Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 346 Surrender!surrender!All loot!

Chapter 346 Surrender!surrender!All loot!
"Hehe, South African Emperor, what are you talking about?"

At this moment, the Tiger Emperor was dumbfounded.

Didn't this person say yes?
Do you want to match your own?
Does he want his empire to be eliminated by Qin Feng?
He doesn't want to continue to be the emperor?

And Qin Feng killed so many people under his banner.

Will the other party still cooperate?

"The Great South African, you are too young, and you are too ignorant of Mr. Qin's technology. Our fight just now was actually just an exercise. It is a high-tech exercise equipment. My people are actually just watching About 2% of the cases are dead. Of course, there are no real dead people, so I really can’t lie to you.”

Marshal Tiger waited for this sentence, and stared, "Are you guys practicing?"

"That's right, now you can't run away if you want to, hahaha." The South African emperor laughed wildly, watching you treat labor and capital as cannon fodder.

Now let you taste what it feels like to be beaten.

"Running out of ammunition and food is definitely an illusion? Did you cooperate with the acting?" Marshal Tiger knew this and felt that something was wrong.

Immediately began to give orders.

"Everyone retreat, we have been tricked! Retreat!"

But retreat.

It is too late now.

They've landed ashore.

And now by the sea.

Under the sea.

Suddenly, a lot of big water splashes came out.

Like a big whale turning over.


Above the big splash, a warship covered by a glass cover can be seen soaring up.

This is Qin Feng's submarine warship.

Such a warship does not have many responsible functions.

That is, he is a battleship that can lurk on the bottom of the sea.

The glass cover above effectively isolates the sea water.

And you have your own air.

Of course, this glass is also super-compressive.

If it was replaced by the technology of other people in Bluestar, no one could make such a large area of ​​water pressure-resistant glass cover.

Because after going underwater for several thousand meters, the water pressure cannot be supported by glass.

It has to be metal.


Those glass covers were opened.

It can be seen from above that many densely packed people are busy working.

Loading ammunition.

Check the equipment.

"Mr. Qin, Nangong Ye is here! Now you can close the door and beat the dog."

After the submarine battleship over there rose.

There was a sound from the other party's loudspeaker.

Moreover, there are a total of twenty or thirty of these submarine warships.

It completely blocks the coastline.

"This..." Tiger the Great saw this situation, knew that the situation was critical, and now he was in a dilemma.

"Marshal Tiger, what should we do now? We have already opened fire with Mr. Qin. If we want to quit now, there is no other way."

"Yeah, we have nowhere to go now!"

People from these European groups.

Immediately started to get scared.

They know it.

Qin Feng is not an easy character to provoke.

Why do you have to listen to Marshal Tiger and do this with him?
Although Qin Feng will come to them sooner or later.

But if you don't offend Qin Feng, you can still give him some benefits.

Just like Goryeo, there are supreme benefits.

Although Sikong Xuanmei is Qin Feng's little lover, as long as they also send some beauties to please Qin Feng, they may not be able to get good treatment.

Now follow the big tiger in the west to make such a fuss.

these people.

I'm afraid it will become a thorn in Qin Feng's eyes.

"Don't worry everyone, we will fight out from the land, and then return to the empire from the Atlantic Ocean."

The current tiger is handsome.

Naturally, he knew that he was no longer an opponent.

Those warships on the coast are also gone.

Throw it all to the other party.

There are also a small number of people above, and it is estimated that they are all prisoners of war of the other party.

"Listen to me, tell those who are looking at the warship to surrender to me. If they don't surrender, then let them sink to the bottom of the sea." Nangong Feng said, of course, it was a young general in the Nangong family.

It has long been from the Dragon Empire.

Dive all the way to the bottom of the ocean.

Come to help at the fastest speed.

And has very advanced anti-radar technology.

No empire can detect the fact that they came under the water.

"We surrender! We surrender!"

The small group of people who stayed on the battleship saw that the big troops had gone ashore, how could they defend now?

"Very good, there are about 68 warships! Now they are all ours!"

"Although they are all scumbags, they are spoils of war anyway!"

Nangong Feng laughed a few times.

Soon people will be sent to take over these warships.

"What the fuck, they're all soft bones. You have guns and cannons on your warships, so you just surrendered?" Marshal Tiger squeezed his fists hard. It's a pity that he brought over a dozen warships. That's the most important thing in the empire. The advanced ones are here, and now they are all going to be the other party's spoils, right?

But what is more worrying is.

The 10,000+ people I brought here.

Almost 11 people have gone ashore.

Now it's a dilemma.

"Damn! The JIA express battleship of our Frankish Empire!"

"We got the empire's large battleship LKO, and it's gone!"

People from these European groups. ,
That was a heart-wrenching pain.

These things are expensive.

Although it is worthless in Qin Feng's view, in their view, they are all rare possessions.

"Hehe, looking at the expressions of those people in front of you, you are all stupid, but this piece of scrap metal is really a treasure in their eyes."

Qin Feng took a telescope and looked ahead.

These people are very sad.

It is very sad.

And Qin Feng is happy.

Back in the day, they would probably see us deflated and be happy.

"Nangong Feng, listen, you should immediately do the landing operation and narrow down the circle for me!"

"Nangonglin, you also bring people, and cooperate with the South African emperor, and surround them together!"

"Today I want them all smashed into sand!"

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(End of this chapter)

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