Chapter 411 Witnessed a fierce battle
Seeing that no one responded, Qin Feng left directly.

And seeing how powerful Qin Feng is, the rabbit couldn't help itching even more!

"Please teach me how to practice!"

Qin Feng smiled and said: "But I don't have any exercises, so I can't teach you exercises."

Rabbit froze.

"But aren't you a monk? Can't you teach me how to practice?"

"I can teach you the art of cultivation." Qin Feng nodded, "but I am not your master."

"Woohoo!" The rabbit was obviously not reconciled to this, and it jumped again.

Qin Feng glanced at it, "Although I can teach you the method of cultivation, I can't guarantee that I can teach you to become a practitioner."

"Why not?" asked the rabbit.

"Aren't you afraid of dying?"

The rabbit shook his head, as if you were teasing me.

"Not afraid." Rabbit said, "Because I know that if you want to become a cultivator, you must first have enough perseverance, and I happen to have enough perseverance."

"You want to be a cultivator because you want to be strong."

"And if you want to become strong, you must learn combat skills, so you hope to exercise yourself through hunting."

Qin Feng's words were like a steel needle, pricking the most sensitive nerve in the rabbit's heart.

It is silent.

Qin Feng continued: "In modern society, people all want to make money, how can anyone be willing to spend so much energy on cultivation?"

"No, I want to become a strong one for revenge." The rabbit gritted his teeth and said, "Kill all the people who hurt me!!"

"So you want to be strong, just want revenge." Qin Feng nodded.

The rabbit looked at Qin Feng.

"Have you heard a word?" Qin Feng said.

The rabbit looked at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng continued: "If you want to become stronger, you must first learn to be patient."

"Patience?" Rabbit puzzled.

"That's right." Qin Feng said seriously, "To become a strong man, apart from hard work, the most important thing is patience."

After the rabbit frowned and thought for a moment, it seemed to understand something, it nodded, "Well, you are right, I see!"

The rabbit stood up while nodding, and then ran out of the cave, "I need to be quiet."

Qin Feng watched the rabbit leave with thoughtful eyes.

He remembered that it was mentioned in the original plot that the rabbit accidentally drank a drop of blood, which activated the blood in the body.

It gained incredible strength that night, and then it left.

But later, for unknown reasons, it returned to human society again.

Qin Feng once asked Tang Yu if he was lying.

Tang Yu said that he was absolutely not lying. The rabbit's blood power did come from a certain ancient giant beast, but he didn't know the specifics.

But he knew that the ancestors of the rabbits were once a powerful race, only to decline later.


The rabbit walked for a long time, until it disappeared from Qin Feng's sight, and then he looked back.

He took out a pen and paper and drew a map on a piece of white paper.

The rabbit didn't know that the man it had been thinking about was actually standing behind it.

Qin Feng looked at the direction where the rabbit left, and a cold arc appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He found the rabbit after searching for many years.

This rabbit is completely different from ordinary rabbits. It can not only control the flow of water, but also manipulate plants.

It even has a powerful inner alchemy!

Qin Feng's goal is to obtain this powerful inner alchemy, use this inner alchemy to quench his body, and make himself stronger.

"Your cultivation aptitude is very high." The system popped up suddenly.

"Oh?" Qin Feng raised his eyebrows, "Why didn't I find out?"

"Nonsense." The system said contemptuously, "You only have mission goals in your eyes, so how can you care about other people's qualifications!"

Qin Feng laughed out loud when he heard this.

When the rabbit returned to the nest, his face was pale, and beads of sweat the size of peas ooze from his forehead.

It looked at the sleeping woman on the bed, took a deep breath, walked slowly to her side, and lay down next to her.

It closed its eyes, recalling Qin Feng's words in its mind, and began to practice the exercises.

Qin Feng said that the rabbit has a special physique, which is suitable for practicing a powerful spell.

It was a set of exercises called "The Devouring Body".

According to Qin Feng, the rabbit's body is very special, and its physical strength is very strong.

This set of exercises fits well with the rabbit's physical body.

But the pain that needs to be endured in the process of practice is very huge.

The rabbit tried to operate the exercises, and suddenly a violent energy entered its body.

Qin Feng was beside him to help it guide those violent energies.

The rabbit's skin was quickly covered in red, and its whole body began to tremble.

Qin Feng immediately used a formula to suppress the violent energy in the rabbit's body.

A sharp pain swept through the rabbit's body.


The rabbit roared angrily, exuding a frightening power all over its body.


In the valley, suddenly thunder and lightning flashed, the wind howled, and the sky turned black clouds.

"what's going on?"

"Fuck, God wants to kill this rabbit?"

"This rabbit actually provoked the heavens?"

"Hurry up and throw this rabbit out!"

Everyone shouted, but Qin Feng ignored them at all.

Qin Feng stared at the sky, and thought to himself: "I never thought that this girl would trigger the natural ability in her bloodline so quickly."

Horrific fluctuations surged out of the rabbit's body, and the surrounding spiritual energy crazily converged towards it.

This scene was too weird, everyone retreated one after another, no one dared to take half a step closer.

At this moment, a cloud of green mist appeared out of thin air and enveloped the rabbit.

The green energy wraps the rabbit up, leading it to move quickly.

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes.

He seemed to have noticed something just now, that green energy contained a powerful breath of life.

Qin Feng hid his aura, quietly followed the green mist and left.

The group of green mist shuttled through the forest at a very fast speed.

Qin Feng pursued all the way, and finally stopped in a certain dense forest.


The group of green mist suddenly rushed into the depths of the woods, and then there was a wolf howl.

Qin Feng lifted his feet and walked into the woods.

The dense forest blocked Qin Feng's sight.




Qin Feng heard bursts of crashing sounds, as well as the sound of weapons colliding.

"This voice..." Qin Feng's eyes dimmed, "It's the sound of swords clashing."

He spread his legs and followed the sound, but the further he walked, the clearer the sound became.

Finally, Qin Feng saw a battle.

I saw three or four strong men besieging a fluffy white fox, and the fox was already covered in bloodstains.

The white fox tried his best, but he was still no match for those strong men.

Those strong men held long sticks in their hands and waved them over in unison.

At the critical moment, the white fox jumped suddenly, dodging the long stick, and threw a person down fiercely, and then opened his mouth and bit off the neck of that person.

Blood splattered.

The remaining two people were scared out of their wits and fled in a hurry.

Panting heavily, the white fox sat slumped on the ground.

Qin Feng walked to its side, squatted down, and hugged it in his arms.

Those ice-blue pupils were full of confusion.

It looked at the strange man in front of it, and couldn't help stretching out its claws, caressing the man's cheek.

"Don't be afraid, it's all right." Qin Feng comforted.

The white fox stared blankly at the man.

After a while, it suddenly reacted, jumped onto a rock, raised its head to the sky and roared, and the sound shook the whole field, traveling for several kilometers!

Those men who were running away stopped in their tracks instantly, and looked back to this side.

With vigilant eyes, the white fox let out a low growl, and then transformed into a charming young man, arching the tip of his nose towards the man, showing a flattering expression.

Qin Feng touched its head.

The rabbit looked at the man with sparkling eyes.

Qin Feng took out a few demon cores from the Qiankun ring and threw them to the rabbit.

"Eat it, this energy is enough to advance you to the Foundation Establishment Stage."

The rabbit took the demon core and stuffed it into his mouth to chew.

As soon as the demon core entered his belly, the rabbit immediately felt warm all over, as if soaking in a hot spring pool.

This is a kind of extreme comfort, as if the bones are soft, as if they are about to float.

The rabbit couldn't help but groaned.

"Hiss—" the rabbit opened his eyes, and the eyes burst out with terrifying ferocity.

"You're awake." Qin Feng looked at it, "If you have any questions that you don't understand, please ask me, or ask the cave behind me."


The rabbit nodded, then turned and went into the cave.

Qin Feng looked at the back of the rabbit going away, a deep light flashed in his eyes.

This world is really not simple.

The strength of the rabbit is very strong. If it weren't for Qin Feng's heaven-defying skills in cultivating immortals, he might not be able to domesticate it.


The rabbit returned to the cave, sitting cross-legged on the haystack beside the lava lake, practicing.

Qin Feng continued to study the body of the original owner.

Although the owner of this body has been dead for more than 500 years, the body still retains strong elemental energy, which allows the rabbit's wounds to heal quickly.

After all the blood from the wound on the rabbit's body dried up, the rabbit opened its eyes.

The rabbit looked at the huge corpse in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and then jumped into the magma pool.

The magma roared and boiled, and the figure of the rabbit gradually disappeared.

Its body began to glow with a faint golden light.

The golden light gradually spread to its entire body, and finally completely merged into its body.

The rabbit's body gradually grew bigger, its fur became smoother, and its color became brighter than before.

When the light on his body disappeared, the rabbit turned back into that round fluffy ball, and then bounced down into the magma pool.

It fiddled with the magma with its paws, having a great time playing, and sometimes let out a clear and melodious laugh like a silver bell.



The rabbit smiled very happily.

"Hmm..." Qin Feng frowned.

Why did he feel that there was something wrong with the rabbit's voice?
He walked up to the rabbit and picked it up.

"What are you laughing at?" Qin Feng looked at it strangely, "Laughing like a goat with epilepsy."

Rabbit's smile froze for a moment, then his eyes widened.


A stone the size of an egg hit its head.

The rabbit stood up straight in a jerk, staring at the person in front of him.


Qin Feng frowned: "Who are you? How dare you attack me?"

The rabbit's expression became very angry, "I'll kill you!"

Speaking of which, it suddenly jumped towards Qin Feng.

The rabbit's teeth were so sharp that Qin Feng couldn't help taking a step back.

The rabbit jumped up and rode directly on Qin Feng's body, and then bit Qin Feng's neck, frantically absorbing the blood from his body.

Qin Feng was shocked.

This rabbit can still swallow his blood, could this be the secret of its breath change?

The rabbit greedily sucked the blood from his body.

Drop by drop of blood spilled from his chest, and was sucked into the belly of the rabbit.

At this moment, the rabbit's original ruddy skin became pale, and fine beads of sweat ooze from its forehead. Its body gradually shrank, and it turned into that snow-white little rabbit again.

The rabbit looked at Qin Feng with a little confusion in his eyes.

"Where am I?" it murmured.

Qin Feng shook his head: "I don't know either."

Rabbit looked at Qin Feng with flickering eyes.

It licked its paws, then jumped off Qin Feng's body, and ran back to its nest to sleep.

Qin Feng looked at its back and raised his eyebrows.

The rabbit returned to the nest and lay down for a long time. It opened its eyes, their eyes were wet, and it looked extraordinarily cute, "Brother, I'm hungry."

"Then let's go." Qin Feng picked up a wooden knife placed beside him, and then walked forward.

The rabbit followed behind him, scratching the surrounding soil with its paws from time to time, playing happily like a naughty child.

In this forest, there are no other living things except rabbits.

The rabbit's stomach was growling, it looked at Qin Feng eagerly, and said pitifully: "Brother, I'm hungry, can we find something to eat?"

As soon as the rabbit said this, Qin Feng stopped in his tracks.

Qin Feng turned to look at the rabbit, "Are you sure you want me to take you to find food?"

Rabbit nodded seriously: "Yes! I want to eat meat."

When Qin Feng heard this, he curled his lips and smiled, "Since you insist on looking for food, I will reluctantly agree to you."

The rabbit's eyes brightened immediately, it quickly jumped onto Qin Feng's shoulder, and then smiled flatteringly at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng glanced at it, then took a few steps forward, turned over and sat on a branch, raised his right leg, and stepped on the trunk with one foot.

Qin Feng's left arm was across his waist, and he was lying lazily on his back.

Seeing this, the rabbit quickly jumped into Qin Feng's arms and sat down obediently.

Qin Feng closed his eyes and rested.

He just opened the system mall and bought a bottle of potion.

After drinking this potion, it will paralyze the whole body of the prey for half a stick of incense.

Qin Feng opened his eyes, staring sharply at the rabbit who was digging a hole below.

After the rabbit noticed his sight, his body trembled slightly, and then he pulled his legs up and prepared to run.

Qin Feng snorted coldly, and with a flick of his arm, poured the potion into the magma pool.

A heat wave swept over, Qin Feng narrowed his eyes.

He put the rabbit on his shoulders, and stepped on a dead vine on the rock wall.

Qin Feng grabbed the dead vine, grabbed it with both hands, and then pulled it hard, and a huge rock formation fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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