Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 315 Qin Bingqing's Embarrassment!

Chapter 315 Qin Bingqing's Embarrassment!

"What's the matter, dear girl?" Qin Feng asked stupidly, but he was a little embarrassed inside.

"It's nothing." Qin Bingqing was short of breath at the moment, almost dying of embarrassment.

Godfather that.
how come.

It's just that Qin Bingqing is also very clear that she is so beautiful.

Surely no one can bear it.

Godfather is also a human being.

And it's a man.

"It's nothing, then why are you yelling?" Qin Feng said, and gave Qin Bingqing a blank look.

This made Qin Bingqing speechless.

Could it be that the godfather has made a fuss by himself?

Don't you even know?
But Qin Bingqing is also a girl, and she doesn't understand anything about boys.

It might be that the other party is really supportive, and then he doesn't even know it. ,

that's it,.

It's hard to say that Qin Bingqing is coming down.

There is no way to speak.

that's it.

The car drove to the pier.

When he arrived at the luxury yacht at the pier, Qin Bingqing got out of the car and left Qin Feng's arms.

"Husband, how is it?" Sayuri Miyazaki grinned, looked at Qin Feng's place, and naturally knew that her husband might have been fascinated by Qin Bingqing, right?

"You, you, what are you doing? Is that car a three-seater? That's right, but how can I say that the four of us won't be too crowded? You just keep saying that he is too crowded, Hmph." Qin Feng acted obediently when he got the cheap, it was simply
Anyway, Sayuri Miyazaki was not convinced, "Next time, if something like this happens, I won't help. Instead, I will say, Hey, you are godfathers and daughters, so you can't do this. Then I will say every day, Every time I see you together, I will remind you."

"Good daughter-in-law, I know how you are. My husband is wrong." Qin Feng stuck it up and hugged her slender waist, "I am so happy to have you as a pimp, how do you know, I like this way ?”

"Tch, when we were at that time." Sayuri Miyazaki did not continue, but she still said boldly, "Didn't you always make us, Chiyo, Luo Yu, call you daddy? Then come directly to this identity now, are you sure? Feel better?"

"Cough cough cough" Qin Feng was embarrassed, which man didn't intend to accept a beautiful daughter.

In fact, Qin Bingqing knew it in his heart.

That's what this relationship means.

She didn't disagree with Qin Feng hugging her.

It shows that she can actually accept such a relationship.

It's just a little lover with another name.

"Hmph, anyway, you should maintain this kind of relationship with your goddaughter, and take your time. I don't plan to help you anymore. I have helped enough today, so I still have to take it slowly, = you Didn't you always say that you have to have feelings for each other and everyone is willing to go to that point?"

"Yeah, my bottom line is this. Doesn't it mean that if I see beauty, I have to marry her? As long as the woman I like also likes me, I don't care so much." Qin Feng laughed laugh.

"Godfather and sister Sayuri Miyazaki, what are you talking about inside? Are you still getting out of the car?" Qin Bingqing opened his eyes a little, but after a few minutes, the two got out of the car anyway.

"What's the matter, dear girl, you have a strange expression." Qin Feng walked over and rubbed her little head slightly.

"Godfather, I want to go to the bathroom." Qin Bingqing said anxiously.

"Ah? That's fine, I'll ask someone to bring the lifting board right away, and we'll go to the yacht." Qin Feng naturally doted on her, and immediately yelled.


Everyone boarded the luxury yacht.

And Qin Bingqing at this moment, why is she going to the bathroom?

Simply because.

that place.

It's already unbearable.

"I said that Qin Bingqing didn't see anything to eat. There was nothing to drink or eat at all. How could he be in such a hurry to go to the bathroom? Did he have a stomachache? Did he eat badly yesterday?" Qin Feng was a little worried asked.

"You, you, you are such an idiot godfather." Sayuri Miyazaki had seen Qin Bingqing's embarrassment a long time ago, and she whispered in her ear, "Qin Bingqing felt it coming."

"Ah?" Can Qin Feng still not understand what it means?

"That's right, isn't she being hugged by you all the time, just a handsome guy like you, which woman can stand it?" Sayuri Miyazaki said angrily, "And you're still holding her back, so she can't stand it even more .”

"Ahem, cough, it turns out that's the case!" Qin Feng smiled wryly.

But about ten minutes.

Qin Bingqing came out of the bathroom, with a strange expression on his face at the moment, he could only look at Sayuri Miyazaki and said, "Well, sister Sayuri, can you lend me a set of your clothes?"

Seeing this, Qin Feng didn't know what she was thinking, she didn't want to borrow clothes.

Instead, borrow the little clothes inside.

After all, it must not be worn anymore.

"Bingqing, what's the matter, isn't your evening dress pretty? I look pretty." Qin Feng pretended to be stupid, and secretly smiled inwardly.

"Godfather, you don't know, this dress was given by that dog, the South African emperor, I don't want to wear it, anyway, I will throw it in the sea." Qin Bingqing made an excuse at will, and said fiercely.

"So that's the case?" Qin Feng smiled and said to Miyazaki Sayuri beside him, "Then, Miyazaki Sayuri, you should go here and find a more decent one for you and my good daughter." Just clothes."

"I know my husband." Sayuri Miyazaki gave Qin Feng a blank look.

"Thank you godfather." Qin Bingqing thanked.

"Thank you, thank you, it's just a piece of clothing, you still need it?" Qin Feng smiled, but he knew in his heart that the other party must be very miserable, so he really had to thank Qin Feng.

"Well, Bingqing, come with me, I'll look for you." Sayuri Miyazaki walked in front, but immediately heard the news from Qin Feng through the headset in her ear.

The other party actually let Miyazaki Sayuri.

Play tricks on Bingqing again.

Of course, this headset has always been there. After all, they went to the mansion of the South African emperor. Isn't that for communicating with each other?
Haven't taken off the headset yet.

"This scoundrel is really speechless." Sayuri Miyazaki was speechless for a moment, then looked at Sayuri Miyazaki, you are really "unlucky" to have such a godfather.

"Sister Xiao Baihe, what do you think I am doing?" Ye Bingqing was very uncomfortable at the moment, basically embarrassed.

"It's nothing." Saiduri Miyazaki smiled, said nothing, and continued to walk towards the wardrobe on the luxury yacht.


Arrived at a place about fifty square meters.

The words of this place.

All clothes.

There are suits for boys, but only a few.

As for girls' clothes, there are more, such as dresses, suspenders, and black silk.

cos suit.

High heel.

Silver high heels, red high heels, black high heels.

There are.

When Qin Bingqing saw this, he naturally knew that these were some things that Qin Feng and these girls should increase their tacit understanding.

"Bingqing, what do you think of this suit?" During the construction period, Sayuri quickly found a black suspender dress, the one with an open back.

"It's all right, let's do it." Qin Bingqing didn't care so much, and agreed with a firm nod.

"Okay then." Sayuri Miyazaki said, picked up the hanger, took off the clothes, and put them aside.

"That, sister Xiao Baihe." Qin Bingqing didn't know what to say.

"Ah? What's the matter?" Sayuri Miyazaki pretended to be confused, and said, "It won't happen, my sister is also a girl, are you embarrassed to change?"

Sayuri Miyazaki naturally knew the other party's distress.

Changing clothes is fake.

It's true to change clothes.

"No, Sister Xiao Baihe, I said you can't give me clothes alone." Qin Bingqing said awkwardly, "That."

"You want some clothes, don't you?" Saiduri Miyazaki smiled, walked to a cabinet, took off a big pair of glasses, and said, "Can you take a look at this? Your figure is pretty good."

Anyway, this is Luo Yu's size.

Qin Bingqing's words should be about the same as Luo Yu's.

"No." Qin Bingqing almost died of embarrassment, she couldn't speak out.

"What's the matter?" Saiduri Miyazaki continued to pretend to be stupid, but she didn't understand anyway.

"Well, sister Sayuri, I want a set." Qin Bingqing whispered to Sayuri Miyazaki.

"Ah? Is that so?" Saiduri Miyazaki smiled, shook her head and said, "But if you want those panties, they should be the ones we all wear here, isn't it great? You hate the South African emperor to death. , but let's wear it for now."

"No no no."

Ye Bingqing couldn't take it anymore.

all that.

How can I still wear it.

That Qin Feng, when he was in the car just now, he was thinking about it.

Think about it.

It's just... cough cough cough, anyway, there is too much hydrogen and oxygen.

"Bingqing, what's the matter with you, tell your sister clearly." Miyazaki Sayuri looked at her anxious look, and she couldn't bear it anymore, but that "hateful" Qin Feng actually listened in the headset, Then I kept telling myself not to give it to her.

Let her speak in a hurry first.

"Sister Miyazaki Sayuri, I..." Qin Bingqing didn't know what to say, so he could only whisper something to Miyazaki Sayuri.

"Ah? Sweating, uncomfortable to wear?" Seeing the other party's reason, Miyazaki Sayuri naturally smiled in her heart, and she still refused to tell the truth, right?
"Okay then, I'll find one for you." Sayuri Miyazaki obviously violated Qin Feng's wishes. After all, she is also a girl, so it is really uncomfortable to dress like this.

Just help her as soon as possible.

"Thank you, thank you Sister Miyazaki Sayuri." Qin Bingqing looked at these things, then looked at Miyazaki Sayuri awkwardly, "Well, sister, you go out for a while."

"Okay, okay, I'll go out." Sayuri Miyazaki knew, probably because she was afraid that she would see her in a miserable scene.


After Sayuri Miyazaki went out.

On that deck.

It was Qin Feng who hugged her in his arms all of a sudden, blocking her slender waist that was tightly grasped.


Sayuri Miyazaki was taken aback.

"Husband, what's wrong with you, you suddenly scared me?" Sayuri Miyazaki rolled her eyes at Qin Feng.

"You, you, are you disobedient? I want to see this girl's embarrassment again. You are a good person, right?" Qin Feng said, and hit the small cliff, "I Tell you to be a good person, hum."

"Husband, it's wrong, it's wrong, I know it's wrong." Sayuri Miyazaki begged for mercy even though she didn't feel pain, and said, "But I also know that the other party is very uncomfortable, so I won't cooperate with you to continue teasing him Ah, you are really bad."

"Hmph, I'm just bad." Qin Feng snorted, "Anyway, I don't care, you have to pay me for the loss today. I haven't seen Bingqing girl's complete embarrassment."

"Okay, okay, then how can I compensate you? My good husband." Sayuri Miyazaki said softly.

"I told you that last time." Qin Feng smiled and said, "How about we practice how to arrange flowers?"

"Uh." Saiduri Miyazaki was speechless for a while, "That's fine, but you have to be fully prepared, don't be too serious."

"Enen, I know, I will let Luo Yu prepare, she understands better." Qin Feng smiled slightly, how to pay her delicate little face, the two of them kissed carefully.

After a while, some forgot everything.

Very forgetfully affectionate.

At this moment, Qin Bingqing was finally at the closet, heaving a sigh of relief.

Changed into clean clothes. ,
It's better now
"It's all caused by this stinky godfather, it's so annoying! I'm almost speechless." Qin Bingqing complained and looked at his little white triangle.

I don't know how to deal with it.

Just hold it.

Just put it under the cabinet.

You can't put it in your purse, can you?
Anyway can't let anyone see that's all.
cough cough cough.

Anyway, if you wait a few hours, you will be discovered.

It has all evaporated and dried up.

That's okay too.


I'm such a smart guy.

But at this moment, Qin Feng's voice sounded from the door, "Bingqing, have you changed it?"

"Ah? Godfather, I changed it, what's the matter?" Qin Bingqing replied.

"Then you come out, I have to go in and find a change of clothes." Qin Feng said at the door.

"Ah?" Qin Bingqing looked at the things he had placed in the lower part of the closet. They should not be found, then nodded, and said, "That's good."

immediately opened the door
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(End of this chapter)

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