Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 314 Bingqing Yujie Recognizes Godfather!

Chapter 314 Bingqing Yujie Recognizes Godfather!
Qin Feng looked at the South African emperor standing on the high wall.

There are some mortars facing around.

There was no trace of panic in my heart, but I laughed instead.

"The Great Emperor of South Africa, you still don't quite understand how advanced the technology is in the current Dragon Empire." Qin Feng smiled lightly.

Miyazaki Sayuri next to her took out a gun again from her waist.

"Look good, South African Great, this is a tracking bullet, and it has a very fast analysis function!"

Qin Feng finished.

All I could see was the gun in Sayuri Miyazaki's hand, and there was a display on top of the small gun.

Sayuri Miyazaki took the camera of this monitor and looked around.


The situation is analyzed above.

"Target the people around these mortars!" Immediately, Sayuri Miyazaki pressed the switch, and dozens of small bullets flew out of one gun head.

After separation, they have a clear division of labor.

Each flew towards a person.

ah ah ah ah

Only the screams of the guards could be heard.

There was also the sound of falling downstairs.

In this way, all the people around the mortar were eliminated.

"This..." The South African emperor was frightened again. Is this TM high-tech?

Bullet tracking?

"Presumably this kind of high-tech bullet tracking, a few empires have already obtained the goods from our Dragon Empire, but this kind of analysis function is a bit more high-tech. Their ordinary tracking bullets will only go to the people around them. Tracking, because the heart has ground frequency fluctuations, which is used to track, and my own people only need to wear such a low-frequency shield, and the bullets will not hit my own people. And my analysis function tracks bullets , that is, it will analyze the people around it in 1 to [-] seconds, and then carry out the maximum strike, that is, if the opponent is holding a shell, they will shoot the one with the shell, and then the rest with the gun, they will shoot the gun first Yes, in the end only those with sticks and those with no strength left will be left, and they will fly to kill those with sticks."

Qin Feng smiled, this is the advanced department, as long as they scan, they can know the most dangerous enemy.

Anyway, kill these people first.

"The Great South African, what means do you have now to keep me here?" Qin Feng looked at the South African Great upstairs, and found that his face was already dark.

"Bingqing, let's go. From now on, you are free, and you don't have to look at the face of a South African emperor anymore." Qin Feng arrived.

"But brother, what about Yujie? It's still in their hands." Bingqing said with worried eyes.

"Don't panic, the South African emperor, she dare not do anything to Yujie, when our army arrives, it will sweep this place." Qin Feng chuckled.

Just like that swaggeringly.

Just sat in the car that drove over and went back to the edge of the pier.

"Call me the South African war department! Immediately mobilize the people in the war department! First dispatch [-] royal guards! Take this man down! He only has some high-tech gadgets in his hands, and he can deal with dozens of people. , but what about dealing with tens of thousands of people? I see what he can do!"

The South African Maharaja knew.

Dealing with those gadgets is powerful, but it doesn't have any large-scale lethality.


Naturally, he is somewhat invincible, but when facing big girlfriends, it is still not enough to look at.


Here, Qin Feng also successfully came out of the South African Emperor's Mansion.

"Brother, I'm still a little worried about sister Yujie." After getting in the car, Bingqing mentioned this matter again.

"Good girl, call her godfather." Qin Feng's words almost made Bingqing stunned.


"Miss Bingqing, you should be called godfather." Sayuri Miyazaki covered her mouth and smiled, "Actually, what kind of brother is your son, that's not just an excuse, it's to take you away, and this excuse , will also be the reason for us to send troops."

"You're not my brother." Bingqing's expression changed a lot all of a sudden.

"My dear daughter, don't panic, my godfather will explain to you slowly." Qin Feng smiled and said, "My identity is naturally called Qin Feng. I am currently the chief scientific researcher of the Dragon Empire, and I am also owned by the Nangong family. Husband of the woman, no one can refute the words of the Dragon Empire and what I said."

"What? You are Qin." Bingqing was dumbfounded. How could she not know the name of Qin Feng?Although she has been imprisoned, she knows a lot of things outside. In her heart, she has always regarded Qin Feng of the Dragon Empire as a hero. She thinks that a man should be like Qin Feng. , it should be to despise the empires and make the Dragon Empire the number one in the world, or even sweep it away.
"I've said it all, my good daughter is called godfather, why don't you call me godfather?" Qin Feng was speechless for a while, "I found your father in China when your photo was sent to me, your father and The mother is not dead, they used the money to bribe the people who were sent by the South African king to kill your parents. Finally I found them, and they told me about the beauty spot on your body, so that I will have the upper hand when confronting the South African king. Of course, it just so happens that your father's name is Qin Gaolin, who also has the same surname as mine, and they said that as long as I can rescue you, they want to adopt you to me."

Qin Feng smiled and took out his mobile phone, "Of course, you may not believe it. I have a video of your parents here. Although you were not very old when you got lost, you should still vaguely remember your parents' faces, right?"

After taking out the phone.

The expression on Bing Qing's face was very cohesive.

After watching the video.

She immediately recognized the people in the video, they were her parents who were deep in her memory. Hearing their voices, Qin Bingqing soon burst into tears.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, isn't everything all right now? With me protecting you, you will never be imprisoned again." Qin Feng looked at her delicate beauty and cried like this, which made his heart ache. , the last time I see a woman cry, of course, it has to be a beautiful woman.

"Godfather" Qin Bingqing saw that his parents had adopted him to Qin Feng, and Qin Feng was also the benefactor who saved him, so he naturally called out obediently.

"Hey, good girl." Qin Feng smiled, now he is ten years older than her, even though he is a godfather, he is a little younger.

But it's okay.

"Okay, good girl, don't cry, and you will have a better life with your godfather in the future. Everything before is over." Qin Feng also patted her on the back to comfort her.

Unexpectedly, this little girl threw herself into Qin Feng's arms and cried: "Godfather, you don't know. Over the years, I really want to see my parents again, and I have been imprisoned without freedom. Many This time, I planned to kill my sister and then commit suicide by myself, we are really in too much pain, on the surface, the South African emperor has always spoiled us, but we are like a pet, so we have no freedom at all."

"Godfather knows, everything is known, but now the South African emperor can't jump up, about half an hour, our people will arrive, then when the time comes, the army will come to the city, we will sweep here, a few days Should be able to win."

Qin Feng continued, "Daughter, in front of everyone, you still have to call me brother. After all, everything has been said, we must continue to act, because the South African emperor captured my sister, and now he still If not, then what awaits them is the anger of the soldiers of the Dragon Empire War Department. And internationally, it makes sense, although your godfather is now in the international arena, and no longer considers those other empires, but we have to have a legitimate reason , go hit them."

"Godfather, you are so great." Qin Bingqing looked at Qin Feng with foggy eyes. Who would not admire such a man?
"But godfather, my sister is still in their hands. At that time, they won't use my sister as a threat, right?" Qin Bingqing was still worried.

"Of course not. Don't worry about this, because your sister must stay in their hands so that I can have a reason to send troops. So according to my ability, if I want to rescue your sister, I will basically do it casually." Qin Feng smiled and said, "The hospital where your sister is now is guarded by my nine dark night angels outside, which means your sister can be rescued at any time, and it is safe, but I just won't save her." Waiting for this as an excuse to send troops. The body said, the South African emperor will release people at that time, and I will ask the nine night angels to kill those who released your sister. In this case, we will say, didn’t you agree to release people? ? Why don’t you let them go now, just keep beating them. Unless the South African emperor can directly surrender!”

Qin Bingqing listened to what her godfather said.

Immediately understood.

It turns out that my sister is so useful.

And my sister is safe too.

This is totally a trap.

I want a reason to be a godfather.

And even if the other party wanted to release him, would the Nine Night Angels have to stop him?
But if they directly give up South Africa and surrender, then Qin Feng can stop fighting.

"Godfather, you are really smart." Qin Bingqing also burst out laughing, after all, she knew that her sister was not in danger.

"Okay, okay, I cried like a little cat just now, come to wipe my tears." Qin Feng picked up the tissue and immediately raised his hand to wipe her tears.

And very gentle.

Very carefully.

very concerned.

At this moment, Qin Bing's heart is about to melt, who is Qin Feng?He is the best person in the world now, how could she be so gentle to herself.

He's too nice, isn't he?

For example, Little Swallow, who returned to the princess back then, was very moved when she saw that people like Emperor Qianlong treated her so well.

Little Swallow said that Emperor Qianlong was so powerful that everyone was afraid of him, as long as he blew his beard, the whole room would have to kneel down. ,
Such a person is still so kind to her, she can't bear it at all, and her heart melts.

This feeling, at the moment Qin Bingqing, is really exactly the same.

"Oh, that Chiyo Sakurako, can you stop squeezing me?" Suddenly, Sayuri Miyazaki vomited.

After all, four people.

At the moment, there are three seats in the back row.

It is very "crowded".

"Sister, I didn't crowd you, did I?" Chiyo Sakurako was dumbfounded, what's going on?Although there are three seats for four people, the three girls are basically slim, so how could it be crowded?

Anyway, Chiyo Sakurako didn't feel crowded.

"You didn't feel it yourself. Besides, I'm crowded anyway." Sayuri Miyazaki looked at Qin Feng, and suggested with a smile, "Why don't you husband, you hug your family as a daughter, we are really crowded here. "

"Ah?" At this time, Qin Feng still couldn't see the trick of Sayuri Miyazaki, he could only roll his eyes.

"I..." Qin Bingqing immediately became ashamed when he heard this, how could this be possible, even though the other party is his godfather, it's not a big deal if he hugs her.

It's polite after all.

Father and daughter are like this, no one dares to say anything.

But this godfather is so young, and he just met him, so girls can't bear it at all.

"Anyway, husband, you can do what you see, or hug Chiyo Sakurako next to you, or hug your goddaughter on the far left, my side is really too crowded." Sayuri Miyazaki said angrily .

Chiyo Sakurako is not an idiot either, she immediately saw Sayuri Miyazaki's intentions, she quickly shook her head and said, "Well, I'll forget it, how embarrassing it is."

"Uh..." Qin Feng has black lines all over his head, these two girls, do they smell like pimps?
Really speechless.

"Well, if you don't want to be a godfather, I'll do it." Qin Bingqing was also very speechless, but thinking that since he was his godfather, and he was still worshiped by him, there was no need to think about it. ,
Don't say so.

Even if you want her.

She would not disagree with such a great hero.

"Ahem, cough, okay then." Qin Feng smiled wryly, but still stretched out his hand.

Seeing this, Qin Bingqing could only feel shy.

Then sat on Qin Feng's lap.

But she was also nervous.

"My dear girl, why are you so heavy? Have you changed your weight?" Seeing this, Qin Feng gently hugged her slender waist, leaning his head on her shoulder and said.

"Cough, cough, godfather, I'm only about 98 catties. How heavy is it? Don't make fun of me, godfather." Although Qin Bingqing was very smart before, but now, it may be that girls in love have no IQ, and ghosts are not smart. When I got up, I looked stupid.


Ye Bingqing let out a scream.

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(End of this chapter)

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