Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 318 Battle 1 is on the verge of breaking out!Go to war!

Chapter 318 The battle is imminent!Go to war!
Many people may have forgotten that Qin Feng's appearance can be said to be unbearable even if he beats the goddess of school belle or the goddess of nine heavens.

It is invincible charm.

Invincible attraction ah.

soon. ,

Qin Bingqing closed his eyes slightly.

Qin Feng is naturally not polite.

It was printed directly.

Words at the beginning.

Qin Bingqing naturally didn't respond.
words behind.

When the rows of white bones are opened.

Qin Feng found that cute.

And started to fight slightly.

words behind.

Under the leadership of veteran Qinfeng game players.

Qin Bingqing naturally began to respond.

Although in the end, Qin Feng went to bully the rabbit.

Qin Bingqing resisted, but was still thrown away by Qin Feng.


The two savored carefully for 15 minutes.

Qin Feng really took a long time this time.

All I could see was Qin Bingqing, who looked very tired anyway, as if he had run a marathon for several kilometers.

"Good girl, how are you? How do you feel?"

Qin Feng hugged her slightly.

Watching her arrange her clothes.

"I don't feel anything, just pull like that." Qin Bingqing pouted unconvinced.

"Ah? No way? That's it, right?" Qin Feng chuckled, "Then do you want me to carry you directly to the cabin, and let's do something other than "just pull like that"?"

"Don't!" Qin Bingqing didn't know what Qin Feng meant at this moment.

"Then you said it was meaningless just now?" Qin Feng raised his hand, "Whose is this?"

"Oh, godfather is necrotic." Qin Bingqing was almost lost, so he could only apologize again and again, "Okay, godfather, your daughter is very beautiful, okay? Kissing is very good, very beautiful."

"That's about the same." Qin Feng chuckled, "After that, my godfather will always give you this, okay?"

"En." Qin Bingqing leaned sweetly in Qin Feng's arms, "Every day, don't lie to me."

Now Qin Bingqing feels very happy.

The person you like, the person you love.

hold yourself.

Now it is to take the whole world, and it will not be changed.

I don't know why, this stinky godfather is so attractive, I haven't known him for long, right?Like him that much.

It's so weird.


Beach chairs for two on the deck.

Qin Bingqing never left Qin Feng's arms.

Within half an hour of the two of them, it was like this.

Occasionally also kiss.

Occasionally say some love words.

No one bothered the two of them.

In the end, of course Qin Bingqing went and changed into a small clothes.

And at this moment, rows of big guys appeared on the sea.

There are also some helicopters.

Of course, the direction they came from was naturally by the pier in South Africa.

"Qin Lie! Give Bingqing to me, and we are inseparable now! Although I know that the high technology in your hands is very good, but today you killed so many of my guards, even if you are a dragon The powerful and powerful of the empire, I also have reason in the world. So although I have a handle in your hands and imprisoned the girl of the Dragon Empire, but now, we are even."

"Facing so many people, no matter how high-tech you are, you can't resist my plane cannon, right?"

The South African emperor at this moment is very arrogant.

He is equipped with some advanced things in his hands.

All recently.

But not very advanced.

Compared with the advanced weapons of the Dragon Empire, it is really not enough.

"Godfather, on the pier over there, there should be tens of thousands of royal guards of the South African emperor, and they are all dispatched now."

Light Weapon immediately became anxious.

How can this be done.

own godfather.

Alone here.

Although Qin Bingqing knew that the godfather who was being called was the mysterious person from the Dragon Empire, that very awesome person.

But now Qin Feng still has fewer people.

Facing so many tens of thousands of people, what kind of advanced subjects can make him win?
Unless it's a bullet that can have the power of a nuclear bomb, and then all the people on the other side are dead, that's about the same.

But now even the Dragon Empire doesn't have such a weapon, right?
After all, if a large kinetic energy is required, it cannot be emitted by a single bullet.

"Don't be afraid, good girl. As I said, as long as you stay by my side, no one will dare to bully you, and they won't be able to arrest you. Besides, your godfather will not be in any danger. "

Qin Feng didn't panic at all.

Kissed the corner of Qin Bingqing's beautiful red lips.

She cocked her mouth and smiled.

"Good girl, just take a good look later, godfather, how do you deal with this little waste South African emperor who has imprisoned you for ten years." Qin Feng smiled and patted the small cliff, "What, If you still want to stay in the arms of your godfather, why don't you let me get up now?"

"Godfather. You're still talking nonsense at this time." Qin Bingqing rolled her eyes, and then immediately took off the hand that was hooking Qin Feng's neck, and then stood up a little.

But the body is very soft.

It is estimated that it was also after being underestimated by Qin Feng. ,
It's a little weak.

Although not really doing anything.

But that kind of sweetness and intimacy will also make girls very weak.

"My dear daughter, if you are afraid, go into the cabin of the yacht. If you are curious and want to see how I deal with the South African king, you can also find a chair on the deck, get some peanuts, and some wine. Then watch the show."

Qin Feng said it here.

Qin Bingqing couldn't help it, so he burst out laughing, "Godfather, you are still interested in telling jokes, why are you beating someone now, the other party is a royal guard with tens of thousands of people."

Qin Bingqing couldn't figure out how to fight this?

"Good girl, don't worry, you will know later." Qin Feng smiled, stood up now, and looked at the mighty battleships and fighter jets opposite, with a completely disdainful expression.

It's like an airplane cannon, seeing some primitive people with spears.
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(End of this chapter)

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