Chapter 28 A man's mouth, a deceiving ghost

"Fly!" Zhaoxing straightened his back and took a deep breath.

"By the way, don't tell other people that I bought it." Li Tian thought for a while, "The title of your circle of friends will say, it's an 18th birthday present for yourself."

Li Tian doesn't need to announce to the whole world that he is good to his brother, and if others know that he paid for it, the desired effect will be gone, and he will mock Zhaoxing even more.

Such is human nature!
Zhaoxing understood Li Tian's meaning within seconds of enlightenment this time, his heart was warm, and his tone was a little choked up, "Brother Tian, ​​don't say anything, I understand! Thank you!"

"Thank you, my brother!" Li Tian waved his hand, "By the way, you still owe me two slaps, I slap you twice for what you just said."

"This...hehe, I know you won't slap me." Zhaoxing returned to his harmless appearance and scratched his head.

"By the way, Brother Tian, ​​the money for this car...may have to be paid back to you slowly after I make money in the future."

"It's turned over, don't talk about it." Li Tian said firmly, he didn't want Zhaoxing to be burdened by driving this car all the time, "Recently I did a little business and made some money, and I will use it later when I need you , just help me."

Li Tian plans to set up his own company in the future. At that time, he will definitely need some trustworthy people. It just so happens that Zhaoxing is very suitable, and he can also bring his brothers to make money together.

After all, Maserati's expenses are also very high, and it is impossible for Zhaoxing to withstand it without making money.

"Brother Tian, ​​in a word, everyone will give it to you." Zhaoxing's eyes were firm, "I will follow you alone from now on."

Zhaoxing's words fell into the ears of the saleswoman who was walking over.

Female salesperson: "..."

Got it?
In order to get a man, it cost 200 million!
"It's a pity that this handsome gentleman doesn't like women!" The female salesperson sighed inwardly with a look of disappointment on her face.

next second.

"Sir, the payment of 189 million was successful, and the company gave three additional one-year free maintenance." Disappointment is disappointment, but the saleswoman is still very polite.

"What about the license and procedures?" Li Tian asked.

"The formalities will be completed soon, and our company's special personnel will contact Mr. Zhao to handle the license in the next two days!" The saleswoman continued, "Our 4S has a special temporary license, and we can go on the road as usual."

Li Tian nodded and looked at Zhaoxing, "Let's go, Feifei?"

Next, Li Tian and Zhaoxing, led by the female salesperson, got the Maserati President 3.0T Premium Blue Global Limited Edition car.

"What are you dawdling about? Get in the car!" Seeing Zhaoxing caressing Maserati's dick, Li Tian said a word.

After a while, Porsche Cayenne 4.0T and Maserati President 3.0T gradually faded away in the eyes of the female salesperson.

Turning her gaze, the saleswoman looked at her curvy figure, sighed and shook her head, "What a pity!"

After driving for a while, Li Tian applied for a gas card for Zhao Xing at a large national chain gas station and recharged 11 yuan at one time.

Zhaoxing didn't evade it this time, any further evasion would be hypocritical, and he just took the gas card.

"Er Gouzi, I have something to go to country T the day after tomorrow. If my family asks about you, don't tell me the truth." Li Tian said, "I'm going to say that I'm going on a trip with you."

"No problem!" Zhaoxing patted his heart and said, "Do you need help?"

"No, I can do it by myself." Li Tian waved his hand, and then said with a smile, "Now that Maserati is in hand, I have arranged those two goods properly, don't embarrass my brother."

"Got it!" Zhaoxing was about to float up.

In the end, the two made an appointment to meet at school tomorrow, and then drove in two directions.

Li Tian, ​​who was driving, received a unique sound from the system.

'Ding, complete the task of being a brother, with a satisfaction rate of 10, and spend 200 million to get a 10 times cashback reward. '

'Ding, get 50 system points. '

'Ding, an extra reward gift package from Super Satisfaction, you can get the achievement of [Take Care of Your Heart] and a [Take Care of Your Heart] card.Remarks: Using the card can instantly increase the favorability by 20 points (only for men). '

'Ding, the system cannot be upgraded to level 2 without money.Obtain a level 2 exclusive gift pack. '

'Ding, you can't unlock the male scanning function without money. '

Hearing the system's prompt, Li Tian couldn't calm down anymore. With so many rewards, he really made a fortune this time.

The next step is to quickly withdraw the cash that should be withdrawn, and open it that should be opened.


The money came, a net profit of 800 million.

'Ding, you must not open the system level 2 gift bag, get 2 points of appearance bonus and 1000 system points. '

Host: Li Tian

Level: 2 (5/300)

Skills: none

Face value: 81
Points: 10310
Mall: Primary

Items: [Sentimental Photo] Card*1
Investment: None


Li Tian looked at his system information and laughed. Now the points have returned to 1 points, reaching 100 billion again.

The system has also been upgraded, and he is now in an extremely happy mood.

Back home, Ning Xuehua was cooking.

Li Tian, ​​who had been freed for a few days, was a little excited, finally able to eat a meal cooked by his mother.

During the meal, Li Tian explained to Li Zhengping and Ning Xuehua that he was going to travel to country T with Zhaoxing.

The two elders rarely had any objections. Li Zhengping went back to his room and took 1 yuan in cash and gave it to Li Tian, ​​telling him to have fun, and if it wasn't enough, he would call home.

Li Tian could only keep the [-] cash away, and now the family doesn't know that he is rich.

In the past few days, I haven't found a suitable opportunity to explain the situation to my family, so I can only delay it.

Otherwise, tell the old man directly that he has 100 billion?

I'm afraid it will scare people to death!

It can only be gradual and gradual.

At night, Li Tian was swiped by Zhao Xing's circle of friends.

Taking photos with Maserati from various angles, the Nine Palaces in WeChat is not enough, so he actually recorded a small video directly.

The comment area was also extremely popular, with dozens of comments and likes, but there was no trace of Zeng Xiaopeng.

Li Tian also liked Zhao Xing one by one, and just left a message to thank his brother for making him a lot of money in the afternoon.

at the same time.

Luo Siying's message popped up.

Luo Siying: "Li Tian, ​​are you free tomorrow?" '

Li Tian: "Yes." '

Luo Siying: "Then is it convenient for you to pick me up tomorrow and go to school together?" '

Li Tian: "Okay." '

Then the conversation ended, leaving only Luo Siying's blank face.

In the past two days, she always wondered why Li Tian didn't move at all, and the class group didn't speak, and they never looked for her.

It happened to be going to school tomorrow to fill in the application for the college entrance examination. She had been deliberating for a long time and sent it to Li Tian, ​​but she didn't expect Li Tian to reply her two words.

The night before yesterday, you smeared honey on your mouth and said she was beautiful, said she was beautiful, did you forget it after only two days?
A man's mouth, a liar.

The phone in Luo Siying's hand was about to be deformed by her...

(End of this chapter)

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