Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 341 The King of South Africa Starts Acting!

Chapter 341 The King of South Africa Starts Acting!
"It was a wonderful game!"

"Look at Qin Feng's high-tech cannons!"

"A high-tech propulsion vehicle!"

"It's all good stuff."

The commander of the rice empire is here.

With the Outuan people. ,
I have been observing the situation ahead in the conference room through the remote projector.

The situation ahead is intense.


A person under the commander of the rice empire couldn't help it, and whispered in his ear: "Commander, you see that the current South African emperor is almost unable to hold on. If you don't express your opinion to him now, will you help them?" , Maybe they can't hold on, but they are about to surrender."

"Well, you're right, they won't last long." The commander of the Big Tiger Empire paused, and murmured: "But Qin Feng has not been forced to run out of ammunition and food. Let's take action. The same is unbeatable."

"Then the commander-in-chief will tell the South African emperor to hold on tighter, and they will come to the rescue immediately, or show them directly, saying that they will not be able to face a whole situation if they don't drag Qin Feng to half his life." It belongs to the powerful Qin Feng."

"Well said, let him explain the matter clearly, maybe he should know how to do it." The handsome Western tiger chuckled.

Immediately linked to the South African emperor's phone.

After all, the South African emperor has always pretended to be asking for help, and has been connecting with the big tiger commander.


The connection is connected.

In his conference room, the South African emperor looked at his soldiers in front of him, just acting "death".

There is not much turmoil in my heart.

Of course, you can't do all the acting.

Casualties always have to be real.

"Oh? A call from the Great Tiger Empire of the West?" The South African Emperor smiled and kept calling the other party, but the other party refused to answer.

Now he has agreed to Qin Feng's conditions.

Received such generous treatment.

Are they here now?
Must be persuading myself to be cannon fodder for a while, right?
This dog x the big western tiger empire.

Sooner or later, Mr. Qin will go to your Pacific coast for a few days.

"My lord, shall we take it or not?"

Of course.

These subordinates at the moment.

They all obeyed the orders of the king of South Africa.

Will no longer be called the Great South African.

I am also very conscious.

"Of course I have to answer it? Why don't you answer it? Why don't you keep pretending and call them? You must answer it now."

The South African king laughed.

Then picked up the radio equipment.

Just put the phone through.

"But the commander-in-chief of the Great Tiger Empire? We can't hold on anymore here. Once the capital is lost, our entire empire will fall into some panic. At that time, the situation will be over."

The South African emperor pretended to be very anxious here.

And the acting is good.

The other party certainly did not have any doubts.

"Your Majesty the Great South African, for us here, it is true that the rescuers will not arrive for a while. If the rescuers arrive, we will dare to go up to support them. You also know that Qin Feng's high technology is very powerful. If we are not sure of victory, we will I won't go out and fight."

"You guys, you've been watching us get beaten? If I'm gone, Africa will slowly fall into it soon. At that time, it will be the Outuan side. In the end, your western tiger empire will also be doomed. For these reasons, you I understand, why are you so timid now?"

The South African emperor pretended to be persuading very seriously.

In fact, in my heart, I was happy.

Let's see what they say next.

"Emperor of South Africa, don't worry, we are really waiting for help. We also know that if you lose here, it will be equivalent to the whole of Africa. It will be much easier for Qin Feng to take it." The big tiger's commander said.

"Hehe, rescuers, do you have rescuers? Aren't they always consuming our vitality? Then wait for Qin Feng's army to be exhausted, and then come out from behind to catch him by surprise, right?"

The South African emperor chuckled, "You guys are really dirty."

Of course.

If you keep begging hard.

is not possible.

Because when a person is in a hurry to ask for help, but the other party does not agree, this person is likely to hate the other party.

It's more realistic to act like this.

"Hehe, yes, His Majesty the Great South African, we do not have any new reinforcements. We always want you South Africa to consume Qin Feng's bullets, Qin Feng's pills, and the physical strength of their soldiers. If we are now, we must wait. If there is no such opportunity, we will not intervene."

The Great Western Tiger Marshal said: "Of course, if you still want to retain the title of Your Majesty, and want to be the master of this land, then you have to defend me well and resist tenaciously. Without people, we need to consume a little more of Qin Feng's power, so that we can help you. This is the case, you make your own choice, if you go to Qin Feng's side, you may just be a puppet with no rights That's all."

Listening to the other party's narration, the South African great didn't feel any disturbance in his heart.

The future world.

It must belong to Qin Feng.

Just a matter of sooner or later.

People gave me such a good treatment.

How could it be possible to agree to the other party at this moment?

"Isn't it too bullying for you to do this?" the South African Emperor said unhappily.

"Hehe, Great Emperor of South Africa, look at China's Warring States period, South Korea was very weak, and other princes and kings did want to help him resist, but they all exhausted the power of their empire, and then waited for work. Such things, Do you even need to think about it? Which empire doesn’t want interest?”

"You." The South African Emperor was speechless.

"Now you can only stick to it, try your best, and consume a little more of Qin Feng's power, so that we can dare to make a move. Once we succeed this time, then Qin Feng will be gone, and everything will return to the original world. In my world, our western big tiger is still the big brother, and you can become our most confidant little brother. Whether to go to Qin Feng's side to be a bare-handed commander, or to resist tenaciously, now the choice is left to you!"

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(End of this chapter)

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