Chapter 29 Luo Siying is So Beautiful
The next day.

Li Tian got up early to wash up, and changed into the Prada short T-shirt and shorts he just bought.

Today is the day to go back to school, so I have to dress up in a more handsome manner, and I have to pick up a beautiful woman.

Facing the mirror, Li Tian found that with the increase of his appearance score, his already solid appearance became more handsome. He couldn't imagine how to protect himself if he reached 100 points of appearance.

At around nine o'clock, Li Tian arrived at Luo Siying's community.

Luo Siying could be seen from a distance, wearing a long white dress that swayed in the wind, with a 1.6-meter-five figure paired with white flat sneakers, she was still tall.

When she looked in Li Tian's direction, a breeze blew her long hair, like a fairy in white.

Even though Li Tian was already familiar with Luo Siying, he was still touched by her airy demeanor.

Just as Luo Siying got into the passenger seat.

"You are so beautiful today!" Li Tian praised from the bottom of his heart.

Luo Siying, who was still serious at first, chuckled and glared at Li Tian.

This guy is here again!
Luo Siying was so depressed last night that she didn't go to sleep until the early morning. Before going to bed, she secretly made up her mind that she would not say a word to Li Tian after seeing Li Tian today, and let him try to feel bewildered.

As a result, the guy always seems to be playing out of the box.

She was secretly annoyed that she was so disappointing that she held her breath all night, but she was amused by his words.

"Hey, you seem a little different today!" Luo Siying expressed her doubts.

"What's the difference?" Li Tian asked while driving the car.

"It's just... It's different from the previous two days, it seems to be more handsome." Luo Siying's face turned red.

It seems that the appearance card has played a certain effect.

"Have you always been secretly in love with me?" Li Tian smiled, "If you are, you have to confess quickly. After passing this village, this shop will disappear."

"Smelly, narcissistic!" Luo Siying gave Li Tian a light hammer.

Talking and laughing all the way, I arrived at the gate of Guangshen No. [-] Middle School in a short while.

It is now a holiday, so Li Tian and the others return to school again. If they have a car, they can park directly in the school.

"Hey, what's going on up there?" Luo Siying pointed to the crowd in front of her.

"I don't know, let's drive over and have a look." Li Tian also saw a large group of people surrounding the teaching building.

'Boom', the Porsche Cayenne went straight to the teaching building.

"It seems to be a luxury car!" Luo Siying vaguely saw it, "There are too many people, I can't see clearly."

Before Li Tiankai approached, most people heard the sound of the Porsche and turned their heads one after another.

"Here comes another one. Is the school going to hold an exclusive car show for luxury cars today?"

"This one is not as chic as the Maserati."

"The latest Cayenne 4.0T, nearly 300 million, what do you know?"

"Driving a 300 million luxury car casually? Do you still need to go to college?"

"That is, come back and fill in some volunteers, isn't it good to inherit the family's property?"

While everyone was discussing, they gave way to Li Tian one after another.

next moment.

Li Tian and Luo Siying who got out of the car immediately caused a commotion.

"Isn't that our Xueba goddess?"

"Luo Siying, has it fallen?"

"I'm not alive anymore, I still want to fight for ten years, and then marry the goddess."

"The goddess is my goal. Without the goddess, I'm like a walking corpse."

On the other hand, Li Tian is also handsome and handsome, making all the girls stare at this tall, rich and handsome man, wishing to push Li Tian to the ground.

So boys have to be very careful when they go out.

"Brother Tian!" Zhao Xing also got out of the car, "Sister-in-law is here too."

"Zhaoxing, what are you talking about?" Luo Siying was shy.

"What's wrong with me, what did I say wrong?" Zhao Xing directly pretended to be stupid.

"Zhaoxing, did you buy a car?" Luo Siying simply changed the subject, "Is this Maserati yours?"

Luo Siying was surprised by the classmates in the class, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

"Yeah, God..." Zhaoxing changed his mouth when he was about to speak, "I just picked up the car yesterday."

He saw the look Li Tian gave him, and then he remembered the agreement between them.

"What are you doing?" A short and fat middle-aged man came from a distance. "Go, all go, all scattered, you think the school is run by your family."

The person who is walking is 'He Jiawei', the teaching director of Guangshen No. [-] Middle School.

Li Tian and the others are naturally familiar with each other. After all, many of them were arrested by him and squatted in the Academic Affairs Office in the past.

"Li Tianzhaoxing, you two come here." He Jiawei pointed at the others with a serious face, "Aren't you leaving yet? Do you still want to fill in your application? If you don't fill it out, go to the Academic Affairs Office together."

"Where the man is angry, let's go."

"Yes, curse him for a hundred failed blind dates."

When the crowd dispersed, they all cursed this He Jiawei, because he ruined everyone's interest in seeing the beauties of Xiangche.

He Jiawei is almost forty this year, and he is indeed not married yet. Many students at school gave him the nickname "Where Boy".

However, Li Tian knew the reason why He Jiawei didn't get married, that is, he was too short, only in his early 1.6 meters, plus he was old, so it was basically useless to go on a blind date.

The crowd dispersed, Li Tian and Zhaoxing also walked over, Luo Siying was a little worried, and followed behind, she was going to come out and explain if there was any misunderstanding.

After all, she is the top student in the school, so her words carry a certain amount of weight.

"Director He, why are you so fierce? You scared me." Zhaoxing asked in a low voice.

"Hmph, come with me!" He Youwei pulled his face deafly, hooked it with his stubby fingers, and walked in front with his hands behind his back.

Luo Siying who was following behind tiptoed to Li Tian's side and asked in a low voice, "Li Tian, ​​what's the matter?"

Li Tian shrugged, expressing his ignorance.

In a blink of an eye, Li Tian and the others were brought into the office building by He Jiawei.

As soon as they entered the office building, "Where did you two guys go to get rich?" He Jiawei directly slapped Li Tian and the others on the arms one by one.

"Dig the grass, Lao He, are you making trouble with such a heavy hand?" Zhaoxing shouted, unwilling.

"You two boys, whenever you fight, you have to be punished or ask your parents. Tell me that your family is poor and your parents have high expectations for you. If you invite your parents or you will be punished and go home, you will be beaten to death!" He Jiawei ruthlessly He patted the two of them again, "I treat you as brothers, but you lied to me for three years."

A Porsche, a Maserati... and a poor family?

Li Tian: "..."

Zhao Xing: "..."

Luo Siying: "..."

In fact, as early as the first year of high school, Li Tian and Zhaoxing got to know He Jiawei, the teaching director, because of fighting with others.

In the end, there was a breakthrough in the relationship. It was the summer vacation of the second year of high school. Li Tian and Zhaoxing went drinking and ran into the dean by chance. At that time, he failed in a blind date again. Li Tian and Zhao Xing sent them home.

In this way, they formed an indissoluble bond with the teaching director. Even though they repeatedly said that they had forgotten what happened that night, the director He still wanted to become good friends with them.

"Old He, our family is really poor, we won the lottery!" Zhao Xing said shamelessly.

"Have you heard of the deadly scissor feet?"...

(End of this chapter)

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