Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 316 Qin Bingqing's embarrassment!Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Chapter 316 Qin Bingqing's embarrassment!Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
"Good girl, why did it take so long to open the door? Haven't you already changed it?" Qin Feng smiled harmlessly, and then walked in.

"I'm sorry godfather." Qin Bingqing said weakly, and then her expression became worried, but thinking that her little clothes were placed under the cabinet, she definitely didn't have to worry about being discovered.

"Sayuri Miyazaki, what kind of clothes do you think I should wear when I meet everyone later?" Qin Feng said, of course, it was the army he had transferred.

"Then you must be wearing the uniform of the war department!" Sayuri thought for a while before saying, "You are in the Dragon Empire now, don't you have the rank of a three-star general?"

The current Qin Feng.

The Dragon Empire War Department has been divided into many levels.

Especially those with a general in the back, that is the highest level.

In this small level, there are naturally two-star generals and one-star generals.

Qin Feng's three-star general is naturally the highest level.

In the empire, there are only a few people with this level.

And Qin Feng is different from other three-star generals, he added a special prefix, that is special three-star general.

It can be said.

Qin Feng's level is the highest in the Dragon Empire War Department.

Some people say that Qin Feng is only in his twenties, which is too young.

But there is no way, Qin Feng has done so many things, who would not be convinced?

Even in the mouth and in the heart, I am very convinced.

If you are capable, you lead the Dragon Empire to dominate the world?
You led the Dragon Empire to invent so many high technologies?

You took the Dragon Empire and directly convinced the big tigers in the West?

Therefore, it is not surprising that Qin Feng has such an identity.

Of course, this identity is not a big deal, anyway, Qin Feng is the one who speaks the most in the empire today.

"Sayuri Miyazaki, what do you mean, I'm wearing the clothes of the war department today?" Qin Feng looked at Sayuri Miyazaki and said.

"Well, that's not true. I really didn't see you wearing the clothes of the war department and then meeting everyone. You really wore them before." Sayuri Miyazaki said.

"That's true." Qin Feng nodded and said, "Then let me find out my war uniform, and I will change it later."

"Well, godfather, I'm going out for a while?" Seeing that Qin Feng was about to change clothes, Qin Bingqing must have said hello.

"No, just slowly put on your clothes. I mean, even if I go out in slippers, no one will think my clothes are inappropriate." Qin Feng smiled, although he was very confident, but what he said was true, he It is an exception, and you can do whatever you want.

Everyone won't talk about him.

Of course, if someone talks about these things, they will definitely be attacked by everyone.

Just put on a War Department coat?
Qin Bingqing was speechless for a while, and did not speak.

"Husband, have you put away your battle clothes?" Saiduri Miyazaki began to practice, but she really didn't want to cooperate with Qin Feng in the drill, but this guy wanted to participate by herself.

"How do I know where you put it? I don't care about these things all the time. Don't you guys put my clothes?" Qin Feng smiled indifferently, but when he saw Qin Bingqing beside him, his expression was a bit weird at the moment .

Qin Bingqing saw Sayuri Miyazaki looking for it in the closet.

Inside, I started to feel a little flustered.

Later, that Xiaoyi won't be discovered, right?
To be discovered.

That would be embarrassing.

"Hey, dear girl, why are you so nervous?" Qin Feng smiled harmlessly, "Is there something on your mind? You are still worried about your sister. As I said, I have people protecting me. They can't hurt you." To your sister."

"No godfather, I'm not worried about my sister." Qin Bingqing didn't worry about this, his godfather told him that his sister was protected and safe, and he still believed in his godfather.

"Then you have a weird expression." Qin Feng snickered, and then his eyes lit up, "Hey, Sayuri Miyazaki, my Zhanbu uniform should be under that box, right?"

"Under what box?" Sayuri Miyazaki asked.

"That's it." Qin Feng pointed to the box at the bottom of the cabinet where Qin Bingqing put the little clothes just now.

"Oops!" Qin Bingqing panicked again in his heart, it's over, Bobby Q is over, he won't really find out, right?How do I explain it then? It's so embarrassing.

If the godfather is a person who doesn't understand things.

You could also say it was just sweat or something.

But how could godfather not understand.

"This box?" Saiduri Miyazaki rolled her eyes at Qin Feng speechlessly, then pointed to the box and asked.

"Well, that's it, I think it should be inside." Qin Feng smiled, through monitoring, he must know that Ye Bingqing put Dong XZ under the cabinet.

That is the bottom of the box.

6 Because the box is placed at the bottom of the wardrobe.

"Is this box right? Then I'll open it and look for it." Sayuri Miyazaki thought about it, and then looked at Qin Bingqing. Was it too much for her husband to tease her like this?

Although Sayuri Miyazaki knew that when she just joined the team, she also had similar things, and was tricked by Qin Feng, and Qin Feng also loved everyone and doted on girls very much.

But really don't do it?
Thinking of the previous embarrassment, Qin Fengqi almost made me cry.

Thinking of this, she couldn't bear that Qin Bingqing had the same experience as her before.

Sayuri Miyazaki felt that it was better to help Qin Bingqing, so she opened the box without taking it out, "Hey, husband, I didn't see your Zhanbu clothes in it, did you remember it?" ?”


Saiduri Miyazaki actually closed the box.

"This, Sayuri Miyazaki." Qin Feng gave her a blank look in his heart, and secretly said, "It's nothing to dote on you. If you don't help your husband, then go help your sisters, right? See how I deal with you later, hmph, let You won't come for three days. Cough cough cough. Anyway, that's what it means."

"Is it really not there? No way? I remember my Zhanbu suit, which was put in a box." Qin Feng walked over and wanted to open the box himself.

"Husband, really not." Miyazaki Sayuri cast a look, as if she was trying to persuade Qin Feng not to continue, and Qin Bingqing was about to cry.

At this moment, Qin Bingqing was really frightened. Fortunately, the box was not taken out directly, otherwise there would be things underneath. ,
Isn't it about to be exposed?
"I don't believe it!" Qin Feng is not willing to let this lovely Qin Bingqing go, the more scared and shy she is, the more interesting Qin Feng thinks.

"It's really not there, I read it." Sayuri Miyazaki said.

"Go away, go away, I took the box out and looked for it carefully, I remember that I put it in there." Qin Feng said, walked over, and lifted the box up.

"Hey, sister Qin Bingqing, sister Miyazaki Sayuri, I can only help you here... I can't help it, the master seems to like to play tricks on you." Miyazaki Sayuri was speechless for a moment, and did not try to persuade her anymore.

"Ah? Godfather." Qin Bingqing suddenly called out.

"Ah? Good girl, what's the matter? What's the matter?" Qin Feng smiled, and the hand that lifted the box stopped for a moment, then turned his head to look at Qin Bingqing.

"Godfather, how about, I think you don't want to wear the war uniform today?" Qin Bingqing suggested.

"Then why? Good girl, tell me first." Qin Feng stood up and rubbed Qin Bingqing's hair, "Do you think Zhanbu's uniform is not good-looking?"

"It's not unattractive. I think if your godfather has never worn it before, don't wear it now. Your image should make everyone have a specific image in their hearts, so you must not change clothes at will." Qin Bingqing explained, "For example, there are many big stars. If they say something, they will create a persona for themselves, such as Yujie, Qingchun, Gao Leng, etc., and they will dress according to this persona. The identity of father also needs a specific personality, so it is best not to change clothes, just see their casual casual clothes, that's fine."

"Husband, I think sister Qin Bingqing's words are good, why don't you think about it?" Sayuri Miyazaki persuaded her again, and found that Qin Bingqing was a very self-respecting girl who would never let her scandal be known to others. She was a very strong girl.

"It's not unreasonable." Qin Feng looked at Qin Bingqing, "But my dear girl, you don't know, this time, I'm going to beat them on the grounds that the South African emperor took my sister away. So we have to get Zhan Buyi up, have a good talk, and encourage everyone."

Qin Feng didn't even know if his excuse was reasonable, anyway, he just talked nonsense.

"Uh..." Qin Bingqing didn't know what to say, or he could just block it right now.

"Okay, okay, I'll lift the box, and then look for it." Qin Feng smiled, and then stretched out his hand.

But Ye Bingqing panicked again, and immediately stood in front of Qin Feng.

"Good girl, what are you doing?" Qin Feng looked at Qin Bingqing, and made a look of being very confused.

"I'm sorry, godfather, I just now," Ye Bingqing said with difficulty.

"Why are you sorry for me? What's wrong?" Qin Feng asked.

"Just now, I was sweating. I changed my sweaty little clothes and put them in this box." Qin Bingqing admitted half of it, but didn't fully admit it.

"Ah? Put it in my box?" Qin Feng rolled his eyes at her, "Then you really know how to let it go, you damn girl, come on, come on, don't be shy, I'm your godfather, I won't Laughing at you."

Qin Feng really didn't expect it.

This Qin Bingqing actually wanted to prevent himself from discovering that Xiaoyi.

Such a bold lie.

But the more Qin Bingqing is like this, the more interested Qin Feng seems to be.

"Good girl, it's okay, I'll just open it and get my clothes." Qin Feng said, then paused again, "No, after Miyazaki Sayuri opened it just now, I didn't see your sweaty little clothes, did you?"

"No godfather, it must be that sister Sayuri Miyazaki didn't see it, so I put it at the bottom." Qin Bingqing said.

"You, put that thing in my box and bury it at the bottom, do you want the whole box to smell like your sweat?" Qin Feng joked with a smile.

"So, don't look for your godfather." Qin Bingqing said anxiously.

"It's okay, I'm just taking my clothes." Qin Feng was delighted, but he is really a treasure.

Without caring about so many other things, he lifted the box up and put it on the ground.

"Ah!" Qin Bingqing yelled inwardly, covering his face.

But here, Qin Feng actually lifted up the box and pretended not to see the little clothes under the box.

"Hey, is my war department coat really not in this box?" Qin Feng continued to pretend not to see it, and then rummaged in the box.

But Qin Bingqing is very smart at the moment. Seeing that Qin Feng didn't see it, he slightly blocked the door of the closet to prevent Qin Feng from seeing it.

"Really not, it seems that I did remember wrongly." Qin Feng pursed his mouth, and then continued, "Ahem, cough, that, Bingqing, don't you have a small coat? Why didn't I see it?"

"Godfather, you don't mind burying him, what are you looking for?" Qin Bingqing said angrily.

"If you find it, you can ask Luo Yu to wash it for you. You girl, you are really not ashamed, so I am ashamed to call you godfather." Qin Feng searched again, but there was nothing.

"Bingqing, don't you misplace it, where is it in this box." Qin Feng said.

"Ahem, cough, I must have remembered it wrong, right?" Qin Bingqing continued to block the cabinet.

"Well, Bingqing, let go, I'll put the box over." Qin Feng shouted.

"Why don't you put it on the ground, so I can't put it down later?" Qin Bingqing asked.

"This box is quite heavy, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep it." Qin Feng smiled, lifted the box, and walked over there.

"Get out of the way, you damn girl, what are you doing?" Qin Feng secretly smiled, and then told her to get out of the way.

Sayuri Miyazaki on one side was also speechless in speechless.

this husband.

How can you do things like that?

At the beginning, when you lifted the box, you pretended not to see it, you wanted to play tricks on Qin Bingqing, and you wanted to tease Qin Bingqing's worried heart?
How could there be such a bad man.

But one day, Qin Bingqing will really be with Qin Feng, which is also a good memory for the two of them.

"I won't let it! Godfather goes out, I'll just let it go!" Qin Bingqing stood in front of him and said.

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(End of this chapter)

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