking, he still looked at Qin Feng and said, "Mr. Qin Lie, do you want us to take a step to talk?"

"Oh? Okay, I'm fine!" Qin Feng smiled.


The two walked towards the backstage of the banquet.

This is a small room, it can be regarded as a small lounge.

"Mr. Qin Lie, right? There were too many people just now, so I can't tell you clearly. Now, there are only the two of us, so let's open the skylight and speak plainly." The South African emperor laughed and said, "As for your identification It’s a trick, I know what’s going on, you may not have gone to the country to investigate the two girls, you can ask this news in the Dragon Empire in a short time, it shows that you still have energy in the Dragon Empire.”

"It's okay, Dragon Empire himself said hello, and some people will buy it." Qin Feng smiled and said modestly, and looked at him sideways.

"So, for a person like you who has a relationship with the Dragon Empire War Department, I, the South African emperor, don't want to provoke you, and I have been giving in. You should also know that what I fear is only after the two beauties are imprisoned. , You take it out and talk about it." The South African Emperor said, "Later, I have already said, since you like such a beauty, then I will give you a Bing Qing, what else do you want?"

Hearing his words, Qin Feng laughed out loud, and said, "Your Majesty the Great South African, who did you listen to? I like these two superb beauties in your hands?"

"Don't you like it? Are you really trying to save her just because she is a member of the Dragon Empire?" The South African emperor still believed that if she wasn't beautiful, it wouldn't make sense.

"Hehe, do I need to work hard?" Qin Feng smiled, and he just said by the way, and he can find an excuse to beat you, why not do it?
"Don't gossip about anything else, Mr. Qin Lie, you have to make a decision today, or you can take Bingqing away and younger sister Yujie stay, and become my exclusive, my confinement, such a natural beauty, who wouldn't want it? One by one , You should know how to be content, otherwise, although my South African emperor is afraid of you talking about this matter, I am not a person who accepts everything." The South African emperor said with a strong aura.

"Your Majesty the South African, I reiterate that I saved them not because of their beauty, but simply to save them, and these two are indeed my sisters, so today, I must take both of them away, the South African Here, I am waiting for your reply."

Of course, Qin Feng insisted that these two were his sisters.

When the time comes, the other party will not pay people.

That's fine.

Just use this excuse directly.

Hit it and it's over.

Qin Feng's younger sister won't the other party return it?
I believe that those who fight have more fighting spirit.

Because how to say?

Qin Feng's current status in the Dragon Empire is very high, and many people admire him very much. This person is simply the No. 1 of the Dragon Empire throughout the ages. ,
Because of his ability alone, he almost pulled the entire empire into the ranks of the strongest and strongest in the world.

Even the ancient Han and Tang dynasties could not achieve this powerful level.

Such a powerful.

It is beyond compare.

Therefore, especially those soldiers in the war department.

He admired Qin Feng even more.

Under such circumstances, when they heard that the younger sister of the person they admired was actually detained by the South African emperor, they, who were already well equipped, would descend like tigers.

Of course, the superiors, those who fought in ancient times, had to find a reasonable excuse for themselves.

Anyway, say the other party is wrong.

The other party killed himself so-and-so.

Let yourself be heartbroken.

Cao Cao, his father was killed, he also cried for several days and nights, let the soldiers know his sadness, and then went to beat Tao Qian, the soldiers will work hard.
This is all common sense in the circle of some high-ranking people.

"Hehe, Mr. Qin, it seems that today you are going to fight with my South African emperor, right?" Arrogant.

"It's not me and you, but I want to take my sister away." Qin Feng smiled, seeing his angry look, he didn't have the slightest fear in his heart, on the contrary, he was very proud, because as long as the other party gets angry, that is Good thing.

"Enough! Qin Lie! Listen carefully, now on my side, neither of the two will let you take one away! Stop dreaming!" How? You should be clear, now that you are in my position, I can get rid of you at that time, and then find an excuse to explain to the Dragon Empire. After that, it will be nothing more than some international treaty concessions, giving some benefits to the Dragon Empire, Then they won't trouble me, don't you think that the interests of an empire are not as important as you, a related household?"

When Qin Feng heard this sentence, he just wanted to laugh, and the other party also said that to kill himself, he only needs to give the Dragon Empire a little benefit from the international treaty.

They don't care about Qin Feng?

Let's not talk about the possibility of Qin Feng being killed by him.

Let's just do it.

At that time, the Dragon Empire will have 300 million lions.

Immediately, we will set sail towards the East China Sea.

Only go to Southeast Asia, then to the Indian Ocean, and then to South Africa.

Must arrive within three days.

Sweep here in one day.

"Okay, don't give both, right? This is your decision, and then, don't regret it!" Qin Feng smiled, "You will regret the decision you made."

When two people are talking.

The South African king suddenly wanted to say something.

But on Bingqing's side, she was always worried. If she wanted to see the two of them, it must be because of a quarrel, right?
Bing Qing himself, the South African emperor likes the bodies of two people. ,

Greed for the beauty of two people.

Now that my brother appears, I want to take the two of them away together, I'm afraid there will be some conflicts between the two sides.

"Brother, brother,"

Bingqing shouted outside.

Although the guard persuaded him.

But still heard his voice.

"What's the matter, sister, why are you here?" Qin Feng opened the door and let the guard get out of the way.

"It's nothing, I just came to see how the chat between brother and godfather is going, what are we talking about, how can we talk for so long?" Bingqing asked.

"Brother what, you go back!" The South African emperor grabbed Bing Qing's wrist with a dark face.

"Why does it hurt you?" Bingqing clearly felt that the South African emperor's hand was heavy, as if he had a lot of anger in his heart.

"I ask you to let go of your hand! Otherwise, be careful and I'll chop it up." Seeing this, Qin Feng couldn't help but get upset about this beauty. To be honest, such a delicate beauty is willing to do this.

Can't wait to hold it in the palm of my hand.

"Oh? Are you going to chop off my hand?" Hearing this sentence, the South African emperor seemed to be the biggest joke of the year. Even if this opponent had something to do with the war department of the Dragon Empire, you are not an empire. Ah, to chop off the hand of the South African king?

It couldn't be more ridiculous.

"I'll say it again! Let me go!" Qin Feng sneered, "Linghu, Chiyo, Sayuri Miyazaki."


The words of three people.

He has good hearing.

At this moment a dodge.

Just rushed into the room.

He directly kicked away the hand of the South African emperor who was holding Ye Bingqing and pulling her away.


At this moment, the South African emperor was kicked out.

Some bird language of their own empire was spoken from their mouths.

When Qin Feng heard it, it was not a good word. ,
It must be a curse, right?
"Guards, guards, call the guards, arrest these people for me, dare to do anything to my South African emperor, you are against the heavens?" The anger at the South African emperor's cemetery was also very angry.

at his command.

Soon dozens of guards rushed into the banquet.

these people.

All of them were holding a kind of miniature submachine gun.

And fully armed.

It seems that the fighting power is very powerful.

"Hehe, are these stinky fish and rotten shrimp?" Qin Feng looked at it, and immediately felt a little disdainful.

"Brother, godfather, what's the matter with you, you are so tense all of a sudden? Godfather, didn't you tell me that you would send our sisters back? What happened now?" Bingqing was also confused. , She has no idea what's going on.

"Don't call her godfather, I won't allow you to call her that." Qin Feng knew that Bingqing's eyes were full of hatred for the South African emperor, but it was estimated that he had been called this for more than ten years, so naturally he couldn't change it for a while. Mouth.

"Brother, I'll listen to you, but don't be like this, talk about something." Naturally, Bingqing was very worried about this newly recognized brother, and he brought this few people, and the South African King is the master of everything here.

No matter how angry Qin Feng is.

You are in other people's territory.

How to fight with an emperor?
This is totally impossible, right?
"Say it well?" Qin Feng smiled, looked at Bingqing, and said: "Then you have to ask His Majesty the South African Emperor, I can still give you a chance now, is it for these two sisters, or Don't let go."

"You're dreaming! You don't want to take one away!" The South African emperor can still control so much at the moment, you are the king of heaven, and he can't let you take people away, "Not only can you take away two sisters, today Your people, just stay!"

After the South African emperor finished speaking, he said to the guards under his banner: "Don't hurt Miss Bingqing, take her back, these people, I want to live."

"Hehe." Qin Feng smiled, "It depends on whether you have the ability."

"Miss Bingqing, we don't want to do anything, please go back with us." A guard said politely.

"I won't go, my brother and I." Bingqing quickly refused.

But the guard put his hand on her shoulder forcibly, wanting to escort her back.

But Miyazaki Sayuri, Chiyo Sakurako, Linghu and others, are they watching a show?
It was just a flying needle, thrown out.

The guard's hand hurt immediately, and then there was the scream of a pig being slaughtered.
"Qin Lie, this is what you did again and again. Even if the time comes to the international convention, I have something to say." The South African Emperor said, looking at the guards, "You just pay attention to Miss Bingqing's safety , the remaining four people, life or death!"

As soon as this sentence came out. ,
these guards.

Eyes are completely red.

As long as life and death do not matter.

They rarely do it.

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(End of this chapter)

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