Chapter 412 Chased by the Crocodile

Chapter 410: Chased by Crocodiles
Qin Feng hugged the rabbit and jumped to the crevice of the rock formation.

He looked down, and in the magma pool, the rock had cracked, revealing a dark crack.

There was a dull breathing sound from the crack.

Qin Feng's eyes narrowed, he let go of his clenched fist, and with a light leap, he jumped onto the rock.

Then, he stretched out his finger and clicked somewhere on the rock.

In an instant, a secret door appeared on the rock. Qin Feng pushed open the secret door and jumped in.


The magma splashed everywhere, and Qin Feng's hair was stained with a lot of dust.

After Qin Feng jumped down, a thick layer of dust floated on the magma pool, blocking the turbulent waves of the magma.

Qin Feng looked down and saw a ferocious and terrifying crocodile emerging from the lava. He opened his mouth and let out a deafening roar.

Qin Feng dodged away, and he glanced at his robe, which was already covered with flames.


The crocodile opened its bloody mouth wide, and then spit out a mouthful of flames, burning and crackling the surrounding air.

Qin Feng sideways avoided.

"Bang!" The flame directly hit the top of a mountain behind him. The mountain swayed violently, rocks fell, and smoke filled the scene. The scene was extremely destructive.

The crocodile didn't give up, it opened its bloody mouth and bit Qin Feng.

Qin Feng kicked over and kicked the crocodile hard.

The crocodile was in unbearable pain, turned around, and swept its tail towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng flashed swiftly, and then kicked the crocodile with a beautiful backspin, directly knocking it over to the ground.

After the crocodile got up, it looked at Qin Feng with a fierce face, and then rushed to Qin Feng again.

The two fought like this.

The rabbit squatted on a big tree in the distance, tilting its head to watch the battle carefully.

The rabbit looked at it for a while, and then quietly moved to another tree. Taking advantage of the fact that the two fighting people were not paying attention to him, the rabbit quickly ran into the magma pool and got deep into the water plants.

Although Qin Feng seems to have the upper hand, in fact, he dare not relax his vigilance at all.

In his mind, he kept recalling the picture he just saw by the magma pool, trying to find the weakness in the picture.

And crocodiles, despite their huge size, are very cunning.

It knows that Qin Feng is stronger, so it usually walks and fights with Qin Feng, and does not confront Qin Feng head-on.

The rabbit was watching from the side. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't find the reason.

Qin Feng's mind is highly concentrated, he is always on guard, and at the same time looking for the weakness of the crocodile.

Suddenly, Qin Feng caught a glimpse of the rabbit from the corner of his eye.

He quickly turned his head, and a thorny vine slid past his cheek, almost scratching his cheek.

"Damn it!" Qin Feng cursed angrily.

The rabbit stood on a rock and looked at Qin Feng, "Why do I feel something is wrong?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Qin Feng asked.

"That crocodile seems to have become smarter..."

Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the crocodile must have learned to be smart.

"I got it! I figured it out!"

Suddenly, Qin Feng laughed: "I said, why did the crocodile suddenly become so cunning!"

"What way?" Rabbit hurriedly asked.

Qin Feng chuckled, and then touched his chin with his hand.

At this time, Qin Feng's body has undergone earth-shaking changes.

His whole body, as if being pulled by countless threads, was constantly moving, and with every step he moved, new changes would occur in the skeletal muscles in his body.

And he continues to increase the toughness and elasticity of muscle fibers.

This state is a state similar to the unlocking of a genetic lock.

In the initial stage of the gene lock, all the tissues inside the body will be strengthened, and then gradually strengthened, so that the gene lock can be opened after the body completely adapts to the weight and load of the body.

And at the moment when the gene lock was opened, Qin Feng felt that his physical fitness had improved several times!

Qin Feng suddenly kicked the crocodile that was attacking him.

At this time, the crocodile was still alive. It struggled crazily, and then spewed out hot flames, trying to hurt Qin Feng.

Qin Feng snorted coldly, his legs bent slightly, his figure moved, and then rushed to the front of the crocodile.


Qin Feng raised his right leg and lashed the crocodile's neck with a whip leg, pushing the crocodile back several meters.

"Wow~~!" The crocodile wailed miserably in pain.

Qin Feng stepped forward again and grabbed the scales of the crocodile.

Then with a flick of his arm, the crocodile was thrown into the air.

Qin Feng's movements were extremely simple and rough, he was like a human tank, rampaging in the magma pool, and all the giant pythons that approached Qin Feng were killed by him one by one.

Moreover, the further you go in, the stronger the strength of those giant pythons, and Qin Feng is getting smoother and smoother.

Finally, after Qin Feng traveled about 3000 kilometers, Qin Feng felt the pressure.


A giant python's tail swept towards him. The tail was more than ten meters long, and it looked like a long steel stick in the magma pool.

The corner of Qin Feng's eyes swept across the giant python's tail, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He grabbed the alligator and threw it towards the tail.


The crocodile hit the tail of the giant python, and immediately, the giant python writhed in pain.

At this time, Qin Feng suddenly stepped on the head of the giant python.


The giant python's head exploded instantly, and bright red liquid splashed out.

The huge body of the giant python fell heavily into the water.

The crocodile's body hit the water and caused a wave, and its bloody smell attracted more pythons.


The group of giant pythons roared angrily, and they rushed towards the crocodile's body frantically.

For a moment, the crocodile's body was submerged by the giant python, and only the crocodile's mournful cry could be heard.

This group of giant pythons was actually fighting over the crocodile's body. They scrambled to eat the crocodile's body, and then their bodies began to shrink.

Qin Feng's eyes were fixed, watching the movements of those giant pythons, he seemed to have discovered something.

He kicked a crocodile away, and then quickly left the magma pool.

Hiding in the grass on the shore, Qin Feng stared at the lake quietly.

Sure enough, shortly after Qin Feng disappeared, there was a rumbling sound on the lake.

A huge crocodile appeared in Qin Feng's vision.

Its volume is very huge, a full length of 600 meters, and its body is covered with metal scales.

And its huge tail also showed its impressive explosive power, with just one swing, it broke a tree as thick as the mouth of a bowl.

Qin Feng frowned tightly, this is an eighth-level alien beast!

It slowly climbed to the shore, and then stared at the dead crocodile lying on the ground with greedy eyes.

"As expected of an eighth-level alien beast, its intelligence is really high." Qin Feng murmured.

His expression was a bit serious. In this case, it would be much more difficult to kill this monster.

At this time, the crocodile turned around suddenly, stared at the direction where Qin Feng was hiding, and made a hissing sound from his mouth.

Qin Feng knew that the eighth-level alien beast had found him!

"Huh..." Qin Feng let out a long breath.

He knew that he had to make some preparations.

He took out a dagger from his backpack and held it in his hand.

In the next second, he rushed towards the crocodile like a cheetah.


Qin Feng's speed was as fast as thunder. In the blink of an eye, he reached the crocodile's side, and the dagger in his hand slashed at the crocodile's body mercilessly.

With this knife, the sharp blade directly tore through the crocodile's hard skin, and even tore the scales on its chest!

Then, Qin Feng flipped his wrist, and inserted the dagger into the crocodile's belly fiercely.

The crocodile was in pain, raised its head and roared, and opened its mouth to bite Qin Feng.

At this moment, Qin Feng swung his left fist and slammed the crocodile's head fiercely.

The crocodile hurriedly avoided, but still did not escape.

It exhaled scorching breath from its huge nostrils, and then bit Qin Feng's palm.

With this mouthful, the teeth shattered, blood flowed out, and severe pain spread all over the body.

But Qin Feng still didn't let go, he pulled the dagger hard.


The dagger pierced directly into the depths of the crocodile's skull.

Blood spurted out, and the crocodile's pupils were dilated.

Although the strength of the crocodile just now is very weak, it is estimated that it only has four or five hundred points at most, but this is a level eight beast after all.

Such a big guy is definitely worth tens of thousands of points.

And this is just the beginning, I am afraid that the monsters he encounters in the future will become more and more powerful, and the points will increase.

Even if the task fails this time, Qin Feng believes that next time, he will be able to earn more than now.

Qin Feng calmed down and carefully observed the surrounding environment. He saw a pile of white skeletons on the beach in the distance.

This is... a zombie?
However, it is somewhat different from ordinary zombies.

There are green lights in the zombie's eye sockets, but their faces have a dull expression. This kind of zombie looks very strange.

Moreover, they are petite and exquisite, and their height is less than 1.2 meters.

After looking around, Qin Feng didn't find what he was looking for.

However, now that I have confirmed my guess, I can go to find those crystal nuclei next.

Qin Feng lurks all the way, his swimming speed in the water is very fast, even if there are several giant pythons wandering around, there is no way to catch his shadow.

Soon, he found the first crystal nucleus.

A total of four crystal nuclei were found, adding up to a total of thirty points.

Qin Feng did not stop, and continued to search for the crystal nucleus.

But unfortunately, Qin Feng didn't see that kind of powerful monster nearby. He found a safe distance, then sat down cross-legged, and entered the cultivation state.

This time, he didn't take the pill right away, after all, this time he took it before the end of the world, so the effect would be much worse.

With the passage of time, Qin Feng's level gradually climbed up. After the level reached level 7, he felt that his physical fitness had increased a lot.

Qin Feng knew that this must be the effect of the supernatural energy he absorbed.

During this period of time, Qin Feng's fighting skills have reached the point of perfection.

He is now able to easily deal with some low-level monsters.

This time, he killed another level seven beast and got more than a dozen points as a reward.

He stored all these rewards in the storage space because he didn't plan to use them.


Just at this moment, a terrifying howl sounded from the bottom of the lake.

That was the cry of the crocodile.

The voice seemed to have some kind of magical power, and the silent giant pythons all around became restless.

"Damn it, why did you wake up these big guys?" Qin Feng frowned slightly, he didn't dare to delay, and ran away quickly.

His speed was extremely fast, and he rushed far away in an instant.

And those giant pythons seemed to be in a commotion, and they jumped up desperately, chasing Qin Feng.

Qin Feng tried his best and ran out of the lake.

Finally, Qin Feng ran to the edge of the lake and jumped out of the lake.

Qin Feng, who was flying over the lake, lamented that the facilities of this cruise ship are indeed complete, in addition to yachts, there is even a dock!
"Board the ship." Qin Feng greeted.


Qin Feng jumped into the ship, and then controlled the ship to set sail.

The captain of this ship is more than 1000 years old, with a stooped figure and white hair.

But he didn't look like an old man at all, on the contrary he was full of vitality.

"Young man, you are not easy. You have killed a level eight beast by yourself, and it seems very easy." The captain looked at Qin Feng and said.

Qin Feng smiled lightly: "It's just luck."

The captain smiled, and then asked: "What's your name, you don't look like you belong to our sea area."

"My name is Qin Feng." Qin Feng replied.

"Oh, I'm old Roosevelt, you can call me Lao Luo or the captain." The captain said, "Where are you going this time?"

"Nanyun City." Qin Feng said.

"Nanyun City." The captain nodded, "It's not far away, but I advise you to rest for a night first, this place is very dangerous at night, especially in such a river."

"Well, thank you for your suggestion." Qin Feng said.

The captain stroked his beard with a smile, and then drove the ship towards Nanyun City.

Along the way, Qin Feng was not idle.

In the evening of this day, Qin Feng found a mountain and was going to rest in the cave.

The entrance to the cave was blocked with stones.

Qin Feng tried several times but failed to solve this problem, so he retreated to the lakeside.

This place is fairly quiet, and will not be attacked by those ferocious mutant creatures for the time being.

Qin Feng was sitting on the ground resting, with messages about the doomsday flashing in his mind.

In this era, human beings are not too lonely. In China, the governments of basically every province will organize survivors, and then search for survivors in various towns.

(End of this chapter)

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