Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 414 Primordial Stone Containing Vigorous Vitality

Chapter 414 Primordial Stone Containing Vigorous Vitality

Qin Feng felt the vitality around his body, like a flame burning, frantically gathering towards him.

At this moment, he only felt that his whole body was warm, as if soaked in a hot spring pool.

"Hahaha! Is this the vitality?" Qin Feng felt the surging vitality in his body, and couldn't help but shouted to the sky.

In his dantian, the vitality quickly solidified and turned into a fist-sized thunderbolt.

"This is..." Qin Feng's heart skipped a beat: "Is this actually a spirit stone?"

This piece of spirit stone exudes a bright thunder light, which contains a strong vitality of the thunder element.

Qin Feng was very excited, because around this spirit stone, there were three light blue spirit crystals, which obviously belonged to the category of spirit crystals, and the energy contained in these three spirit crystals was very strong. If the wind absorbs all the energy in these three spirit crystals, his cultivation will definitely improve greatly.

But Qin Feng also understands that if he really does this, his body may collapse directly.

Although these spirit stones contain extremely vigorous vitality energy, they will be a deadly poison to Qin Feng's physical body.

These spirit stones would not only destroy his meridians, but also affect his body, eventually causing his body to explode and die.

This is the disadvantage of Wuhun, but Qin Feng has no choice now, because this body cannot bear the energy contained in these spirit stones at all.

If you absorb these vitality hastily, you may be directly strangled to death.

And at this moment, this ice crystal grass also began to change.

The originally emerald green grass blades began to turn red.

Bit by bit, it was actually falling off, turning into grains of powder, and blending into this ice crystal grass.

The branches of the ice crystal grass also began to wither.

And this ice crystal grass also began to wither.

Qin Feng knew that this was the result of the exhaustion of the medicine.

"What's going on with all this?" Qin Feng felt puzzled.

He thought for a while, took out a spell from the interspatial ring, and stuck it on his forehead.

This talisman is exactly the protective talisman that the old Taoist gave to Qin Feng.

This spell can protect Qin Feng and resist elemental attacks to a certain extent, but the immunity to elements is not strong, Qin Feng just wants to try.

After pasting this talisman, a faint halo suddenly appeared on his body, and this halo enveloped his body.

A strange wave rippled out, and the surrounding elements disappeared instantly.

The original violent breath also disappeared without a trace.

"It seems that there is no danger!" Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He carefully felt the condition of his body and found that everything was fine.

This time, the medicinal effect of the ice crystal grass has been fully exerted, and Qin Feng's strength has returned to its peak state.

This made Qin Feng very pleased.

In his opinion, as long as his cultivation is restored to its peak state, with his own strength, he should not be afraid even if he encounters a celestial master level existence.

"It seems that I will improve my actual combat ability in the future." Qin Feng secretly decided that in the next time, he must seize the time to improve his strength.

After all, he has just advanced to the Foundation Establishment Realm not long ago. Although he has [-] methods that can counteract the powerhouses of the Celestial Level, he cannot use them, otherwise he will be punished by God, so before he has enough strength, he must You can't act rashly, so as not to attract heaven's punishment.

After thinking through all this, Qin Feng stood up and looked around.

At this time, he was wearing a black suit, with a handsome and unrestrained appearance.

"The harvest this time is not bad. Although I didn't get Yuan Dan and Jin Dan, I got so many spirit stones and spirit crystals!" Qin Feng was in a good mood, and he was very happy.

The harvest of this trip can be described as huge, there are tens of thousands of spirit stones alone, not to mention the energy in the three spirit crystals is still very strong.

Although he wasn't sure whether these energies were absorbed by his body.But what he can be sure of is that his physical body has definitely reached its peak state, and may even break through to the golden body stage.

This kind of strength is almost at the top level in the cultivation world.

"Now I'm at the peak of Foundation Establishment. If I find a few more pieces of Yuandan and Jindan, then breaking through to Jindan stage should be a matter of course."

"But it's not easy to find Yuan Dan and Jin Dan!"

"No wonder people often say that the road to practice is long, but now it seems that the road to practice is also difficult!" Qin Feng smiled wryly.

"But now, it seems that it is not the time to think about these issues. My goal is to cultivate to the Golden Core stage. As for Yuan Dan and Golden Core, as long as they are strong enough, it is not difficult to find them." Qin Feng's eyes became firm. , he decided to deal with the immediate problem first.

Qin Feng took out three Lingshi.

His divine sense penetrated into it, and began to detect the energy in the spirit stone.

Soon, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"As expected of a primordial stone, the energy inside is so majestic. Even in the entire cultivation world, such energy is extremely rare." Qin Feng sighed.

"Although these energies are relatively scarce, they are enough. It is enough to support my cultivation for a period of time." Excitement flashed in Qin Feng's eyes. He urgently needs a huge amount of resources to support himself to continue his cultivation.

Although he didn't get Yuan Dan this time, he gained quite a lot.

"The most important task now is to improve your cultivation." Qin Feng thought to himself.

He sat cross-legged in the cave and began to meditate.

When Qin Feng was practicing, the people outside the cave were also constantly hunting and killing wild animals.

Qin Feng and the others are located in the depths of a forest, five or six kilometers away from the city. This area is the territory of monsters. Normally, humans are not allowed to enter these monsters.But now, the monsters in this forest seem to know about Qin Feng and others, and have not taken any measures against them.

Around Qin Feng, there are also many monsters swimming around, but none of them dare to approach Qin Feng and them.

After these monsters saw Qin Feng, they all backed away in fright.

Qin Feng's powerful strength has already suppressed all the monsters here, they dare not make mistakes, they only dare to linger on the sidelines.

While Qin Feng and the others were hunting monsters, there were many monsters behind Qin Feng.

They also want to hunt Qin Feng.

However, Qin Feng is too tyrannical, and his methods are unpredictable, they are not opponents at all.

For several days, Qin Feng and others kept hunting monsters.

And Qin Feng also completely stabilized his cultivation at the peak of Foundation Establishment.

During this period, Qin Feng has been in seclusion. He is frantically absorbing the energy in the spirit stone, and at the same time devouring Yuan Dan and Jin Dan.

However, when devouring the spirit stone, Qin Feng did not forget to refine some pills to supplement the spirit power in his body.

In the past few days, Qin Feng found that the vitality contained in these primordial stones was extremely powerful and full of spirituality. Cultivating in such an environment was many times faster than taking those ordinary pills.

During this period, Qin Feng also swallowed two kinds of elixir more than once, but the effect was still not obvious, but he was not discouraged, and continued to refine the vitality in the primordial stone.

Finally, in the past few days, his cultivation has finally broken through to the middle stage of foundation establishment.

After breaking through, Qin Feng opened his eyes.

"My strength has increased a lot!" Qin Feng said with satisfaction: "Now my Nascent Soul can carry a weight of more than three thousand catties, and the speed has also increased a lot. Now I can use my agility Play to the extreme, in terms of speed, I believe that even a monk at the golden core stage may not be able to catch up with my speed!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Qin Feng's mouth.

His figure rushed towards a mountain peak like lightning.

He punched out, and the entire mountain collapsed immediately, turning into pieces and flying into the air.

Qin Feng's punch was so powerful that it could even smash several boulders into powder.

"It's amazing!" Qin Feng said with emotion: "If a Jindan cultivator gets punched by me, I'm afraid I will be seriously injured."

At this moment, he felt that his strength had improved a lot.

"I don't know what level my current strength has reached?" Qin Feng muttered to himself, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

His eyes scanned the monsters in the forest.

"My current cultivation level has reached the peak in the late stage of foundation building, and my strength has improved a lot. If I can kill some monsters, I believe my strength will definitely improve a lot."

"Right now, although I can't compete with the Golden Core stage monks, it's still easy for me to escape."

Qin Feng thought in his heart.

He's confident enough now that he can escape in an instant if he wants to.

"In that case, I'll try to see if I can kill a monster here." Qin Feng's eyes shone brightly.

With a flash of his figure, he turned into a stream of light and swept towards the depths of the forest.

Around Qin Feng, those monsters dodged one after another, not daring to face Qin Feng head-on.


Qin Feng's body turned into an afterimage, and he arrived in front of the group of monsters in the blink of an eye.

Not to be outdone, those monsters attacked Qin Feng one after another.

The strength of these monsters has reached around the late stage of Foundation Establishment. Although they are not as good as the monks of the Golden Core stage, they are not much worse than the monks of the early stage of the Golden Core stage. If they attack Qin Feng together, Qin Feng will also be injured.

So Qin Feng didn't like to fight, and his figure flickered again and again to avoid head-on confrontation with these monsters.


In front of Qin Feng, several monsters were killed by his sword light.

Then Qin Feng rose into the air, the long sword in his hand slashed across the void, and there were bursts of ear-piercing sonic booms, and those monsters were instantly killed by Qin Feng.

"So fast!" Shock flashed across the faces of those monsters killed by Qin Feng, and then they turned and fled.

"Want to escape?" Qin Feng snorted coldly, flipped his wrist, and threw a flying knife out of his hand.

The flying knife shuttled through the air, leaving behind a series of blood mist. Monster beasts were shot in the head by the flying knife, and their bodies fell to the ground.

With a shake of Qin Feng's arm, those flying knives immediately turned into thin threads, winding around the flying knives.

Those thin threads were pulled by the flying knives and shot around. Wherever they passed, those monsters were pierced through their heads and died on the spot.

For a moment, the surrounding monsters were killed and torn apart, leaving no bones left.

In just a few breaths, Qin Feng killed all the monsters nearby.

"What a mighty power!"

Qin Feng stood in mid-air, watching these monsters being killed, feeling a little rejoiced in his heart.

Those few throwing knife spells just now were extremely exquisite.

If it was a monk in the middle stage of Jindan, no matter how superb spells he cast, he might not be able to kill all the monsters around him, but Qin Feng did it.

"With such an attack speed, even a cultivator at the early stage of Jindan would have to suffer hatred if he encounters it!" Qin Feng thought to himself.

Afterwards, Qin Feng scanned the surroundings, ready to find a suitable monster and kill it.

Around him, besides these middle-stage foundation-building monsters, there are some other low-level monsters, and even some early-stage foundation-building monsters.

"I don't know, there are some monsters around here that I can practice my hands with." Qin Feng thought in his heart, and then he stepped on his feet and galloped towards a monster. There was still a hundred meters away from the monster. At that time, Qin Feng suddenly jumped up, and the long sword in his hand slashed towards the monster.


A long sword cut across the air, making a sharp and piercing sound, and in an instant, it was in front of the monster.


Qin Feng slashed at the monster's neck with a sword, and immediately blood spattered.


The shrill scream resounded through the sky.

The monster fell straight to the ground, and it couldn't die any more.

"What a strong physical defense!"

Qin Feng was surprised. The physical defense of this monster was abnormal. Even if ordinary metal weapons were cut on it, only shallow marks could be left.

"If an ordinary steel weapon were to slash on it, I'm afraid it wouldn't even leave a trace."

Qin Feng sighed in his heart, and at the same time secretly guarded in his heart. Such a physical body is definitely not something that ordinary monsters can possess.

Qin Feng took away the storage bag from that monster, and then he continued to attack other monsters.

After Qin Feng killed several monsters in one go, he finally met a monster in the late Jindan stage.

This is a monster with black hair all over its body, with a pointed head, fangs in its mouth, and black fluff all over its body.

This is a very difficult monster.

This monster is called the Black Wolf King, and it has a combat power comparable to that of a monster in the late foundation establishment period.

After the Black Wolf King saw Qin Feng, he immediately showed a ferocious expression. A pair of green wolf eyes stared at Qin Feng, and there was a hint of greed in his eyes.

The black wolf king quickly rushed towards Qin Feng, opened his sharp claws, and grabbed Qin Feng.

Qin Feng sneered, he didn't have the slightest fear, he directly faced the attack, clenched the long sword with both hands, and slashed down with one sword, splitting the head of the black wolf king in two.

"Amazing swordsmanship!"

Qin Feng secretly praised in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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