Chapter 382 Education Reform
For ordinary people, of course, they did not expect things to become like this.

In the hearts of these people, they all feel that their country is the most powerful.

And for the war launched by their country, they naturally expressed their support.

But the current situation is not at all what they expected.

Now that the Flame Empire has just begun to mediate, they have no way to continue fighting.

Isn't their country stronger than the formerly weak Flame Empire?

Although there are some doubts in the hearts of these people, they dare not raise them.

If I dare to say it at this time, then it will definitely not end well for them.

Ice Empire and Frozen Empire, the kings of the two empires also felt very angry.

But now faced with such a situation, they are helpless.

After all, if the Flame Empire hadn't shown such a tough attitude, then they would definitely continue to wage wars.

But if he dares to make any moves now, it will be difficult for the flame empire.

Of course, there will be very troublesome things for them at that time.

It is precisely because of this that now they can only be persuaded and slowly start to develop.

After seeing the two empires finally calmed down, a smile appeared on the corner of Qin Feng's mouth.

If this is the case, then he can also be busy with the development of the flame empire first.

Qin Feng knew very well in his heart that Lie Yan Empire had many problems.

It was because he developed new weapons first that the Ice Empire and the Peak Empire have now become more honest.

However, if it only develops into this way, then of course it is not particularly satisfactory to Qin Feng.

So under such circumstances, Qin Feng did not hesitate at all, and immediately began to compile new textbooks.

Now on this planet, what all scholars learn is not much different from Blue Star's Confucianism.

Qin Feng can actually understand this kind of thinking, which can help the ruler to better rule the place under his control.

But in this case, it will have a very big impact on the development of science and technology.

If technology has always been in a relatively backward state, it will of course be very difficult for this planet to develop better.

It is precisely because of this that now Qin Feng wants to solve this problem by writing new science textbooks.

It is not an easy task for anyone, even for Qin Feng, of course it is like this.

After a few days of busy work, Qin Feng finally had some gains, and then he came to the court with a smile on his face.

Now our Flame Empire is going to start reforming the knowledge learned by all scholars.

"Now I have compiled some teaching materials, and after setting up an education department in the Flame Empire, all teaching material upgrades and student management will be in charge of this education department."

"Students under the age of 12 will study and all expenses will be borne by the imperial court."


As soon as Qin Feng finished speaking, many officials showed shocking expressions in their eyes.

Qin Feng's words were not particularly long, but he also said two important things.

The first thing is to reform the teaching materials, and the other thing is to prepare to help all those who happen to bear the cost of teaching.

These two major events are each a major event for the current Raging Flame Empire.

Because of this, all the officials stood up immediately without the slightest hesitation.

"Your Majesty, regarding this matter, we must be more cautious in the exam."

"You must know that the knowledge learned by scholars is passed down by the sages and sages."

"If changes are made now, I'm afraid no one will be able to accept them."

"The impact of this is also very large."

"The most important thing is that under such circumstances, the number of talents in our Flame Empire will become less and less."

"It's very detrimental to our development."

After one of the officials finished speaking, the rest of the people nodded.

Even generals who don't read a lot of books are now showing opposition.

In their view, Qin Feng's actions are simply disrespectful to scholars.

Everything is inferior, and the idea that only reading is high has already been deeply rooted in everyone's bones.

That's because of this, so of course they couldn't approve of Qin Feng's decision.

Seeing the ugly expressions on the faces of these people, Qin Feng frowned slightly after that.

He had long expected that some people would hinder this matter, but he did not expect that no one in the entire court would support him.

But for Qin Feng, it is clearer in his heart that if this situation continues, it will only waste more time.

Qin Feng is naturally unwilling to see such a situation.

Because of this, Qin Feng didn't hesitate in the slightest at this time, and just snorted coldly.

"If there is no reform now, do we have to wait until other countries surpass us again?"

"About the previous new weapons, you have already seen it."

"These new weapons were finally researched by gaining more knowledge."

"If we're not doing research on this now, are we going to let other people get ahead of us and keep us being bullied by other countries?"


After Qin Feng finished speaking, all the officials were speechless.

Now, in their hearts, they are naturally filled with the fear of being dominated by the Ice Empire and the Storm Empire.

It is precisely because of the previous lives that they have experienced, so of course they cherish the present life very much.

It would of course be unacceptable to them if things turned back to the way they were before.

It is precisely because of this that the current officials are unable to stop it again.

But even so, in the hearts of these scholars, it is absolutely impossible for Qin Feng's reform to succeed.

Since now what they say

Since His Majesty can't listen to it, and still uses such high-sounding reasons to object, then let His Majesty suffer for himself.

Unexpectedly, after His Majesty has suffered, he will naturally know that what they said is correct.

After having such thoughts, all the officials did not continue to speak. Seeing this, Qin Feng smiled again.

(End of this chapter)

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