Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 344 Shocked!The war in the whole world!it has started!

Chapter 344 Shocked!The war in the whole world!it has started!


The big tiger commander began to order troops and generals.

5 people to deal with 1000 warships with only 2 people.

Can't say.

This is probably the most powerful battleship in history.

Such a high ratio of fifty to one is needed to kill the opponent.

Of course, Marshal Tiger also knows that this logistical supply cannot be obtained by Qin Feng no matter what.

Once Qin Feng got it.

They can't beat Qin Feng. ,

Although the strength of these two warships is very strong, Emperor Tiger has thought about it. If he uses the fifty-to-one crowd tactics to directly stack them to death.

I believe it will not be too difficult.

"Tiger Emperor, I am the commander-in-chief of the front line! We have a chance now. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If we can destroy Qin Feng, we will still return to our original position as the overlord of the world. Now this opportunity is too rare."

Marshal Tiger must take care of the front line.

Notified the Tiger Emperor.

And also said.

"Your Majesty, if we are here now, it is hard to say whether the battle will be won or lost. We can only say that if Qin Feng has no logistics supplies, then he must be a tiger that has lost his teeth." The tiger commander paused and said: "But I I am still a little worried that something will happen, so I want you to contact Egypt and ask them to send troops to cooperate with the 5 people I sent over, and then we must completely cut off the supply of ammunition for Qin Feng. And the surrounding empires , you can also contact more now and let them besiege Qin Feng together."

The Tiger Emperor thought for a while.

Today's Qin Feng.

It is very similar to Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu back then.

Liu Bang united many people to surround the overlord of Chu who was out of ammunition and food.

In fact, the overlord of Chu had no food at all, so he retreated. But on the way to retreat, Liu Bang's people took those younger brothers and completely wiped out Xiang Yu.

This is how helpful the Taoist is.

There is little help for the unjust.

A person who wants to sweep 200 rounds.

Not many people can support him.

"Very well, you can continue with your business, contact the rest of the empire, and attack and besiege Qin Feng, just leave it to me." The Tiger Emperor smiled, and his Tiger Empire had been aggrieved for several years. Yes, in the past few years of Qin Feng's rise, the past few years of the rise of the Dragon Empire.

They tiger empire. ,

Been aggrieved for too long.

this day.

is important.

this day.

It is very memorable.

But before all this has come, it is too early to be happy.

Tiger King soon began to contact the empires.

"Emperor Ah San, now comes a golden opportunity! Although you are separated by an ocean in South Africa, you can know something about it, right?" Tiger King smiled and said.

"I know a little about the situation. I also know what your empire said. It's not as simple as persuading a fight to send such a great commander and 10,000+ troops?"

Asan Empire.

these years.

Has always been no one to mess with.

But I won't be anyone's younger brother.

It's completely right and wrong.

After all, they are separated from the Dragon Empire by some Southeast Asian empires, over there.

If the Dragon Empire wants to make a big move, it will definitely not be them first.

Now it seems?

It's the Big Tiger Empire, leading everyone to start the big plan to clean up "Xiang Yu"?

This overlord of Chu.

That is the people of the world, everyone gets it and punishes it.

After all, a person who wants to sweep 200 rounds.

In fact, those who are younger brothers are not sincere.

Apart from Qin Feng's woman, that is, Sikong Xuanmei, which empire is willing to be a steward without power?

Military power is gone.

It's really an insult.

That is to cut off your hands and feet, so that your family can enjoy peace of mind.

"I don't know, His Majesty the Tiger, the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity you mentioned, could it be that Mr. Qin Feng is on the front line, and it seems that the ammunition is a bit short?" The third emperor smiled, this matter is not very clear, how can it be Because of this, why act rashly?

"Yes, Emperor Ah San, at this moment, Qin Feng is already at the end of his strength. We only need to attack him a little bit, and he can't do anything about it." Tiger King said, "For the sake of 200 empires, what you need to do now is to Send people directly to the south to intercept Qin Feng's elixir supply warships. There are only two warships in total. When I, Liu Bang, defeat Xiang Yu and divide the world, you will benefit a lot, but I am not like Liu Bang , I will not kill a donkey, let alone hide a bird, I will not kill Han Xin, and I will not destroy the king."

"Hehe." The emperor of the Asan Empire smiled and said, "But do you know? Qin Feng's high technology is very powerful, even if they don't have much ammunition, as long as they wait for some supplies in the empire, we will all lose It's terrible."

"Emperor Ah San, listen, even if there is no plan for this time, in all fairness, wouldn't Qin Feng attack us? Anyway, there will be such a day sooner or later, why not give it a try, as long as it succeeds this time, Then the whole world will suppress the Dragon Empire, and then your Asan Empire will be able to take off. You should know all these things, right?"

These words of the Great Tiger Emperor at this moment.

In fact, it still made Ah Sandi start to move.

That's right.

Even if Qin Feng is obedient and doesn't mess with him, this guy Bingfeng is so powerful, he must be punished sooner or later.

"I agree to send troops! You can surround Qin Feng with peace of mind! As for me, as long as I intercept the supplies here, then I can also come to support you!"

And in Qin Feng's meeting room at this moment, when Qin Feng saw that Marshal Tiger and Ou Tuan had fully launched their actions, he also laughed.

"Hahaha, this big western tiger, and their little brother Ou Tuan, you guys, today I will let you know how powerful I am!"

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(End of this chapter)

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