Chapter 345 Ambush from all sides?Leave it all to me!
"Listen to me!"

"Qin Feng is almost out of food and ammunition now!"

"We're all on it!"

"Definitely let him die without a whole body!"

The commander-in-chief of the big tiger gave an order here.

Its European Union.

Although there are some lingering fears.

But they also know that once this opportunity is missed, there may be no such opportunity again.

"Come on!"

"Come on!"



Marshal Tiger, and the rest of the Outuan Marshals.

At this moment, they all began to order the soldiers under the banner.

rushed towards the coast.

The battleship slowly docked.

After reaching the range, the firepower naturally started.

Boom boom boom.

Boom boom boom.

"Hehe, it's finally done, right?" Nan Gonglin chuckled, but then he brought a loudspeaker and shouted in a feigned hurry: "You Tiger Empire, and Outuan people? What are you going to do? Do you know, The fate of those who take advantage of the fire!"

"Nan Gonglin, you are not worthy to talk to us, let Qin Feng do the talking now!" The Tiger Emperor didn't tell his subordinates to stop attacking. After all, talking and fighting were both correct.

"Marshal vs. Marshal, what's wrong with me? With your status, do you want to touch our Mr. Qin?" Nan Gonglin really laughed, if he said he wasn't worthy, it was because they weren't worthy.

the same level.

They are all handsome.

And he is the commander of the Dragon Empire who can single out the whole world.

Who doesn't deserve it?
"Stop talking nonsense, either let you Mr. Qin come out to talk, or I don't bother to talk." Marshal Tiger said.

But right now.

In the sky.

On Qin Feng's battleship, a sentence floated over, "I don't know, this tiger commander, why did you go back on your promises and watch the show well, so you are about to start fighting? Is it because of your cleverness that you think I am going to fight now? Are you out of ammunition?"

"Qin Feng, you don't need to bluff here. We have already sent people to intercept the logistics and ammunition supplies you sent over." Marshal Tiger said.

"Oh? Just rely on you?" Qin Feng laughed.

"Knowing that the warships you are escorting logistics supplies are very powerful, we have also sent 1000 troops, a total of more than [-] warships, and [-] fighter jets. Even if you use the sea of ​​people tactics, you can get rid of your [-] people. die."

The Tiger Emperor is shameless.

Such a thing.

Feel free to say it in a proud way.

"Hehe, 5 people? That's not necessarily enough." Qin Feng smiled.

"Don't be complacent, there are not only these 5 people, but also the Asan Empire. They have all sent people there at this moment. You are now Xiang Yu from the Chu-Han period of your Dragon Empire. You are already an outlaw with little help. The pattern of the world should not be one, but diversification, in order to continue to develop, if you go against the sky, then you can only be attacked by groups.”

Standing in the position of the commander-in-chief of the tiger.

What people say is true.

Great unity in a small area.

There is no problem.

But if the entire blue star, there is a great unification.

In this place, there are no enemies, no competitors.

It may be necessary to slowly reduce the speed of technological development.

This is inevitable.

Just like a person, once he has no enemies and worries, he will be depressed.

"Tiger Emperor, I admit that what you said is right, but you should have read a lot of classical Chinese of our Dragon Empire recently. There is a saying that a bird knows the ambition of a great swan? Your eyes are only on this planet, what else? Can't see it."

Qin Feng still firmly believes.

My eyes are aliens.

It is developing outward.

Then there will be enemies outside.

There will be civilization.

Then the structure at that time, the current Blue Star, is equivalent to a small empire.

Is this little empire divided for good?
Or unified?

Of course everyone is unanimous.

Only in this way can we have a chance.

"You want to explore this boundless universe just because of the technology in your hands?" Marshal Tiger has to say that Qin Feng's technology is very high, but it is far from reaching the existence of alien civilizations, right?
Although Marshal Tiger doesn't know if there are alien civilizations.

But he's a sci-fi fan.

I think there should be.

It's just too far away.

Can't find it.

"Ignorant people." Qin Feng chuckled, "Don't talk too much nonsense, if you retreat now, I can forgive your recklessness, but if this continues, I can't guarantee, how many of you will come today? If people come, how many people will stay here as fertilizer for South Africa!"

"Hehe, are you still bluffing?" Seeing what the other party said, Tiger King must have guessed that the other party was panicking.

So now it's time to make a quick decision.

"Listen to me, and quickly surround the capital of South Africa."

"Then let South Africa's great side cooperate with us from the inside and outside from the city."

"The current Qin Feng is at the end of his rope!"

Marshal Tiger gave an order.

Soon the warships on the coast began to advance further.

The opponent's Qin Feng.

It looks like his firepower is very high-tech, but not intensive.

Same instructions.

He's really running low on ammo.

"Retreat, people on the periphery, shrink the encirclement that surrounds the capital." Qin Feng said with a smile, "You idiots, hurry up and land for me, and I will see how you run when the time comes."

Where is Qin Feng out of ammunition?
Just to seduce them into being fooled.

And attract them.

Lure the enemy deep.

Look now.

These people are going ashore.

That's a good thing.

At that time, there will be a move to close the door and beat the dog.

"Your Majesty, the South African Emperor, haven't you heard my order? Now you can come out of it!" Seeing that the South African Emperor did not move, the Tiger Commander naturally called to remind him.

But the opponent's South African emperor went berserk immediately.

"Dog, are you still using us as cannon fodder? Now listen carefully, you have been tricked!"

"Now you can't go!"

"Keep all of you here today and use them as fertilizer for South Africa!"

"The sinister and vicious western tiger empire, your good days are coming to an end!"

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(End of this chapter)

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