Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 339 Conditions of the South African Emperor!I agreed!

Chapter 339 Conditions of the South African Emperor!I agreed!

"Since Mr. Qin opened the golden mouth, let me tell you about my conditions."

The South African emperor is happy at the moment.

After all, the other party can let him make conditions.

It's already a good thing.

After all, what the other party said was good. It is really not easy for them to replace South Africa and take them down. ,
It is estimated that what Qin Feng considers is that these soldiers of the South African War Department will be under his banner in the future. In this case, it is good to reduce some casualties.

Therefore, the other party can promise himself the conditions.

It's really a good thing.

"Well, Mr. Qin, the conditions here are also very simple. I can take the title of Great Emperor, but you have to give me the title of King of South Africa, and in terms of treatment, I will still be in charge of my South Africa, but for the war department, You just need to send someone over here. Or if possible, I can have my own royal guard with tens of thousands of people just like Goryeo."

Of course.

Sikong Xuanmei is the title of empress.

That is the Royal Guard.

And the South African Emperor is the title of king, that is the royal guard.

"Hehe, I can promise you the front, as long as I send people to station here, then the economic rights will be managed by you, that's fine, but for the latter matter, if I give you a royal guard of tens of thousands, I can't promise. After all, I don't really believe in your character, if you can't figure it out anytime, and lead someone to do something, it will be very troublesome."

Of course.

Qin Feng also knows that if he is given tens of thousands of people at that time, the equipment will be rubbish.

In this case, he will not be afraid to make trouble.

But what Qin Feng thought was, he had to compress the other party's conditions?
Not everyone is Sikong Xuanmei, she is her own woman, so she should give some benefits no matter what.

And if the future empires all follow the example of the South African emperor and ask Qin Feng for tens of thousands of people, that's not impossible.

Let them make it clear that although Sikong Xuanmei's welfare is good, she is Qin Feng's woman, which they can't compare with.

"Well, Mr. Qin, even if there are tens of thousands of people, you should at least give me four digits more people? There must be a team of seven or eight people."

Seeing that the other party did not agree immediately, the South African great emperor.

The conditions must have been lowered immediately.

as the big four digits.

That's six thousand to nine thousand.

That's the big four digits.

From tens of thousands at the beginning, it has now been reduced a lot.

It is enough to know that he is really scared and loses heart.

"Mr. Qin, if you can't agree to such a condition, it's too bad. By then, won't I be a poor commander?"

The South African emperor didn't go on.

Qin Feng laughed and said: "What do you mean, I don't agree, is it okay?"

"No, it definitely doesn't mean that. I don't know how to speak. I just want Mr. Qin to give me a little guard, just like that. You don't have to worry about what I will do in the future. I will be loyal forever. It belongs to the Dragon Empire!" The South African Emperor said, and he made up his mind in his heart, that is, to be loyal for a lifetime.

Because he no longer wants to endure the ordeal of today.

It's really not easy.

Settle down well and be a happy prince.

He won't think about other big things in the world anymore.

"King of South Africa, listen now, I, Qin Feng, agree to your request, and I will increase the number of Royal Guards to [-], and you are economically and politically independent. We only send the war department to station, and the rest Things that can only help, not lead."

Qin Feng said lightly.

But as soon as this sentence came out.

The opponent's South African emperor obviously froze. What's going on?

At the beginning, the other party refused to accept tens of thousands of people.

Why did you bring it up again now?
It's like bargaining between two people.

The other party was unwilling to pay for something worth [-] yuan, and then the price came to [-] yuan.

The seller has agreed to a price of [-].

But the other party suddenly wants to pay 3 yuan to buy something?

This operation is simply confusing.

"Listen, King of South Africa, I know you are puzzled about this matter, but don't worry, under these conditions, you have to give me meritorious service, otherwise, I will definitely not give you such conditions. "

Qin Feng chuckled.

I have a big plan now.

It can make the Western Tiger Empire weaken the strength of 10,000+ soldiers.

Then it depends on how the South African emperor cooperates.

"Ah? There are conditions, you say... what you said, we will definitely do it." Although the South African emperor didn't know what the other party wanted him to do, but now his capital was surrounded by others.

In the future, he will be a courtier of others.

Of course I will say yes.

"You don't need to do big things. What I want now is that you cooperate with me in acting." Qin Feng smiled, not afraid to tell them the plan, and said: "You know that the Western Tiger Empire, Why did you bring 10,000+ people, and then a well-known general, a man who is good at fighting, is this really here to persuade you to fight?"

"Does the Western Tiger Empire have other plans?" The South African Emperor paused, "What do they want?"

"I don't know what you want to do, but if you don't have other plans and just come to persuade the fight, you won't bring so many soldiers, and there is such a great commander in chief." Qin Feng paused, "Don't you think they haven't said they want to help you, but they haven't refused. They just want you to resist more?"

"Mr. Qin, what do you mean, the Western Great Tiger Empire used my South African King, the King of South Africa, as cannon fodder, and then wanted to see Mr. Qin's strength? Or let us perish to weaken your strength, and they will then Surround them, and then wipe them all out?"

Only then did the South African emperor understand.

Why are you so stupid.

Just a few hours ago.

But I have always believed that the Western Tiger Empire will help me, and then resisted tenaciously.

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(End of this chapter)

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