Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 342 Are you going to do something?Western tiger?

Chapter 342 Are you going to do something?Western tiger?

"Stop talking." The South African Emperor gritted his teeth fiercely, "I, the South African Emperor, choose to stand and die, but also to win the chance. Although you Western tigers are vicious, you still don't have the strength to fight the whole world by yourself. You are right, if I am defeated by Qin Feng, I can only be a poor commander, he needs the unification of the world, and I cannot be their subsidiary empire, or the situation like the younger brother."

"It's good that His Majesty the South African knows that they have no reinforcements. As long as you resist a little bit more, we will have a chance to counterattack." The big tiger said.

"I know, but we only have less than 8 people. People from other places also gather passersby who come to the capital. We won't last long."

The South African Emperor looked sad.

Immediately, a decision was made with the other party.

Also hung up the phone.

"Damn the big western tiger empire, labor and management and you are endless!"

"Take so many people in South Africa as cannon fodder!"

"What about Qin Feng instead? Before he called in, he began to feel sorry for these ordinary people."

"Is this the difference?"

"I'm on Qin Feng's side, and I still lead this place. As a state, I still have tens of thousands of guards to take with me."

"With such treatment, ghosts will blindly meet with you."

"Just wait for the day when Qin Feng will destroy you!"

"Go to hell, former overlord!"

After the South African emperor finished complaining.

Naturally, it was very fast, and informed Qin Feng of the news.

At this moment, Qin Feng is in the small meeting room, surrounded by Miyazaki Sayuri, Chiyo Sakurako, Luo Yu, Lu Yaqing, Qin Bingqing and other women.

Qin Feng didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

He just held Qin Bingqing in his arms and fed her fruit.

"Is it delicious? Good girl." Qin Feng is actually quite interested in Qin Bingqing, but it's a pity that something big will happen soon.

On the other side of the Western Tiger Empire.

Definitely join the European Union. ,
Take the opportunity to fight back against yourself. ,
It would be better if I broke their wings that were going to fly.

In this case.

The unification of the world will speed up the pace even faster.

"Well, godfather, you can eat too." Qin Bingqing is really happy at the moment, she has long been used to being hugged by Qin Feng, and there are other women around her.

It was really not used to it at first.

But this is holding too much.

And other girls.

He was also hugged by Qin Feng.

Naturally, I can't control that much.

Everyone will be sisters in the future.

"Good girl." Qin Feng took a bite of the fruit, looked at the attractive red lips, took a piece of fruit in his mouth, and then leaned over.

"Ah? Godfather. What are you doing?" Qin Bingqing hid for a while. Was this action intended to feed himself fruit like this?

this way.

It's really embarrassing.

"No reason, I just let you eat fruit." Qin Feng spoke vaguely, after all, there was something in his mouth.


Qin Feng leaned over.

Although Qin Bingqing was embarrassed in every way.

But still not too refusal.


Two people eat half of each person and eat this fruit.

Followed by.

Qin Feng must have put his arms around her little head, facing each other in front of the girls.

The two began to make out.

The two savored carefully for about five or six minutes.

Qin Feng then raised his head, looked at Qin Bingqing, and said. "How about it, dear girl, if I feed you fruit like this, will it taste better than before?"

"Hmph, I don't know." Although Qin Bingqing was a little shy, he was quite happy in his heart, and leaned into Qin Feng's arms all of a sudden.

I dare not look at the eyes of the sisters around me.

"Husband, now the King of South Africa is cooperating with us in acting, and to a large extent, "eliminated" too many of them. It is impossible to estimate." Sikong Xuanmei sat on the side, looked at her watch, and said: " I can't think of two or 10 minutes before they can't stand it."

After Qin Feng heard this, he didn't answer, but just pointed to the remote control on the upper left, and Sayuri Miyazaki understood Qin Feng's meaning very well.

Turn on the remote projector screen.

On the screen at the moment.

On the contrary, the war was quite intense.

Acting has come to this point.

Not to mention cheating the Western Tiger Empire or Outuan, Qin Feng himself thought it was a real fight.

Because it can't be seen that it is a fake fight.

"It's true that the winner will be determined soon." Qin Feng smiled lightly, put his arms around Qin Bingqing's slender waist, and said, "Daughter, please call Nangonglin."

"En." After Qin Bingqing finished speaking, he picked up the phone on the table, dialed it, and put it next to Qin Feng's ear.

I also looked at Qin Feng's pretty face.

"Why, still want mua! (*╯3╰)?" Qin Feng looked at her beautiful red lips, and kissed the corner of her mouth.

Kiss again.

But Nan Gonglin on the phone spoke, "Mr. Qin, do you have any orders to give?"

"Nangonglin, listen carefully now." Seeing the other party speak, Qin Feng naturally ended the shallow kiss, and said, "What you have to do now is to pretend to be a little bit more for me, reduce the firepower a little, and let the Both the Western Tigers and Outuan can see that we are saving shells and gunpowder. You should be able to understand the specific arrangements for saving gunpowder, so I don’t need to say more, right?”

"Mr. Qin, don't worry, everything will be arranged by the subordinates. When the time comes, the big western tiger empire and Ou Tuan will definitely show us our embarrassment. In fact, we can still use the medicine for a few days now., "

Nan Gonglin smiled.

The moment has finally arrived.

What kind of South African king, he is not an opponent at all.

Or the Western Tiger is a little more powerful.

Very challenging.

If you want to fight, you can fight awesome.

That's what's interesting.

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(End of this chapter)

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