Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 413 Condensing the Lightning Shield to Resist Attacks

Chapter 413 Condensing the Lightning Shield to Resist Attacks

Chapter 410 Three Condensed Lightning Shields to Resist Attacks
However, due to the outbreak of the doomsday, all the bases were completely destroyed, many survivors fled for their lives, and the remaining bases were also in ruins.

Most of these bases are survivors without any defensive tools.

Food for these people is scarce, and it is impossible to feed them at all.

The only thing they can do is hunt other people's nuclei, or capture other prey.

However, in this world, the easiest way to obtain crystal nuclei is to devour other creatures.

But the zombies here are obviously very low in intelligence. They can't even deal with some low-level alienated beasts, let alone those zombies with even lower intelligence.

Moreover, most of the crystal nuclei in this world are first-order crystal nuclei, and the number of second-order crystal nuclei is rare. Most of these crystal nuclei have been used by humans, or have been traded on the black market in exchange for resources.

As for high-level crystal nuclei, they will only be produced in those strange beast lairs.

And those beast lairs not only contain beasts, but also some plant-based zombies and mutant creatures.

So under normal circumstances, no one is willing to take the initiative to provoke these zombies or mutant creatures.

Qin Feng saw an eighth-level beast just now, so he wanted to test it out.

Although the IQ of this strange beast is not high, he still has some worries.

If you miss a hit and get bitten by him, you will be in trouble.

Therefore, he must be more cautious.

Qin Feng took out the dagger from his backpack, held it in his palm, and slowly swam towards the lake.

The temperature of the lake was getting higher and higher, Qin Feng felt his whole body was scalding, and his hairs stood on end. Enduring the scorching feeling, he approached step by step.

Just when he was about to approach the crocodile king, he stepped on the crocodile king's tail.

The crocodile king was in pain, raised his head and opened his mouth to roar.

A thick mist suddenly gushed out of it, and rushed towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng suddenly felt that his sight was blocked, and he heard a buzzing in his ears, and then he became dizzy and didn't know anything.

Before he passed out, what he saw was the fog.

Under the cover of these mist, Qin Feng's skin became red.

He opened his eyes, eyes showing vigilance.

This nightmare made his head hurt like it was going to burst.


Qin Feng couldn't help gasping.

Beside him, the crocodile king was staring at him with scarlet eyes.

This scene is too familiar. Qin Feng has experienced it once before, so he doesn't feel scared now. On the contrary, he feels an indescribable joy in his heart.

"Haha, it's really exciting." Qin Feng smiled excitedly.

Qin Feng's laughter woke up the crocodile king.

The crocodile king flicked his tail angrily and knocked Qin Feng to the ground.


Qin Feng's abdomen was hit hard by the crocodile king's tail, and a bloodstain appeared on his abdomen.

"Fuck." Qin Feng scolded, then got up and ran.


A huge claw slammed over, knocking Qin Feng to the ground again.


Qin Feng spat out a mouthful of blood.

Qin Feng was lying on the ground panting, with a ferocious expression on his face.

"Damn it, it's not like I can't beat you!" Qin Feng roared angrily.

Then, he got up again and prepared to leave.

"Huchi! Huchi!" The crocodile king stared at Qin Feng angrily, and then chased him, ready to attack again.

At this moment, the energy in Qin Feng's body began to stir, and then his figure suddenly rose, and he grew to a height of more than ten meters in an instant.

At the same time, the ordinary clothes on his body were directly blown to pieces, revealing his tough muscles, and his figure was extremely strong.

This is the state where his current strength has been improved. It can increase his combat power by five times, and his speed has also increased by more than a little.

"Boom bang bang."

Punch after punch hit the crocodile king's forehead, and the crocodile king couldn't stop Qin Feng's attack at all.

"Oh..." The crocodile king howled in pain, and then fell into the river.

Qin Feng stood on the bank and looked at the crocodile king struggling in the river. With a thought, his figure disappeared in the same place in an instant, reappeared, and had already reached near the crocodile king's head.

At this moment, Qin Feng's right hand is holding a dagger tightly.

This dagger shone with a metallic luster and was extremely sharp.

Without hesitation, Qin Feng inserted it into the crocodile king's head, and then stirred it vigorously.


The sound of fractures sounded, Qin Feng flicked his wrist lightly, and the dagger directly cut through the head of the crocodile king, squeezing out its brain.

"It's so cool!" Qin Feng thought to himself, then jumped directly onto the stone by the river, sat down and rested.

The round of fighting just now cost him a lot of energy.

Qin Feng sat cross-legged, running the "Nine Layers of Thunder Jue" to restore the energy in his body.


Suddenly, a bolt of lightning fell, and a huge deep pit appeared not far from Qin Feng.

"What is this?" Qin Feng looked at the deep pit suspiciously, and saw a huge boa constrictor staring at Qin Feng in the deep pit. He rushed forward and tore Qin Feng into pieces.

"Damn it, I actually met a python, and it's a seventh-level python. What's the matter? Could it be that my mission is to kill this python?" Qin Feng's face was filled with With a dignified expression, this python definitely surpassed the fourth rank.

The strength of the python in this world is divided into three levels, early stage, middle stage and peak stage.

Behind the Python Jiao, there are even more terrifying eighth and ninth ranks.

The level of this python should be around the peak of level six, and its strength is indeed very strong.

Qin Feng frowned even tighter. A monster of this level, even a cultivator at the level of a martial artist, would not dare to provoke him, let alone him.

"System, give me the summon card." Qin Feng shouted.

"The use of the summon card requires 50 points." The system said: "Now the host already has 60 points, and there are still 10 points left."

"Keep it for now, it's not suitable for summoning yet." Qin Feng said.

This world is far more dangerous than he imagined. If the summon card is used at this time, if something happens, he will die.

"My strength is too weak, not strong enough!" Qin Feng sighed and continued to work hard.


"Huhu..." Qin Feng kept running, but he couldn't get rid of the crocodile king behind him.


The body of the crocodile king flew over, and then bit Qin Feng fiercely.

Qin Feng couldn't dodge in time, his chest was pierced by the fangs of the crocodile king.

The muscles on his body trembled violently, and then quickly backed away, opening the distance.

The crocodile king's fangs were dripping with blood.

It grinned slightly at the corner of its mouth, as if mocking Qin Feng.

Qin Feng ignored the crocodile king's provocation, he raised his head and glanced at the huge vortex in the sky.

The energy fluctuations in the vortex became more and more violent.


Suddenly, a dazzling blue light erupted from the center of the vortex, and all the trees within a few thousand meters around instantly withered.

A boundless coercion descended.

Qin Feng's body was stiff, and he felt an endless chill in his body.

"It's so cold!" Qin Feng's pupils shrank, and he felt that his body seemed to be a little stiff, unable to move.


The towering trees were instantly reduced to ashes.

Eventually, the vortex dissipated and the sky returned to clarity.

But the crocodile king has escaped.

At this time, Qin Feng suddenly froze.

"I didn't die? I survived, and I feel that my strength has increased a lot." Qin Feng murmured.

He looked down at the wound on his chest, which had healed perfectly.

He felt that his body's recovery ability had improved several times compared to before.

"Could it be because of the "Nine Layers of Thunder Jue"?" Qin Feng guessed in his heart.

But he didn't think about it.

Although the wound had completely healed, he felt weak all over, the power in his body was exhausted, and his whole body seemed a little tired.

"It seems that we must hurry up and find some medicinal herbs to supplement our physical strength." Qin Feng muttered, then stood up and walked outside.

The place where he was just now was not too far from the lake.

Soon, Qin Feng found a herb, and after he picked it, he hurried back to the stone house.

"This herb is..." Qin Feng looked carefully at the herb in front of him, with an expression of ecstasy on his face.

Because he knows this kind of herb, which is the century-old ice crystal grass.

It is of great help to warriors who practice ice attribute exercises.

This ice crystal grass is of extraordinary value, it can even be called a panacea, which can make the warrior's dantian contain a little more ice attribute vitality.

However, this ice crystal grass only grows in the snowy mountains, so it is very difficult to find it.

But now, the ice crystal grass in this world is not too rare, because in the depths of the frost forest, there is a mother plant of the ice crystal grass, and a large number of ice crystal grass will grow around the mother plant of the ice crystal grass.

Moreover, the mother plant of this ice crystal grass can also give birth to new ice crystal grass seedlings.

"Since I found this ice crystal grass, I will devour it immediately. As long as my strength can be promoted to a second-rank warrior, then I will be sure to defeat the beast behind me." Qin Feng thought in his heart, and then put the ice crystal grass Beside him, he closed his eyes and practiced.

This time, he wants to break through to the second-rank warrior realm in one fell swoop.

Qin Feng's strength did not continue to improve after breaking through the fifth-level warrior realm, so he needed a temper.

In the process of fighting the crocodile king, Qin Feng felt that his strength had improved a little. Although it was not much, it was a good thing for Qin Feng.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Qin Feng felt a scorching heat coming from his body, and the energy in his body poured into the bead in his dantian crazily.

And that bead actually started to release wisps of milky white mist.

Qin Feng's eyes widened immediately.

"What is this that can absorb my energy?" Qin Feng was shocked.

"Boom!" Qin Feng felt a stabbing pain in his mind, and then in his mind, an image appeared in front of his eyes. In that image, an old man appeared. This old man carried his hands on his back, quietly Standing there, but under the feet of the old man, there are countless bones lying.

"Those bones are those of high-ranking fighters." Qin Feng's eyes showed horror, he had never heard of such a scene.

He looked in several other directions, and there was also a pattern in front of Qin Feng's eyes in those directions.

Moreover, besides that, there are all kinds of strange beasts on top of those patterns, some of which Qin Feng has never seen before.

"What's going on?" Qin Feng was shocked. These pictures, like memory fragments, kept appearing in his mind.

The information is very messy, and Qin Feng has no idea what these pictures represent.

And at this moment, those messy memories gradually formed paragraphs of words, and then got into Qin Feng's mind.

After a while, Qin Feng suddenly opened his eyes. He looked at the ice crystal grass in front of him, with an excited smile on his face.

This is a low-grade Xuan-level exercise called "Nine Layers of Thunder Jue".

This was obtained by Qin Feng by accident in his previous life.

It was originally just an ordinary exercise, but in the process of Qin Feng's cultivation, this exercise slowly transformed into a mysterious exercise.

And these memories are the records of the cultivation path of this "Nine Layers of Thunder Jue".

This made Qin Feng feel happy.

"It seems that this "Nine Layers of Thunder Jue" is not an ordinary skill, but a unique skill in the ruins of a certain sect. It should also be a spiritual weapon." Qin Feng thought to himself.

Qin Feng knows that the classification of martial arts skills is from low to high, from the early stage of Xuan level to the peak.

The spirit weapon is another level. Martial arts and techniques that have reached this level already belong to the spirit-level skills or spirit weapons.

All of these can only be touched by martial masters, martial masters and other strong people, and this realm is the real martial arts powerhouse, that is, the real warrior.

But now in this world, although martial arts are prosperous, the existence of warriors is very rare.

After all, in this world, most warriors are practicing martial arts, and will not spend a lot of time studying martial arts, after all, the cultivation of martial arts is too difficult.

Many warriors will never be able to become a real warrior in their lifetime.

What Qin Feng is practicing now is the martial arts of the martial arts realm.

"There are nine levels in the "Nine Levels of Thunder Jue". Every time a level is added, the lightning armor will be condensed, and the defense power will skyrocket."

"And if you can condense a lightning shield, then you can withstand the attacks of the innate sixth-layer warriors."

"Furthermore, this lightning armor is condensed from the elements of lightning. It has excellent defense power. As long as it is worn on the body, it will be invulnerable."

Immediately, Qin Feng sat cross-legged on the ground, and then practiced exercises.


Suddenly a loud bang resounded through the sky, and a huge purple-gold thunder dragon poked its head out of the void, raised its head to the sky and let out a roar.

This roar shook the sky, as if it could tear the sky apart.

(End of this chapter)

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