Chapter 23

Someone from the security company?


Li Tianxia turned his eyes consciously, and at the same time he was shocked. The speed of the security company's actions was second to none.

"No need to look around!" Gu Ying's voice came again, "The company's hackers have sneaked into the restaurant's surveillance system for anti-surveillance, and this person does not pose a threat, he is just an ordinary private detective."

"Next, Guying will provide protection for Mr. Li's safety."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Li Tian shook his head helplessly. He wandered around without even knowing he was being watched. He secretly rejoiced that he had his own security company.

next second.

Li Tian looked at Zhou Yunchen.

After a pause, Zhou Yunchen spoke slowly, "Mr. Li, Yunchen has indeed encountered some difficult things..."

Hesitant to speak.

In the end, Zhou Yunchen only admitted that she was in trouble, but did not say anything specific.

In her opinion, this matter is completely beyond Li Tian's ability.

Zhou Yunchen didn't want to cause trouble to Li Tian.

"About your father?" Li Tian had already accepted the task and asked straight to the point.

Zhou Yunchen's face changed drastically, and she looked at Li Tian in disbelief.

She also just received a call from Mo An and found out about her father's specific situation.

"You, how do you know?" Zhou Yunchen stared at Li Tian.

She didn't doubt that Li Tian would harm herself.

"I guessed it." Li Tian responded.

Zhou Yunchen nodded when she heard Li Tian's answer, and the confusion in her heart dispelled a little.

"Mr. Li's guess is right, it is indeed about my father..." Zhou Yunchen was touched and said eloquently.

It turned out that Shizu Group invested in a five-star hotel in country T in Southeast Asia, and also obtained a casino operating license.

As the project neared its conclusion, her father disappeared and the entire project was put on hold.

If the project cannot be operated, it means that it cannot be opened and operated normally.

All the construction funds and loans related to this project came one after another. In order to deal with this gap, the funds of the entire Shizun Group were withdrawn, and they were on the verge of breaking the capital chain.

At this time, the black hands behind the scenes also showed their fangs, using all means to suppress and cannibalize the Shizun Group.

The Shizun Group can be said to be in trouble at home and abroad, and Zhou Yunchen is left struggling to support it.

"Have you found out who is behind the scenes?" Li Tian asked.

"The shadow of the Lushui Group is indispensable behind everything." Zhou Yunchen clenched her fists tightly, "The Lushui Group also started to openly oppose the Shizun Group after losing the license competition."

Li Tian nodded. It seems that the situation of this matter is not as simple as he thought, and it is a bit tricky.

Zhou Yunchen then sighed: "It's a pity that Southeast Asia is a place outside the law. Even if you have evidence of Lushui Group's dirty methods, it's useless."

It was the first time Li Tian saw Zhou Yunchen's helpless and lonely eyes.

"It's really dirty, do you know that someone is watching you?"

After listening to Zhou Yunchen's words, Li Tian could probably guess why he was being watched. This must have something to do with Zhou Yunchen's troubled waters.

"Yeah!" Zhou Yunchen nodded, "Mr. Li is indeed not a simple person."

From Zhou Yunchen's point of view, Li Tian was even more mysterious, and he even noticed that he was being watched easily.

This can only show that he has a strong intelligence information and relationship network, or has an extraordinary keen observation ability.

No matter which one he belongs to, this kind of person will not be a simple character.

"Mr. Li..." Zhou Yunchen hesitated to speak again.

"Huh?" Li Tian said to Zhou Yunchen's charming eyes, "You can speak up if you have anything to say."

Hesitate for a moment.

"According to the information obtained by Uncle Mo, my father has been put under house arrest by the local warlord!" Zhou Yunchen's voice trembled slightly, "Yunchen can't think of any way to rescue his father at the moment, can Mr. Li have a way?"

Zhou Yunchen knew that she shouldn't make such a request, after all, Li Tian and her were neither related nor related.

But strength does not allow, Zhou Yunchen really can't do anything about it, the other party is a warlord who controls one side, and the network resources of the Shizun Group can't be spread to other people's territory.

She could only secretly hope that the mysterious man in front of her could provide herself with even the slightest bit of help.

In other words, at the current moment of internal and external difficulties, she regards Li Tian as the last straw.

Faced with Zhou Yunchen's question, Li Tian actually had no idea, and was even a little panicked. The other party was a powerful warlord, and he was just a student who had just finished the college entrance examination.

Li Tian's thinking was running at high speed. The difficulty level of this task was too high, and he had no relationship with the top generals of the warlords.


I still have the system of "If you don't have money, you can't do it" system, so it shouldn't be a problem.

'System, is there any way to solve Zhou Yunhan's father's task? ' Li Tian asked quickly in his heart.

'Ding, the host can purchase the [Everything is OK] card to complete the task directly 100%! '

Li Tian was overjoyed, 'Buy the [Everything is going well] card now. '

'Ding, the host doesn't have enough points, [Everything is going well] The card is worth 10 points. '

'System, why can't you stop doing this? "Li Tianhuo is big, 10 points can be directly exchanged for 1000 billion, it's too bad, he feels like he has fallen into the trap of the system.

While Li Tian was helpless, he thought of the security company.

"Wait, let me figure out a way!" Li Tian looked at Zhou Yunchen, comforted him, and then took out his phone.

"Gu Ying, I want the latest information about the World Honored Group." Li Tian said into the phone.

"Mr. Li can receive the information in 10 minutes." Gu Ying was still straightforward.

10 minute later.

Li Tian was opening the sealed information bag.

It's just that this series of operations has scared Zhou Yunchen into a daze.

Who the hell is Li Tian? He will arrive at his group's profile in 10 minutes!
From the intelligence service?
No, I have to see how detailed this information is.

"Your father's name is Zhou Tai?" Li Tian looked at the information in his hand.

"Yes." Zhou Yunchen replied, his father's name is easy for others to know.

"Your father is indeed under house arrest by the local warlord."

"It's General Zanyou's army from T country, nicknamed Baye Zan." Li Tian continued, "However, the person who arrested your father was not him, but one of his subordinates."

"Hmm..." Zhou Yunchen's eyes were strange. Li Tian's news was more detailed than Mo An's. Mo An's news only showed that his father was controlled by Zanyou's army.

"Also, after this subordinate of General Zanyou arrested your father, his account increased by 1 million yuan the next day." Li Tian looked up at Zhou Yunchen and raised his eyebrows, "Do you know who sent the money? "

Zhou Yunchen's surprised expression was evident, she was completely convinced.

That's an officer in the warlord of country T, and he can even get his account information?
Is Li Tian the nobleman sent by heaven to save the Zhou family?

"who is it?"……

(End of this chapter)

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