Chapter 1227 Out of the mouth
This scene.

Wei Tianyong was greatly frustrated.

He didn't expect Shan Xiaogang to be able to easily resolve it under the attack of the two of them.

Not only that.

The opponent can also knock down the two of them while resolving it.


Wei Tianyong always naively believed that as long as the two brothers work together, they will be able to completely defeat Shan Xiaogang.

Brothers work together to cut gold! !

In the face of Shan Xiaogang's strong strength, their abilities are not enough after all.

The speed of the opponent's attack made Wei Tianyong very afraid.

Wei Tianyong, who didn't take speed as an advantage, felt a little powerless in the face of Shan Xiaogang's swift skill.

Just look at Shan Xiaogang's punch.

Even his elder brother Wei Tianhong couldn't resist.

The sudden situation made Wei Tianyong fall into deep worry.


Today's them are equivalent to riding a tiger.

Even if Shan Xiaogang is like a wild beast, they must face it bravely.


There will be no way out for the two of them.


Wei Tianhong also stared at Shan Xiaogang with a frown, and then slowly stood up again.

This person in front of him is indeed a big trouble.

Not only is oil and salt not in, but the strength is still an existence that they cannot compete with.

If Shan Xiaogang is willing to reveal his identity, then he still has a slight chance to convince the other party.


Until now, he still knew nothing about Shan Xiaogang's identity.

Faced with such a dilemma.

Only fight with life.


There is no way out.

As soon as the official personnel of Huaxia Kingdom arrive, it will be even more difficult for them to fly.

and so.

In the short time left, he had to join forces with Wei Tianyong to knock down Shan Xiaogang as soon as possible.

next second.



"Can it still work?"

Wei Tianhong stared at Shan Xiaogang cautiously, and then asked in a low voice.

"It works!"

"Brother, how do you want me to cooperate with you, just say it."

Wei Tianyong finally felt as if he was facing an enemy.

after all.

Shan Xiaogang was able to easily defeat the two of them, which proved that his strength should not be underestimated.

At this moment.

The opponent was enough to make Wei Tianyong cautious.

at the same time.

"I'll do it first."

"You are responsible for controlling his foot."

"I go up, you go down!"

Wei Tianhong said with a serious expression.

"Roger that!"

Wei Tianyong said in response.

The voice fell.

The two brothers Wei Tianhong rushed towards Shan Xiaogang in unison like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

Without any retreat, they have already used all their housekeeping skills.

If you don't try your best, you will definitely be left in this place.

in the blink of an eye.

The figures of the two have already flashed in front of Shan Xiaogang.

'Whoo, whoo...'

The explosive fist wind rushed over.

same second.

'Bang, bang! ! '

Wei Tianhong's two consecutive punches were blocked by Shan Xiaogang.


Seeing that the time was right, he shouted loudly.


Wei Tianyong gave a loud shout, and immediately swept towards Shan Xiaogang's bottom lane.


Only by bringing each other down first, can the two of them gain a part of the advantage.

at the same time.

"Boom" sound.

I saw that Shan Xiaogang bounced off Wei Tianyong's foot with his toe in time.

Followed by.

The two sides separated again.

The attack of Wei Tianhong and the two was once again resolved by Shan Xiaogang.

"Big brother!"


Wei Tianyong asked with a serious face.



Wei Tianhong let out a long and weak breath.

With Shan Xiaogang right in front of the two of them, it was really annoying.

In addition, the two of them couldn't kill each other under the fists, which made them very distressed.

at this time.

"Wei Tianhong, who is well-known in the Jianghu... Brother Hong, does he sometimes suffer from depression?"

The two who were watching the show laughed mockingly.

As soon as this word comes out.

Wei Tianhong checked his head and glanced at the two of them, and then asked tentatively, " you have the ability to put this person down?"

Due to the continuous loss to Shan Xiaogang, at this moment, he is quickly thinking of another way.

Since someone dared to speak wild words, he questioned him casually.

next second.


"What can we do with someone that even Brother Hong can't take down?"

The two people who came to meet him knew that they were not the opponents of Wei Tianhong and the two brothers, so they didn't deliberately exaggerate.

"Then what right do you have to laugh?"

"What a load of nonsense."

Wei Tianyong retorted very displeased.

after all.

The two brothers could not take down Shan Xiaogang together, which made Wei Tianyong very angry.

Now that he is being ridiculed by others, he almost ran away.

"We are not as good as others when we fight alone."

"It's just... the strength of the number of people is great!"

The leading man smiled suggestively.



"Then according to what you mean, the four of us join forces."

Wei Tianhong didn't put on airs, but immediately agreed with the other party's statement.

If there are two more people with good skills, Shan Xiaogang's two fists will definitely be hard to beat.

One more person means more winning percentage.


"Did I say I would help you?"

The leading man smiled teasingly.

The incident of Wei Tianhong leaving the two of them at a critical moment just now is still vivid in his memory.

have to say.

This guy Wei Tianhong is really whimsical.

It's a beautiful idea.

He was unreasonable at first, but now he is no match for the opponent, so he thought of asking himself for help?

From start to finish.

He never thought of helping Wei Tianhong, he was just making sarcastic remarks.

Ridiculous words.

But this Wei Tianhong still takes it seriously?

Only now do you know how to hold Buddha's feet temporarily?


Followed by.

"Then what do you mean?"

Wei Tianhong's face darkened, and he asked in a cold voice.

Everyone is not a good man and a believer, pretending to be a thousand-year-old fox.

If you don't want to give yourself some bad ideas, you don't have to make a sound.

In his opinion.

The other two must have other thoughts.

For money, or something else.

In short.

It's not too early to get no profit, as long as everyone knows it well.

"Means nothing!"

"We are simply watching the excitement."

The strange man responded casually.


"How do you want to make a move?"

Wei Tianhong ignored the other party's remarks, but asked straight to the point.

If you want money, just ask for a price.

Compared with being able to escape successfully, money is nothing.


No matter how much money there is, if people are left behind by Huaxia, everything will be equal to zero.


"200 million!"

The strange man unhurriedly raised two fingers, "If you want us to help, you can't do anything less than 200 million yuan."

As soon as this word comes out.


Wei Tianyong just wanted to yell at the other party, Lion, who opened his mouth.


Wei Tianhong stopped the other party's behavior in time.


(End of this chapter)

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