Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 361 Create a new type of weapon, add officials and ranks!

Chapter 361 Create a new type of weapon, add officials and ranks!
For these ordinary craftsmen, it is impossible for them to meet Qin Feng.

It would be very difficult to even meet some officials in the court.

It was precisely because of this that they were brought here by someone, and after seeing the emperor, they felt a little worried in their hearts.

I'm afraid it's because I didn't know when I offended the emperor and brought myself an indiscriminate disaster.

After all, the status of artisans in the entire planet is very low, only slightly higher than that of merchants.

So under such circumstances, even if the emperor killed all of them, absolutely no one would help them seek justice.

In this way, it can be said that even if they die, they die in vain.

After seeing the extremely nervous expressions of these craftsmen, Qin Feng was also slightly taken aback.

Although it has been a while since he came to this world, facing such a situation is still somewhat incomprehensible.

But calling these people over now is also for the next development, so Qin Feng didn't pay special attention to this issue.

"Now all of you are called here to let you develop new weapons."

"These new weapons need to be manufactured with new equipment, and they must all be manufactured within three months."

"As long as you can do this, everyone can be promoted."

"I don't know if you have confidence in this aspect?"

After hearing Qin Feng's words, these craftsmen were slightly taken aback, and at the same time, they didn't feel much excitement but worry in their hearts.

You must know that in this era, the status of craftsmen is indeed very low. According to normal circumstances, it is almost impossible to become an official.

Now that it is His Majesty who has conveyed this order to them, and has made such a high promise to them.

So under such circumstances, if you want to achieve this goal, I am afraid it will definitely not be an easy task.

It was precisely because of these thoughts in his heart that Gong Xiaomin did not dare to agree directly.

Instead, a hesitation flashed in Qin Feng's eyes.

After a while, a relatively older craftsman stood up and mustered up the courage to look at Qin Feng.

"Your Majesty, as long as we can help His Majesty, of course we will work hard to produce these weapons."

"Just ask Your Majesty to show us the blueprint first, otherwise we don't know if we can produce it."

After this function finished speaking, the remaining functions also nodded in agreement.

After hearing the words of these craftsmen, Qin Feng felt more satisfied in his heart.

He knew very well in his heart how difficult it was for these craftsmen to use the machine tools of later generations to produce these things.

If these people really agreed directly, then Qin Feng would be even more worried in his heart.

Fear of these people, just because their own promises have been carried away.

If they can't make these things by then, the impact will be too great.

But now that these craftsmen actually say this, it shows that they are indeed considering this matter very seriously.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Feng is more at ease.

So after hearing what these people said, Qin Feng didn't feel angry, but nodded happily.

"Of course there is no problem. After all, these weapons will be created by you in the future."

"It's just that these blueprints are the highest secrets of the Flame Empire, so you must not reveal them to the outside world."

After hearing these words, all the craftsmen nodded immediately, and took the blueprints from the hands of the guards next to them curiously.

After reading the drawings, everyone gasped again, and the expressions on their faces became even uglier.

This matter was indeed as they had expected, and it was definitely not that simple.

They can understand these drawings, but this kind of machining accuracy is really impossible for them to achieve now.

The looks of these craftsmen naturally did not escape Qin Feng's eyes, and in Qin Feng's heart, he naturally knew why their faces were so ugly.

It is precisely because of this that the corner of Qin Feng's mouth is smiling again.

"In order to help you with production, I have already prepared some machinery."

"When using these machines, the machining accuracy will increase rapidly, so let's come and take a look now."

"I will teach you all how to use these machines."

After hearing what Qin Feng said, these craftsmen felt even more puzzled in their hearts.

Then, under the leadership of Qin Feng, he quickly explained to these craftsmen how to use all the machine tools.

After listening to Qin Feng's explanation, these craftsmen were also very surprised.

It can be said that the precision of these machines once again exceeded their imagination.

If these tools are really used for production, then it is really possible for them to achieve the precision required by His Majesty.

But if they want to produce enough weapons within three months, they are not particularly sure.

However, what Qin Feng promised before, their benefits are still repeated in their hearts.

They also knew very well in their hearts that if they missed this opportunity, it would be impossible to find another opportunity to change their destiny like this in the future.

Since this is the case, then I might as well try my best now.

If you can succeed, you will naturally be able to develop yourself better.

And even if you fail, there is absolutely nothing to regret.

It was precisely because of this thought in their hearts that all the craftsmen gathered together, and after discussing for a while, they all nodded in an extremely serious manner.

"Your Majesty, we are confident enough that we will be able to produce these things."

After hearing the solemn promises of these craftsmen, Qin Feng also relaxed in his heart, and nodded again with a smile.

"It's great that you can have such confidence."

"In this case, I will leave this matter to you."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he turned around and left, and at this time, those officials also knew the news that all the people they sent under him had been killed.

It is precisely because of this that the faces of these people are even more ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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