Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 319 The South African Emperor Cowardly?Afraid of being beaten?

Chapter 319 The South African Emperor Cowardly?Afraid of being beaten?
Just on the other side's South African emperor.

When all his warships and fighter jets came to surround Qin Feng.

Behind the Qin Feng luxury yacht.

Suddenly there was the sound of a loudspeaker.

It resounded in the sky.

"Emperor South Africa, what do you mean? Is the Dragon Empire so easy to bully? You have to arrest and imprison Mr. Qin Feng's own sister, and our Mr. Qin personally went to the door to ask for someone. How can you not give it? "

That voice in the sky.

It is a junior of Mr. Nangong, called Nangong Lin.

As the commander-in-chief who came to help Qin Feng this time, he is of a very high level.

Of course, when we get here, the commander-in-chief is Qin Feng.

"What? This person is Qin Feng?" The South African emperor immediately became a little uneasy when he heard the news, "You idiots, didn't you go to the Dragon Empire to check? This person is Qin Lie, just a comparison It’s just a rich and wealthy family, how can it be Qin Feng now?”

The South African emperor is very confused.

If this person is Qin Feng. ,

How can I afford it.

It's not an exaggeration to be a malevolent star, right?

"The one in front is the 111 Royal Guard of the Dragon Empire War Department, and the 222 Naval War Department. I am the South African Emperor. All this is a misunderstanding. We have always maintained a friendly attitude with your empire. Just a few days ago God, the war department of your empire even sold us some high-tech weapons."

The South African emperor immediately gave up.

The warships and fighter jets on the coast also began to drive over one after another.

There are so many battleships and fighter jets that there is no limit at all.

what happened?
It has been premeditated, are you going to attack him?

"Hehe, the Great South African, you arrested our Mr. Qin's sister. Do you think the matter is settled with just a few words? You almost killed our Mr. Qin. You should also know how important Mr. Qin is. If it is really gone today, can you afford it?" Nan Gonglin yelled towards the other party through the loudspeaker.

"Marshal Nangong Lin, now we should stop and discuss it. After all, I have never known that this Mr. Qin is Mr. Qin Feng, so don't you Huaxia have a saying? It is called innocent, I think you should Forgive me." The South African king had no choice but to beg for mercy now, and there was no other way.

"Hehe, what a person who doesn't know is innocent, then you mean to blame us, Mr. Qin, for not reporting your name from the beginning?" Nan Gonglin said intimidatingly.

"That's not what it means. Mr. Qin is so important in the Dragon Empire. If he leaves the Dragon Empire and hides his identity, that's fine." The South African Emperor said flatteringly. ,

"That's true. If Mr. Qin didn't have a large army by his side, how could he tell anyone his identity, so he kept hiding it." Nan Gonglin said.

"Thank you, Mr. Nangong, for your understanding. I really didn't know that Mr. Qin Feng's deity came to us. Otherwise, we would welcome him grandly with the imperial etiquette." The South African emperor arrived.

"Hehe, did we forgive? Which ear of yours heard us forgive? Even if Mr. Qin has no showdown status, he has already said that the person in your hand is his sister. I think it's modern society. It should be free, right? There won't be any slave-servant contract, right?" Nangong Lin said coldly.

"Nature does not exist."

"Then why did you detain him?" Nangong Lin said with a smile, "Now your matter has already made our old man Nangong of the Dragon Empire very angry. If you don't hand over him, we can only fight to see him now."

How dare the South African Emperor dare to confront the Dragon Empire? Even the Western Great Tiger Empire might not have the guts. The South African Emperor immediately began to say: "No, no, Commander Nangong, you misunderstood us. Just let them go immediately, you should retreat early."

"Oh? Let him go, right? Then you let him go?" Nan Gonglin also secretly smiled after finishing speaking.

This plan.

Now Qin Bingqing's younger sister has been watched by the Nine Night Angels. Safety is not a problem. When the South African emperor wants to release people, the Nine Night Angels will take down the soldiers who came to release them.

Then it caused the South African emperor to continue to hold on to people.

Well that's for sure.

The Dragon Empire has another excuse.

"Listen to me, go to the hospital and bring me Bingqing's younger sister, don't let her be frightened, don't let her get hurt, she must be safe, bring me here, you listen No!" The South African emperor was sweating a little at the moment, this Qin Lie, who is actually that Qin Feng, is really going to kill him.

And these two celestial girls are actually Mr. Qin Feng's younger sister. ,
It's also horrible.

It can be said that if this identity is true, then these two women may be more valuable than princesses of any empire.

Because the Dragon Empire is the most powerful now, the princess of the Dragon Empire is the most precious woman. ,
So here comes the problem, Qin Feng, as a person with the status of the Dragon Empire, if he has a man and a half woman in the future, it must be his woman, who is better, his daughter is better than the princess of the Dragon Empire.

But now Qin Feng has no children.

Then without this biological sister, she should be the most valuable and honorable woman in the world.

As long as there is some kinship or direct relationship with Qin Feng, then he is invincible.

Of course, if Qin Feng and Nangong Mingyue or other women get married, then these wives will also become the most honorable women.

The current South African emperor is terrified to death anyway.

"Understood, Great Emperor, I will send someone here to invite Miss Qin Yujie here!"

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(End of this chapter)

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