The end of the college entrance examination has become tens of billions of gods

Chapter 1226: It's Not That I Didn't Report The Time And Didn't Come

Chapter 1226: It's Not That I Didn't Report The Time And Didn't Come

"Big Brother, Big Brother, Big Brother!!!"

Wei Tianyong, who just jumped out of the water, shouted repeatedly.

As can be seen.

Wei Tianyong's water quality is average.


"Are you all right?"

Wei Tianhong hurriedly patted Wei Tianyong's arm and asked.

"Cough cough cough..."

Wei Tianyong choked on a few saliva, so he coughed again and again.

Followed by.

"No, it's fine."

"Brother, I'm fine!"

Wei Tianyong wiped his eyes with his hand, then shook his head in response.

"It's fine!"

Wei Tianhong glanced resentfully at Shan Xiaogang who was slowly walking over.


He smashed the water with his arm hard.


His escape plan was still destroyed.

Shan Xiaogang was really like a piece of dog skin plaster, he couldn't get rid of it no matter how he shook it.


"Big brother!"

"What do we do now?"

"Or go up and do him."

Wei Tianyong, who fell into the water, was really full of anger at this moment.

He had told Wei Tianhong a long time ago, let's deal with the other party first.

it's good now.

The other party couldn't handle it, and even boarded the speedboat that came to meet them.

It's really not worth it.


Big brother is just too stubborn.

No matter what kind of suggestions he put forward, none of them were adopted by Wei Tianhong.


"Go, go up!"

Wei Tianhong looked around, but found no other figures.


An idea came up in his mind, let's deal with Shan Xiaogang's doggy plaster first.


The other party always puts obstacles in their way, which will only add more variables to their evacuation.

Not only that.

After seeing Shan Xiaogang, there was no one else.

So Wei Tianhong boldly speculated, is there a possibility that Shan Xiaogang really came here alone?
Too late to think about it.

Go up and do the other party first, and then think about the next plan.

Just now.

"It deserves it!!"

"It's not that the time has not come yet!"

The two people who came to meet Wei Tianhong stood on the bank and began to sneer.

I thought.

Shan Xiaogang came for the four of them.

Unexpectedly, when the other party passed by the two of them just now, there was no abnormal behavior.

This can be seen.

The other party was not aimed at the two of them, but directly aimed at the two brothers Wei Tianhong.

Figured out the situation.

The two people who came to meet them were slightly relieved.

Only then did he have the mood to tease Wei Tianhong and the two of them.

next second.

"Two Reservoir Dogs... need help?"

The two people who came to meet them continued to laugh and mock.


Wei Tianhong responded coldly, and then stared fiercely at Shan Xiaogang's every move.

after all.

The defenses were weakest when they came ashore.

In order to prevent Shan Xiaogang from launching a sneak attack, Wei Tianhong has been carefully observing the opponent.

at the same time.

"What two cheap dogs."

"I capsized Lao Tzu's speedboat, and I want you to pay ten times the compensation."

The leader preached viciously.

Wei Tianhong's lack of morality made him feel disgusted.

They didn't hesitate to risk their lives to meet Wei Tianhong, but these two souls wanted to abandon themselves.

next second.

"Your boat, I will give the water monkey an explanation."

"However, I want to get rid of this person first, so don't hinder us."

Wei Tianhong said in a cold voice.

In order to keep the other two from chattering, Wei Tianhong expressed his attitude.



"We don't care about your personal grievances."

"After you finish solving it, let's settle the ledger."

The two leaders retreated a little, giving way to a certain amount of space.

in a blink.


Wei Tianhong and Wei Tianyong supported their heavy bodies and climbed up to the shore.

the other side.

Shan Xiaogang just put his arms around Yuexiong, staring at the two indifferently, not rushing to make a move.

All he has to do is hold back the two souls in front of him.

As for the work of arresting them, they still have to be handed over to the people sent by Zhao Guangzheng.

Followed by.

Brothers Wei Tianhong and Wei Tianyong stared at Shan Xiaogang warily.


They looked at each other and immediately understood what it meant.


Wei Tianhong was the first to rush towards Shan Xiaogang.

same second.

Wei Tianyong followed closely behind.

Shan Xiaogang opposed them everywhere.

This time, he must do the math with Shan Xiaogang.

Lest the other party really think that the two brothers are easy to bully.

Two to one.

There is still a certain chance of winning.

In short, Wei Tianyong is very confident in his heart.

By the way, he can avenge Shan Xiaogang for bullying his elder brother before.


"What is your origin?"

"Why do you have trouble with us so often?"

Wei Tianhong shot with all his strength, and did not forget to ask questions.

It would be best if he could persuade Shan Xiaogang to retreat through words.

Although the possibility of this is almost zero.

But Wei Tianhong was still unwilling to give up.

until this time.

He still felt that there could be no further delay.

Must leave as soon as possible.

next second.

"Big brother!"

"What nonsense are you talking to him about?"

"Why don't we join forces and kill him?"

Wei Tianyong also tried his best to attack Shan Xiaogang.

at the same time.

Regarding Wei Tianyong's remarks, Wei Tianhong chose to ignore them directly.



"Can I leave a name?"

Wei Tianhong asked again.

As soon as this word comes out.

Shan Xiaogang shook his head faintly, "I said, you are not worthy!"

The voice just fell.

"Let your mother's dog P go."

Wei Tianyong was full of anger, and quickly attacked Shan Xiaogang.


"Let me down!!!"

a time.

Wei Tianyong's speed surpassed that of Wei Tianhong, and he punched Shan Xiaogang in the head.

It seems... Wei Tianyong was really angry at this time.

The explosive power is evident.

In the nick of time.

'Snapped! ! '

Shan Xiaogang quickly raised his palm, and then slapped away Wei Tianyong's attacking fist.


He skillfully deflected the opponent's heavy punch.


Wei Tianhong's fierce punch took advantage of Shan Xiaogang's flick of Wei Tianyong's fist, and made up for it.

at the same time.

'Clap! '

Shan Xiaogang unhurriedly popped out on his toes, and immediately withstood the distance of Wei Tianhong's attack.


Wei Tianhong's fist was ten centimeters away from Shan Xiaogang's chest, and he couldn't get any further.

same second.

"It's me!"

Shan Xiaogang smiled charmingly.

He will not show mercy to the two brothers Wei Tianhong and Wei Tianyong.

It is simply a kind of contempt to dare to come to China to disturb.

How can you let it go easily?

He didn't need to make a big move just now, throwing out a rope similar to a javelin, and then hooking the opponent's speedboat.

The voice just fell.



Shan Xiaogang kicked Wei Tianyong out first.


He threw out his left hand and hit Wei Tianhong directly on the temple.

This is the end.

The two fell back and forth to the ground.


(End of this chapter)

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