Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 337 Interrupting a good thing?really good?

Chapter 337 Interrupting a good thing?really good?

"Ahem, cough, okay, then let's go there. After about 40 minutes, it will be over. I think the battle between us will be over."

Qin Feng chuckled.

There is still this Sikong Xuanmei pulling her.

Of course, the battle between the two sides that Qin Feng said.

One is its war department and the South African emperor.

Another one.

Of course it's two people.

a large scale.

And a small scale.

The battle between the two sides requires the sacrifice of human beings.

But they sacrificed much more.

One side sacrificed less.

On the other side, the South African Emperor at this moment is naturally extremely anxious.

"Hold on! Hold on!"

"How did they break through our three lines of defense so quickly?"

The South African emperor said two words in a row in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, the opponent, for some reason, suddenly rushed forward as if he had been injected with chicken blood. Our technical equipment was originally behind others. Now that they are so aggressive, we were expected to be able to defend three times. Hours, but now the defense is at most one and a half hours."

Of course.

People under this banner.

It is only expected to defend for about three hours.

After all, that was just their prediction.

On Qin Feng's side, Nan Gonglin estimated that he could break through in 2 hours.

As for the people in the war department under Qin Feng, they are going to hold a blind date meeting, and they are going to get Korean beauties, so they are naturally very happy.

Combat power has improved a lot.

"These people, are they really going to destroy my capital and swear not to give up?" The South African emperor is now counting on the big western tiger, but this big tiger has now become a kitten. Dare to put one.

It's really too spicy.

Are you so afraid of Qin Feng?

"Your Majesty, we now have only two choices. The first is to abandon the capital and retreat to the west."

The big guy didn't say anything.

The South African emperor said impatiently: "What? Give up the capital? You asked me to give up the capital of my ancestors?"

"Your Majesty, for the current plan, I'm afraid the capital will not be able to hold on for a moment!" said the commander-in-chief, "Our first step is to abandon the capital and go to the west, or the inland side, because of the terrain. It's not very good, and we can still deal with them, but this is still lingering, and then wait for something big to happen in the world, and someone will come to jointly sanction Qin Feng, so that we can escape. If there is no such situation, let's hide Going to the land, hiding in the mountains, is also waiting for death, slow death, it’s not me boosting the morale of others, the main reason is the gap in equipment, Your Majesty, you should also know.”

The South African emperor quietly listened to his subordinates' suggestions, and asked again: "Then the second choice? What is it?"

"Your Majesty, the second option is that we can directly surrender to Qin Feng now, because if we continue to resist, our surrender will not mean much, because people beat you to the point where you have to surrender, and if you surrender again, it will be for others It's no good,

If we can save more of the other party's resources and let the other party take our land without paying anything, then even if you surrender, you will be treated better.Compare that to the empress of Goryeo. Look at her. Although she is Qin Feng's woman, she also has her own royal army. It seems that she is also a decent empress.

If you surrender now, you can also talk to the other party, temporarily retain your majesty's position, or lower your majesty to their Chinese "king" title, called the king of South Africa.Then let them authorize you to manage everything here, but the war department must be handed over to others, and the military power should be handed over to others. In this case, I think the other party will agree. Not necessarily, they are very powerful, and I am not afraid that you have tens of thousands. It will also be distributed to your tens of thousands of royal troops like Goryeo. "

The South African emperor quietly listened to these rhetoric of his subordinates.

In fact, he was moved.

If you can really be the king of South Africa, you can be a king of South Africa.

That's actually pretty good.

It's better not to be decapitated, right?
But the South African emperor was a little worried, would the other party accept such a surrender?
After all, according to Sikong Xuanmei, she is a natural beauty who can bring fun to Qin Feng.

And my own words.

Not so.

"My lord, even if there are no benefits like this, we can still discuss it. We can make concessions. If the other party is really sincere, these conditions are actually not too high," the commander-in-chief said.

"Well, okay, let's communicate with the other party and ask them to stop." The South African emperor used the radio to contact the people on Qin Feng's side.

After all, technology is now.

Want to get in touch.

Of course there is no problem.

This is inland.

Not at sea.

It is very convenient to contact by radio.

"Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin"

Nan Gonglin knocked on the door at this moment.

Also speechless.

At this time, the South African emperor also called someone to call the radio, is he going to surrender?
But now Qin Feng is busy with things.

After he went in, he waited for an hour to completely take down the capital of the South African emperor.

"What's wrong?" Qin Feng was a little speechless at the moment, so he could only stop that movement.

"The South African Emperor, the radio is coming now. I don't know what to do. My subordinates estimate that they plan to surrender him and don't plan to continue the fight." Nan Gonglin said.

"Hehe, it's really tm wordy." Qin Feng was speechless, "Well, Nan Gonglin, let Miyazaki Sayuri, let her bring in the radio device!"

Qin Feng finished.

I can only get up.

Then he scolded: "It's really fucking unlucky, it's too long-winded."

Anyway, this situation is very weird.

Things are halfway.

Haven't done it yet.

The casting was interrupted.

Any man will have a will-o'-the-wisp.

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(End of this chapter)

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