Chapter 24

"Who is it?" Zhou Yunchen asked urgently.

"You guessed it right, the remitter is a subsidiary of Lushui Group," Li Tian said lightly.

"It really is Lushui Group!" Zhou Yunchen responded.

Li Tian lowered his head and continued to look at the information, "Your group's stock market has fallen recently, and Lushui Group has eaten a lot of goods."

"Yes, they are now the third largest shareholder of the group."

Li Tian nodded, but did not say that the moment before he got the information, Lushui Group had been promoted to the second largest shareholder of Shizun Group.

"In the next month, your group will have a funding gap of 57 billion that needs to be filled?" Li Tian looked at Zhou Yunchen suspiciously, wanting to confirm the accuracy of the news from her.

But Zhou Yunchen looked at Li Tian in astonishment, "You know this too? Are you an intelligence officer from above?" After speaking, she pointed to the ceiling with her slender fingers.

She has enough reason to be so suspicious. These news are all the internal secrets of the World Honored Group. How did Li Tian know about it?

"Well, it seems that the news is still reliable?" Zhou Yunchen's expression can explain everything, "Can you handle the 57 billion shortfall?"

"I will do my best." Zhou Yunchen looked firmly.

Li Tian smiled. It could be seen that Zhou Yunchen has been under great pressure recently. Although the appearance is still full of sunshine, it is difficult to cover up the trace of fatigue.

next second.

Turned the page again.

"Hey, you haven't been in a relationship yet?" Li Tian's voice was mixed with a hint of joy.

Zhou Yunchen: '...'

Do you want to be so detailed?
"Mr. Zhou, take a look, what is this?" Li Tian took a page of information and handed it to Zhou Yunchen, "It's some numbers, I don't understand it."

Zhou Yunchen, who took the materials, blushed and murmured speechlessly.

'B: 90.5'

'W: 61.1'

'H: 88.9'

To Li Tian, ​​these numbers are actually just a series of ordinary numbers.

But for Zhou Yunchen, these three numbers are familiar and can't be more familiar, they are her three most private sizes.

In other words, there are no friends who don't know, right?

next moment.

Zhou Yunchen blinked a few times, "Ahem, Mr. Li, these are the assessment scores of the departments in our hotel, and the English letters represent different departments..."


Ghost! ! !

Talking nonsense with your eyes open?
Zhang Wuji's mother is right, you can't believe what a beautiful woman says!

Li Tian nodded, but he was not interested in the assessment scores of these departments, so he said casually, "The people in this W department should rectify, the scores are so bad."

Zhou Yunchen almost spit out the water when he drank, "Ahem... What Mr. Li said is that we should rectify it when we go back."

Seeing that Li Tian wanted to continue scrolling down the information, Zhou Yunhan hurriedly dissuaded her: "Mr. Li, let's eat first, you can read these when you go back..."

She didn't dare to imagine what was going to be astonishing in the following information.

Wouldn't it even have what color pajamas he usually wears according to his own preferences?
Nima, it's so scary.


During the next meal time, Li Tian discussed some matters with Zhou Yunchen.

Since it was not an order from the number one leader among the warlords, it proved that there was still room for maneuver.

The main thing now is to start with this man named General Zanyou. After all, he is the number one leader among the warlords. As long as he speaks, Zhou Tai will definitely save the day.

This is the difference between having accurate information and knowing the specific reasons, so as to prescribe the right medicine.

"Gu Ying, how can I get in touch with General Zanyou?" Li Tian asked on the phone.

After a few seconds.

Guying's voice came, "Mr. Li, General Zanyou will attend a chamber of commerce event held in country T on the 29th of this month. The founder of the chamber of commerce is Zanyou."

"The day after tomorrow will be the 29th." Li Tian thought silently, and then said, "I want an invitation card for this chamber of commerce, can you arrange it?"

"Yes! It will be delivered tomorrow."

Zhou Yunchen watched Li Tian work hard for his own affairs, and went to country T to rescue his father regardless of his own safety.

Why is he always so nice to me?

if he likes me?why did not you tell me?
Zhou Yunchen's mood was very chaotic at this time, and she was a little at a loss for her who had never been in a relationship.

While she was thinking wildly, her favorability gradually increased...

at the same time.

Li Tian also received a notification from the system.

'Ding, the host has untied Zhou Yunchen's heart knot, and the reward of 20 favorability points has been issued, and Zhou Yunchen's favorability point is 89. '

Finally reached the highest value of close friends, just a little bit close to being a couple.

Just as Li Tian was lamenting the hard-won 20 favorability points, he was surprised to find a familiar figure walking towards him.

Little anchor?
How does she know I'm eating here?

Li Tian looked at the young anchor Su Qinhan calmly.

Su Qinhan chose the table next to Li Tian and sat down, ordered a cold drink, and stayed quietly without any movement, just like a well-behaved kitten.

What kind of trouble?Why are you still looking for me?
Li Tian, ​​who was at a loss, chose to continue tasting the food.

If you don't understand the move, you will never accept it!

Stay tuned!

"Mr. Li, try this tuna." Zhou Yunchen lightly picked up a small piece and put it on Li Tian's plate, "And this puffer fish, I think it's good."

"Thank you Mr. Zhou!" Li Tian nodded with a smile.

"By the way, Mr. Li, don't call me President Zhou anymore." Zhou Yunchen's red lips parted slightly, "Call me Yunchen."

Li Tian secretly sighed that the 20 favorability points were not added in vain, "Okay, you can also call me Li Tian directly, otherwise Mr. Li will sound awkward and look old."

cough cough...

There was movement at the next table, inappropriately.

Su Qinhan obviously choked on the cold drink and coughed a few times...

It's a damn cold drink.

Then she ordered another glass, and then resumed her original silence.

It seemed that Su Qinhan was very thirsty.

Dry mouth?

About 15 minutes later, Li Tian sent Zhou Yunchen away.

Returning to the seat, "Little anchor, are you here to find me?"

"Well, I accidentally saw your figure and came in." Su Qinhan explained.

Li Tian took her to win the championship last night and gave her more than 100 million gifts. Before Su Qinhan could thank her, Li Tian went to bed.

Su Qinhan went out for an outdoor live broadcast as usual today, but chose Times Square by accident.

Before coming to Times Square, she even looked forward to seeing Li Tian's Porsche.

After all, the last time Li Tian was driving on behalf of her, the destination was Times Square, and she knew that Li Tian lived nearby.

Unfortunately, she did not see Li Tian's car.

So I started wandering aimlessly, and finally wanted to find some food on the fifth floor for live broadcast.

As soon as he came up, he saw Li Tian's figure through the glass window of the fireworks and rain materials.

What's even worse is that Li Tian is already accompanied by beautiful women.

So there was the scene just now, I found a seat next door, drank a cold drink alone, but didn't dare to affect Li Tian.

The courage Su Qinhan finally mustered up at the door, the moment she saw Li Tian, ​​she was immediately discouraged and discouraged!

In the end, I didn't even dare to say hello!

"so coincidental?"……

(End of this chapter)

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