Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 338 Start talking about conditions?King of South Africa?

Chapter 338 Start talking about conditions?King of South Africa?

Sayuri Miyazaki took Chiyo Sakurako, and brought in the radio robot.

Anyway, they are all Qin Feng's women.

I'm not ashamed either.

It was Sikong Xuanmei who was slightly covered by the quilt.

There is also a lot of complaints on the face.
This South African emperor is really long-winded.

"Master, this is a radio device. Now, we can answer each other's calls." Qiandai Yingzi handed Qin Feng a headset, "Do you want to answer it now?"

"Answer it, it's really long-winded, if you want to fight, you can fight, if you want to surrender, why did you go so early?" Qin Feng was upset, looked at Sayuri Miyazaki over there, and pointed at him.

And then next.

Seeing Sayuri Miyazaki gave Qin Feng a blank look.

Walk over quickly.

cough cough cough.

"Hmm..." Qin Feng felt refreshed at first.

Followed by.

Definitely answered the call.



The radio dialed.

The opponent's South African emperor was nervous at the moment, and then scared.

"You are Mr. Qin Qin... or Mr. Nangong." The South African Emperor was speaking tremblingly at the moment, which was completely different from the arrogant South African Emperor at the beginning.

He is now.

It's just a little ant.

Qin Feng can crush him casually.

"I'm Qin Feng, you are the South African emperor, right? What do you want to say to me?" Qin Feng frowned slightly, Miyazaki Saiduri had too many tricks.

Just flattered.

"Mr. Qin, it is true that you made a mistake first, no matter whether you really got so angry for your sister that you got an army of 10,000+, or you are just making excuses to complete your goal of unifying the world." Grand plans and great wishes, I don’t mention these now, since ancient times, I have nothing to say about success and failure.”

The South African Emperor said this.

Qin Feng smiled and said: "You are quite clear. You are right. Since ancient times, I have been king and defeated. I really wanted to find an excuse to beat you. Now, Qin Yujie has been brought back by me. I have not yet Go to see her, she was also taken away by my Nine Heavens Saint Princess, so you can't hand over her."

The current Qin Feng can completely say these words.

After all, you have to move your hands.

These questions are not important.

"Eh..." the South African emperor heard Qin Feng's words, although he was angry, but now is not the time to act recklessly, he can only say softly: "Mr.

"Oh? Really? It hurt you so badly?" Qin Feng smiled, "Let me tell you the truth, if you didn't detain these two people and don't return them to me, I really don't necessarily have to deal with your opponent first." , in fact, I was thinking about the empire next door to you, which is the first to win, but you gave me an excuse here, so I will attack you first. I can only say that your stupidity brought your disaster ahead of time It’s just a few things. In the end, a disaster will come, or it’s not a disaster. Your South Africa is much better in my hands than in yours, and the common people will be much happier in the future than in yours. .”

"Yes, yes, it's my stupidity. What I want to say now is, if we surrender now, is it still possible?" The South African emperor finally said the truth. The other politeness is just to please and behave.

"Now you know how to surrender? At the very beginning, when I told you to surrender, you were fine. You had to wait for the Western Tiger to come and rescue you, right? Now you know, What kind of cowards are they? Do they dare to fight me?"

Qin Feng smiled, his face was full of confidence, and he looked down on those empires, especially the big western tiger, Qin Feng has been waiting for them to do it.Because Qin Feng knew that they brought so many people here, probably not as simple as persuading them to fight.

If it is pure persuasion.

Then it would be unreasonable to bring so many people here.

Those European regiments, didn't they bring a battleship with 1000 people, at most a few thousand people.

This big western tiger directly brought 10,000+ people. ,
Still such a famous genius.

It can be seen that there is an idea.

Qin Feng just waited for them to see what they were going to do, if he angered Qin Feng, then don't blame him for being cruel.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Qin, it's my stupidity. I didn't surrender at the beginning, which caused you to mobilize the troops and trouble your mind and mind." The South African emperor is now completely like a dog.

This is for begging.

There is no intention of seeking peace at all.

Qin Feng took the initiative.

"Tell me, if you want to surrender now, you must negotiate with me, right? You say it first, and I have to refer to it before agreeing." Qin Feng frowned slightly, this Miyazaki Sayuri, she is going to die.

Still kidding myself.

Not bad.

"Well, Mr. Qin, when we are talking, should we stop the fire for a while? After all, this matter may not be settled in a short time. As far as your department is concerned, I am afraid that we have not finished talking about this kind of combat power. You will kill those people." The South African King looked outside at this moment, although the two were connected online, they hadn't made a decision yet, so those people were still fighting.

"You can tell yours to stop." Qin Feng said, looking at Luo Yu beside him, "Yu'er, go and inform Nan Gonglin to stop first, I will communicate with the South African emperor here, If the communication is good, then retreat back, if the communication is not good, then there is no need to come back, just keep calling me!"

"Understood." Luo Yu obediently went to deliver the order.

Of course.

As long as it is a woman beside Qin Feng, basically such a big order does not need to be reviewed.

Because of Qin Feng's women, they will never be arrested or threatened, nor will they rebel.

"Lord of South Africa, now you can talk about it! What conditions do you need over there? But you have to think about it yourself. If you dare to sit on the ground and raise prices with me, and if you are greedy, you will know the consequences. Yes, if I want to take you down, there won't be too many casualties. To put it bluntly, I still cherish your people, because these people will also be soldiers under my banner in the future." Qin Feng laughed.

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(End of this chapter)

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