Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 317 Qin Bingqing's First Kiss!

Chapter 317 Qin Bingqing's First Kiss!
"What the hell are you doing, kid? I really don't understand you." Qin Feng continued to pretend to be stupid, "Xiao Baihe, pull my daughter away, I want to see what's going on, I insist on blocking her like this .”

Qin Feng's words.

Sayuri Miyazaki is also in a dilemma.

But she still chose to help Qin Feng.

After all, this was her husband, her God, her master.

"Sister Xiao Baihe, don't pull me, you." Qin Bingqing was speechless. This sister Xiao Baihe is a female agent, and she can't handle it at all.

Soon Qin Bingqing was pulled away.

That thing at the moment.

Qin Feng also saw it.

Of course, I saw it just now, just to tease Qin Bingqing a bit more.

"Ah? This is." Qin Feng looked over, a small clothes.
And it's still shitty.

All H2O2 above.

"Whose is this?" Qin Feng pretended to be speechless, "How can there be this under my wardrobe?"

Even more speechless.

Qin Feng also went to catch it, and then asked Sayuri Miyazaki, "Well, Sayuri, this can't be yours, right? Why are you still throwing it away?"

Qin Bingqing at this moment.

There is a dead heart.

Is there anyone so speechless?
"Ah? That. Me." Sayuri Miyazaki didn't know what to say, she said it was her own. Although she could protect Qin Bingqing, she violated her husband. It was really a dilemma.

"That, godfather, this is mine." Qin Bingqing didn't care about it, "Who told you to hold someone in your arms all the time, I...I..."

Qin Bingqing is very courageous.

' Actually said it.

After speaking.

Totally ashamed.

Just ran out.

"Fuck! This girl, doesn't she play the cards according to the script?" Qin Feng was a little speechless, shouldn't he just explain everything, and then keep trying to cover it up?

"Damn godfather! Damn godfather, I can see it. You are playing tricks on me, right? You know I'm in a bad place, and then you still play tricks on me like this."

Qin Bingqing also knew his identity, that is, he acted like a godfather and daughter, and then a little lover.

she scolded.

"In the future, when you want to have sex with me, don't let me call you dad or something to stimulate your nerves."

"I won't! Tell you to bully me, and show it to Sister Miyazaki Sayuri, how can there be such a villain?"

The angry Qin Bingqing kept sulking on the deck.

Anyway, I still threw some peanuts and threw them into the sea.

Not in the meantime, there are some fish, come up to grab peanuts to eat.

"Good girl." Qin Feng leaned over slightly and directly stopped the slender waist.

"Godfather." Qin Bingqing was startled, and stretched out his hand to lift Qin Feng's hand, saying: "I am your goddaughter, you are like this"

"Ahem, cough, what's the matter? Can't it? Dad is intimate with his daughter, isn't that a problem?" Qin Feng smiled harmlessly, and he knew in his heart that the other party should have realized the situation of the relationship between the two.

"No problem, but other than general intimacy, other things are not allowed, right?" Qin Bingqing is definitely not convinced by Qin Feng's tricks on her, and now he is starting to act like a monster.

"In the future, godfather, if you want such intimacy with relatives, that's fine, and the rest is not allowed. It's against human relations, you know?" Qin Bingqing bit Wen Jue's words.

"Hahaha, you are really interesting." Qin Feng hugged her slender waist and turned her around, "Okay, my dear daughter, godfather apologizes to you, and will never play tricks on you again, give godfather Tell me, is it really that uncomfortable? When I was in the car at first, it was so much so."

Qin Bingqing originally thought that Qin Feng was here to apologize, but now he made fun of himself, and said with a blank look: "Then you have a try, I treat you like this, how do you feel?"

"Ah? Can you give it a try? Can't you? The relationship between me and you is relative." Qin Feng saw that this girl was quite courageous, and said such words.

"Hmph." Qin Bingqing ignored Qin Feng and turned his head to the other side.

"Okay, okay, godfather will apologize to you again, I really won't tease you, don't struggle around, let godfather hug you well." Qin Feng said, took her hand, and came to the deck On the beach chair on the bed, sit on it.

He also hugged Qin Bingqing on his lap.

"Godfather." Qin Bingqing looked at Qin Feng's expression looking straight at his face, and didn't know what the other party was going to do, so he could only whisper like this.

"Yes, it's interesting to shout like this." Qin Feng giggled, "Let me kiss you well, please?"

to be frank.

Qin Bingqing is so beautiful.

As expected of the South African emperor, at the risk of offending him, he wants to keep the two little beauties.

This can be described as absolute.

I feel that her figure and appearance are taller than Sayuri Miyazaki.

It may be that Qin Feng got Sayuri Miyazaki, Hinako Sano, and so on, to feel this way.

Or, maybe Qin Bingqing herself is very beautiful.

Who knows?

At this moment, Qin Feng slightly opened some skirts.

Rubbing those long legs.

great skin.

It is completely invincible tenderness.

Qin Bingqing is also a girl, and she squinted her eyes slightly at the moment.
That expression.

Really invincible.

"I said you, you won't have to change your clothes later, right?"

Qin Feng's words.

Let Qin Bingqing immediately recover from the state of squinting his eyes, and then wake up.

"Hmph, godfather, didn't you agree not to make fun of others?" Qin Bingqing groaned angrily.

"Hahaha, godfather is wrong." Qin Feng leaned his head slightly, "Let me taste your red lips, please?"

"En." Qin Bingqing was very grateful that Qin Feng could save him, and that his parents gave him to Qin Feng. In addition, the other party was so handsome that he couldn't help but fall in love with him just by looking at him.

How could Qin Bingqing disagree.

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(End of this chapter)

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