Chapter 328 Take down the coast!
"Hold on!"

"Hold on to me!"

"Delay some more time!"

"Over there, the Great Tiger Emperor! We will definitely send someone over!"

The South African Emperor is at the moment on the commanding platform by the coast, in the meeting room.

Looking at the warships and fighter jets on the beach.

Basically, they were defeated steadily.

The heart is about to stop breathing at this moment.

He really wanted to commit suicide and apologize.

The country given by the ancestors.

Are you going to throw it all in your own hands now?
"Your Majesty, you must hold on tight now. Let's retreat to the capital first. Look, many warships on Qin Feng's side have begun to dock. Now some large tanks, large transport vehicles, and many war department vehicles are already on the ground. Logged in."

A handsome man under his flag.

Pointing to the screen on the projector.

It is a large warship with landing operations under Qin Feng's banner, and it has begun to dock.

Such a battleship, in fact, the attack power and defense power are not high.

But big enough.

It can accommodate tens of thousands of people, and it can also accommodate the vehicles needed by tens of thousands of people, as well as weapons and equipment, logistical supplies, and so on.

As long as tens of thousands of people have logged in.

Then you can go directly to the capital.

"My lord, hurry up and make a decision. Now the naval war department is finished, but we still have a land war department with 10,000+ people, and we still have people guarding the capital!"

The marshal under the banner of the South African Great, looking at the South African Great, is now bewildered.

It doesn't matter how respectful or humble.

Shake him vigorously.

"Okay! Don't use labor and capital! Listen! Retreat and defend the capital! Give up everything on the coast! When you retreat, destroy the bridges! Gas stations! And factories, all of them are destroyed by me! If you are on the road, quickly destroy them. The mountain exploded and collapsed! Then blocked the opponent's road line!"

The South African emperor came to his senses.

Still have a certain command ability.

At this moment, I can only give up the coast.

Because there is no way to give up.

The Naval War Department is all gone.

I can't keep it anymore.

"Hehe, are you finally going to retreat? I thought you were so tenacious?" Qin Feng looked at the distance, and those people on the coast had already started to run away.

And while running away.

Also doing damage.

What road.

What railway.

what bridge.

None of these people were spared.

Many people are feeling uneasy and panicked.

"Listen, for the local people, don't harass them, don't mess with them, and don't hurt them! We just hit us."

Qin Feng chuckled.

Now today's words.

What Qin Feng wants is people and land.

But not too cruel to these things.

After all, the human heart is much more difficult than winning the land.

If the people's hearts are not attached, even if the land is won, there will be many troublemakers in the future who will rebel in the name of restoration.

If these people feel that they can live a good life under Qin Feng's flag, then someone will come out to set the pace, saying that they want to restore or something.

That must have been agreed by no one.

It has been like this since ancient times. In the prosperous age, how could anyone rebel?It is natural and man-made disasters, great floods, and catastrophes, when the common people can’t afford to eat. At this time, those so-called ambitious people who want to save people will stand up, and then bring these ordinary people who have no food to eat. Do things.

Of course, if there is nothing wrong with your empire itself, people will not rebel against you.

Just one wanting too much.

One errs too much.

"See the royal uncle."

at this time.

Nan Gonglin is a handsome man.

On the other hand, he took a small boat from the battleship and came to Qin Feng's place.

"Nangong Lin, it's not bad. From the looks of your command this time, you look like a handsome man." Qin Feng naturally knew that the other party was an uncle of Nangong Mingyue's family.

Logically speaking.

Nangong Mingyue is Qin Feng's woman.

Then the other party is a generation older than Qin Feng.

But since ancient times, there has been nothing new about this, and it has been heard that the emperor's father-in-law even kowtowed to the emperor.

Clan uncle of a daughter.

It's normal for Qin Feng to call his name directly.

"Master Huang's praise! This is all under your command." Nangong Lin said politely, "Master Nangong said that if you come here, I will be the deputy conductor and you will be the commander in chief."

"Hahaha, I'm just giving you the general direction. It's up to you to give you the specific command." Qin Feng smiled, he just had the right to tell him where to fight and how to fight, the overall situation is for Qin Feng to see To decide.

those strategic plans.

Then specific content.

Qin Feng doesn't understand anything.

It's not like you don't understand anything.

It's been a long time, and I've seen some of them.

But if Qin Feng is allowed to direct in person, he can only lead a few thousand people at most.

And with such tens of thousands of people, 10,000+ people, there is no way to command.

But Qin Feng also has to grow up, and he just needs to learn slowly in the future.

"My lord, today, the South African emperor has voluntarily given up the thousands of miles of coast. Now we are closing the door to them! If they guard the capital, they are just waiting for this rescue. But looking at the world today, who If you dare to grow a beard on my dragon empire, I guess, no empire will come back to support them."

Nangong Linglin spoke confidently.

"It's not necessarily true. Although some empires dare not have any conflicts with us on the surface, but some self-proclaimed empires will of course come to us on their own initiative, and anyone who comes to persuade us to fight. Anyway, such people, I Think it's coming soon."

Qin Feng is naturally very clear.

These empires are also worried that Qin Feng's next plan will move them.

They are all very afraid.

When the time comes, I will come to persuade you.

But Qin Feng ignored them.

I do not know.

It's fast too.
On the east coast, a fleet of warships actually appeared at this moment.
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(End of this chapter)

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