Chapter 381 No more fights!I said!
Chapter 380

It is precisely because of these thoughts in their hearts that these officials are naturally unwilling to let their king directly go to the Flame Empire.

It's just that now they naturally dare not speak up to object.

After all, if the Raging Flame Empire is angered by his suggestion, then the Raging Flame Empire may launch a war against them.

In this way, they are naturally irresistible with their abilities.

Then for the person who made this suggestion, it will be a big trouble at that time, and even eventually become a scapegoat.

Seeing that all these people under his command were silent, the king of the Ice Empire couldn't help but sigh again.

Originally, he felt that these people under him were more responsible.

But judging from the current situation, this is not the case.

Just when the king of the Ice Empire felt a little annoyed and could no longer hold back his anger, a general finally stood up.

"Your Majesty, when we are fighting against the Stormwind Empire, we have already suffered heavy losses."

"And the current combat effectiveness of the Raging Flame Empire's army is stronger than ours and the Storm Empire combined."

"If we offend the Raging Flame Empire now and cause the Raging Flame Empire to attack us, I'm afraid there will only be a dead end."

"So Your Majesty had better agree to Qin Feng's request."

"It would be best if Qin Feng wanted to reconcile the relationship."

"In this way, there will be no danger after His Majesty goes down."

"On the other hand, if only His Majesty went down, but the King of the Blast Wind Empire didn't go, then it would be better news for us."

"At that time, His Majesty can completely say in front of Qin Feng that the king of the Pinnacle Empire despises him in his heart."

"So in this case, we can also provoke the relationship between these two countries, and we are the ones who will benefit in the end."

After the general finished speaking, the rest of the people also nodded.

Naturally, they have already thought about these issues.

It's just that I'm afraid, because speaking directly may cause trouble for myself, so I pretended that I didn't think of anything.

After thinking of this, many officials showed a sneer on their faces. As long as they can establish a good relationship with the Raging Flame Empire, it will be easier to obtain these new weapons next.

After thinking about these questions in his heart, the king of the Ice Empire finally nodded helplessly.

"Since this is the case, then we can't waste time."

"If we are preempted by the Storm Empire, then it will indeed pose a greater threat to us."

"Help me prepare now. I'm going to go to the Flame Empire to see what this Qin Feng has to say."

After hearing these words, the rest of the Ice Empire naturally nodded without any hesitation.

Then on that day, the king of the Ice Empire began to set off for the kingdom of the Flame Empire.

But for the king of the Blizzard Empire, he never thought about this issue in his heart.

Originally, he felt that there was a Flame Empire behind the Ice Empire, so under such circumstances, the situation would become very dangerous for them.

It is precisely because of this that he wants to defeat the Ice Empire as soon as possible, so he will naturally be able to gain more benefits.

But the final result is that Qin Feng is ready to be this peacemaker before they can decide the winner.

When faced with this situation, it naturally caused the king of the Raging Flame Empire to feel extremely angry in his heart.

But at this moment, he didn't dare to hesitate at all, and was directly preparing to go to the Raging Flame Empire.

Just like what the king of the Ice Empire was worried about, if this matter caused Qin Feng's dissatisfaction and brought them more trouble, then the loss outweighed the gain for them.

Soon the news that the front line has become quiet also reached Qin Feng's ears.

After learning the news, Qin Feng also heaved a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth involuntarily.

Judging from the current situation, what I said does indeed have some effect.

For Qin Feng, of course, he was also afraid that no one would listen to him after he gave the order.

So in this case, it will naturally cause some impact on his WeChat.

This will not only make them unable to prevent the war between these two countries, but I am afraid they will also need to join this war in order to save their face.

So in this case, although the entire planet can still be unified, the loss in population is also very large.

After more than ten days passed like this, the emperors of Ice Empire and Pinnacle Empire finally came to the capital of Raging Flame Empire.

It's just that the two couldn't help but snorted coldly after meeting, and the expressions on their faces were also a little ugly.

After seeing their expressions, the corner of Qin Feng's mouth smiled slightly, and he didn't take them to heart at all.

"The reason why I called you here is also very simple, because if the war continues, more and more civilians will lose their lives."

"We have to deal with this problem properly."

"Now you are not allowed to continue fighting."

Qin Feng's words are very simple, but at this time his attitude is indeed extremely firm.

After hearing Qin Feng's words, the expressions on the faces of the kings of the two empires became even uglier.

In their view, if they faced Qin Feng with such a superior attitude, of course there would be no problem.

However, Qin Feng also treated them with such an attitude, which made it difficult for them to accept.

You must know that the Raging Flame Empire is the weakest existence among their three great empires.

But now that the Flame Empire has these new weapons, the situation has actually reversed somewhat.

Even if they unite, they are definitely not opponents of each other, so what else do they have to continue to fight?

So in the end, he could only nod helplessly, promising that the war would not continue.

After hearing the words of the two kings, Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Now that the business has been discussed, Qin Feng will naturally not keep them for dinner.

So let them go back to deliver orders immediately, and the war can no longer continue.

Now that they have made up their minds, these two people did not hesitate at all, and immediately went back to convey the news.

After the people knew the news, they all showed expressions of incomparable surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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