Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 343 Starting to fall into the trap?

Chapter 343 Starting to fall into the trap?
"Look at it!"

"Now the war department under Qin Feng's side has begun to lose so much firepower!"

this scene.

Soon he was the commander-in-chief of the Western Tigers.

There is also the handsome Outuan.

Wait for some characters.

See it in the eyes.

"It seems that their gunpowder is almost gone. If there is enough gunpowder, it is absolutely impossible to just fire like this?"

"Yes, if my firepower is strong, I must be bombing wildly all the time."

"Hehe, Qin Feng, Qin Feng, you also have a time when you are short of gunpowder?"

"And what he is probably thinking now is that we are here to watch in a posture of persuading the fight, but he must leave some gunpowder to deal with us, right?"

"Yes, I don't know how much gunpowder they have left now."

"Since everyone has started to save ammunition, there must not be much."

"I guess they're going to have to spend some more ammunition to take down the South African magnate."

The commander of the Western Great Tiger Empire, watching the analysis of these people at this moment, he quickly made a phone call to the South African Emperor.

"Hey, His Majesty the Great South African, how is the situation on your side now?" The commander-in-chief of the Western Tiger Empire said: "I looked, and now Qin Feng has started to save ammunition, could it be that the ammunition is running out? "

"Yes, I saw it too. The current Qin Feng is not as fierce as in the beginning, and I have a little chance to breathe." The South African Emperor said.

"Great, you guys remember now, they must be running out of ammunition, you have to stick to it, as long as you squeeze out the contents of Qin Feng's fuel tank, then he must die here today. "The commander-in-chief of the Western Tigers smiled viciously.

Of course.

Nor is he a fool.

The specific analysis is clear.

Otherwise, he would not act rashly.

Bang bang bang.

bang bang bang. ,

Live here.

Still under heavy artillery fire.

But the words of the South African Great Emperor did not panic at all.

I know
The commander-in-chief of the Western Tiger Empire is definitely going to take the bait.

As long as he dares to fight.

Then Qin Feng must counterattack here.

The people they brought this time are going to be unlucky.

"Hold it! Hold it up! The Great South African! You must hold it up! You just need to hold it up! Then we can destroy Qin Feng!"

The commander-in-chief of the Western Tiger Empire.

Right now in my conference room.

Looking at the situation ahead.

Also continue to cheer for the South African great.

Although Qin Feng's firepower was weaker, it was still irresistible to the South African emperor.

It can only be said that he was destroyed for a moment.

But at this time, a person under the banner came up to report.

"Meng Shuai! According to the pictures taken by the reconnaissance plane in the sea ahead, several large transport ships are rushing over here. It seems that those ships are carrying ammunition."

"What? Qin Feng actually asked someone to bring ammunition over?" Marshal Tiger panicked at the moment. If Qin Feng had so many high-tech technologies, he would have all ammunition.

Then the situation is bad.

No wonder they kept saving bullets in the end, because they were waiting for logistical supplies.

Are you afraid that we will turn against them and beat them now?

"Have you investigated clearly? How is the combat effectiveness of the escort transport ship?" Marshal Tiger asked.

"I don't know about the combat power. Anyway, there are two high-tech warships under Qin Feng's banner, which can accommodate hundreds of people. There are only more than 1000 troops in total."

Although it is more than 1000 troops.

But Qin Feng's battleship.

It's really not easy to mess with.

Very high-tech weapons.

"The opportunity is here! The opportunity is here!" Tiger King became excited, and said: "Everyone listen to me, now I will send 5 people to stop Qin Feng's logistics supply, and now the rest of the people, wait Let's kill Qin Feng from behind as the South African emperor finally exhausts Qin Feng's vitality, and when Qin Feng has no logistics supplies, then his high-tech weapons will be meaningless."

"Meng Shuai, can this matter be done?"

"Yes, what if it's a conspiracy by the other party?"

"Conspiracy? Why do they want to conspire? Could it be that the South African Emperor will cooperate with them in conspiracy? Since the South African Emperor on the front line has said that Qin Feng's ammunition is low, can he lie to us?"

Of course.

Even if they were killed, no one would believe that those fierce battles just now were actually staged by Qin Feng and the South African emperor.

Therefore, in such a battle, so many people died in the South Africa Great, would he cooperate with Qin Feng to act?

This is simply not possible.

"It's true, but even if Qin Feng runs out of ammunition, I don't think it's easy to provoke!"

People from these European groups.

That must have scared everyone to death.

Marshal Tiger chuckled, "You guys, I really convinced you, don't you understand the current world structure? Qin Feng wants to sweep 200 points, and he won't let you go Any one, right now, we just have to make some attempts, which is better than waiting slowly for him to destroy us?"

"Marshal Tiger said that we, the Frankish Empire, decided to take this risk!"

"He, Qin Feng, has no elixir, and then we will be able to surround him all over the world!"

"And call on people who are more against the empire to surround him!"

"It's not wrong, a person who wants to sweep 200 points, the whole world will not let him go, even when he is in danger, those people in the city will immediately resist him."

"Okay, very good, since everyone is willing to take an adventure with our Western Tiger Empire! Then just obey the command, everyone don't hide it, and don't save your own shells, manpower, and high-tech There is no need to hide, now is a critical moment for the whole world, as long as Qin Feng is killed this time, then we will be the same as before in the future, and no one is qualified to rule the world again."

The Great Tiger Emperor said.

He also looked at the people under the flag happily.

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(End of this chapter)

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