Chapter 362 Prepare to grab food!

For these officials, it was originally thought that they could provoke a war between empires.

So in this case, they can take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune.

But the final result did make all of them feel a little disappointed.

It is precisely because of this that the expressions on his face have become a little ugly.

Then the officials all gathered together again.

The expression on everyone's face is still extremely ugly.

"Now things have become like this."

"If you want those two empires to attack the Flame Empire, I'm afraid it will not be an easy task."

"But in this way, there will be a large amount of food in three months, which can be directly supplied to everyone."

"In this way, it may become very difficult for us to make money in the future."

"Regarding this matter, let's think of a solution to the problem together."

"If there is no way to solve this matter, then there will be very big trouble for us."

After hearing these words, the expressions on the faces of several people were still extremely ugly.

At the same time, they naturally felt very anxious in their hearts.

Although the current situation is beyond their imagination, they must seize the time to find a solution to the problem.

At this time, a person's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he immediately took care of it.

"We were going to let these people start the war, and then destroy or rob the food."

"Since these people have not taken any action now, it is better for us to snatch the food by ourselves."

"As long as there is no grain in the hands of the common people, then we can sell the grain in our hands at a higher price."

"The most important thing is that now that we have robbed the grain, we can also sell the robbed grain at that time."

"In this way, the money we earn will become more."

Accompanied by the words of one of the officials, the rest of the people were also slightly taken aback after it was over.

At this time, there was a slight hesitation in their eyes.

Of course they know that if they do this, it can have a certain effect.

But in this case, the danger that may be brought is also very great.

If this matter cannot be handled properly, or if the news leaks out, it will bring them hopeless disaster.

It will even cause them to be caught and attack them at that time.

It is precisely because of this that some people still hesitate.

"Although your method is very good, if the news leaks out, you will be in big trouble."

"When that time comes, His Majesty will not let us go no matter what."

"There is only one way for us people to die."

After one of them finished speaking, the rest of them nodded their heads.

At this time, there was also a trace of worry in their eyes.

But after hearing this, the leading official couldn't help but snorted again.

"What time has it come now, and you are still thinking about these issues."

"If we don't want to take away or destroy these grains, then there will be even greater disasters for us."

"At that time, all the food we have accumulated will not be sold."

"Do you think our life will be easier by then?"

After these words were finished, everyone suddenly became extremely silent.

You must know that they have worked hard to make a lot of money when the food crisis is more serious.

Many officials have even used all the wealth of their families, and some have borrowed usury.

The reason for doing this is to be able to buy more grain and then sell it when the price of grain is relatively high.

And now if there is no food crisis, then for them, they will indeed face bankruptcy.

By that time, the debt collectors might surround them all directly.

In this way, their own official positions must be lost.

And the final end can only be family ruin.

But if you fight now, you may still have a slight chance.

It was precisely because of this thought that the surrounding officials no longer hesitated.

Then these people nodded directly.

"What you said makes a lot of sense."

"There is no other choice for us now."

"Since this is the case, we must seize this opportunity no matter what."

"In any case, all these grains must be destroyed."

"Now let's split up and find some suitable people."

"After we have all found someone, we will gather together and start acting together."

"In this way, our combined strength will become even greater."

"And even if His Majesty wants to track it down, it may be even more difficult to find clues."

After all the officials had reached a unified opinion, everyone nodded.

Of course they are very aware of what they are doing and will be very risky.

But now there are no other opportunities for them.

Since this is the case, even if there is a great risk in doing so, they must find a way to do this thing well.

The other officials around also nodded one after another, and then began to go back and make various preparations.

It's just that they didn't expect that the court already knew that they were people who were planning to make money for the country.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Feng has already sent someone to carefully watch their every move.

When they just sent people to start looking for suitable candidates, the news had already reached Qin Feng's ears.

After Qin Feng learned the news, he felt extremely angry in his heart.

It is because of these guys that things have become what they are now.

So in any case, you must not let them go.

"Now send some people to investigate them quietly."

"After they've hired someone, they'll kill everyone."

"They must not be allowed to continue oppressing the people like this."

After hearing these words, the subordinates did not hesitate at all, and immediately nodded and agreed.

They have been with Qin Feng for a long time, but they have never seen Qin Feng so angry.

It is precisely because of this that it is better to be careful now.

(End of this chapter)

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