Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 327 The South African Emperor is about to lose his hold.

Chapter 327 The South African Emperor is about to lose his hold.

The war continues.

Qin Feng's battleships and fighter jets.

Still in the air, at sea.

Has absolute dominance.

Basically, they are slapping each other.


The warships at sea are pushing closer and closer to the coast.

At this moment, the South African emperor was very panicked, "Hold on! Hold on! All ports, as long as you hold on for another 2 hours, the big tiger will send reinforcements over."

Of course.

The South African majesty said these words at this moment.

It was basically a lie to his subordinates.

Whether or not the South African Emperor should send troops to help, the other party did not give clear words.

After all, who is not afraid of the high technology in Qin Feng's hands?
Can they beat it?

"Your Majesty, I can't defend anymore. The opponent's firepower is too fierce. Their warships are like diamond bodies. We can't break through their defenses at all. In the eyes of others, our warships are like paper. "

Such a fight.

How to fight?

I can't beat it at all.

"Your Majesty, now we can only retreat strategically, let's retreat to the capital!"

"Retreat to the capital? But the capital is on the coast. If we can't defend it any longer, our capital will be lost." The South African emperor also regrets it now. Why did he set up a place like the capital on the coast? If now If the capital is close to the inland, then you can have a lot of time to circle around.

Once the capital of an empire.

That's all gone.

That is actually to put it bluntly.

Then it's all over.

"Hold on! You must hold on to me! You can't retreat to the capital so soon!" The South African emperor's eyes were red, and now he regretted why he wanted to covet those two women.

There is a saying in Huaxia, which is called beauty disaster.

Could it be this?
The current South African emperor is very clear that the opponent's Qin Feng just wants to fuck himself and beat himself.

Those women are just excuses.

But in fact, without these excuses, Qin Feng will beat them to South Africa sooner or later.

But not the first to be hit.

Then basically do not know.

Anyway, it is very likely that I am not the first, so I have time to prepare.

It was so hateful.

After the South African emperor gave the order to stick to it, the warships on the coastline, as well as the fighter jets, all began to rush toward the people under Qin Feng's banner in a suicidal manner.

But even so.

For high tech.

Still not enough to watch.

Qin Feng's battle damage ratio is naturally extremely low, basically 1 to several hundred.

If Li Yunlong were to fight such a rich battle, he would dare to conquer the whole world.

But Qin Feng also dares.


"It's a bit stubborn." Lin Feng held Qin Bingqing in his arms and looked at some fireworks in front of him.

It can only be seen that the fighter jets on the South African side are all self-destructing, trying to come in and bomb Qin Feng's warship.

But when it is not in the sky above the battleship, it will be bombed and explode.

"Godfather, isn't it a bit?" Qin Bingqing was very relieved at first, but now he looks at them, why does he feel a little sympathetic to them.

"My dear girl, don't think so. In fact, this is the reality. If you fall behind, you will be beaten." Qin Feng murmured. "Our Dragon Empire, as you know, was still very powerful hundreds of years ago, but in the past 100 years, we have been bullied. What's more, we are not bullying others. As long as this planet is in our In the hands of Qin Feng, it is definitely better than in the hands of 200 emperors.

Of course, as an empire, like Qin Shihuang, unifying seven small places into a unified pattern is indeed conducive to the development of the empire, but is the whole world unified?Or should we separate?Not long ago, there were discussions among scientists.It is said that the whole world cannot be unified.

Because in this case, there will be no motivation for competitive development, no war, and the population will explode, leading to environmental degradation. "

Qin Bingqing listened to what godfather said, nodded and said: "This actually sounds right, so godfather."

"Yes, if it is indeed unified, then there will be no foreign enemies, and there will be no motivation at all." Qin Feng smiled, "But it is different here, what I need is to take everyone out of the earth , instead of guarding this three-acre land here, and then being invincible, right?"

Qin Hao smiled and continued, "If there is only one earth in the whole universe, then to put it bluntly, it is better not to unify it, because it is true that there is no competitiveness, and many technologies cannot be developed."

"Godfather, do you mean that there are aliens in this world? Are there alien civilizations?" Qin Bingqing also liked to read similar science when he was a child, and now he is very curious.

"Of course, in this universe, many things are more complicated than we imagined. Many things are unknown to human beings. Maybe one day, we will leave the earth." Qin Feng now has a plug-in in his hand , with such high technology. ,

That must be unified here.

Then go face new challenges.

Instead of tens of thousands of years, millions of years, let the people of Blue Star just circle around this place.

"So, what godfather did is a great contribution to the advancement of mankind into space?" Qin Bingqing looked at Qin Hao adoringly and said.

"Of course, otherwise I can enjoy life comfortably. Why do I need to be so busy?" Qin Feng smiled and kissed Qin Bingqing's cheek.

"Good girl, you are so beautiful." Qin Feng wanted to say something.

But Qin Bingqing also understood, and said: "If the godfather wants it, he can do it anytime."

"Cough cough cough, good daughter." Qin Feng really picked up a treasure, this Qin Bingqing still understands it quite well, after all, he is also an elf.


Qin Bingqing no longer showed any compassionate attitude, and just watched the "firework" battle in front of him.

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(End of this chapter)

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