Chapter 3 Encounter with Zhou Yunchen

About a quarter of an hour.

Li Tian drove the Cayenne slowly into the World Grand Hotel.

The strange thing is that the entrance of the five-star hotel is a bit like a vegetable market, with crowds surging and some holding banners.

Could it be that there are big figures living in the hotel, and these people are here to petition?

Before he had time to think about it, Li Tian urgently needed to find a parking space.It's a pity that after wandering around for a long time, I couldn't find a vacant seat, so I had no choice but to park the car at the welcome passage at the main entrance of the hotel.

As soon as he got out of the car, the welcome lady ran over from the revolving door to signal Li Tian not to park the car here.

"Your family's security guards are all at the entrance of the hotel. I can't find a parking space by myself. I will leave it at the door temporarily. When there is a parking space, go to Box 555 and let me know to open it." Li Tian said politely, not forgetting to take out two Zhang put a hundred-yuan bill into the hand of the welcoming lady, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Seeing the tip in her hand, the welcome lady who opened her mouth to talk, and the security guards in the hotel were indeed all maintaining order at the hotel gate, immediately bowed politely and said with a smile on her face: "Okay, sir, I wish you Enjoy your meal."

Although Miss Yingbin is just a low-level waiter, she is also aware of the recent rumors about the hotel. In addition to the scene at the door today, she may be unemployed after tomorrow, so now she can't take into account the hotel's regulations. Count a little bit.

Just as Li Tian was about to enter the revolving door, he suddenly saw a Bentley driving over, surrounded by a crowd. If Li Tian hadn't heard the shouts from the crowd, he would have mistakenly thought it was a celebrity driving by.

"Why would the World Honored Hotel owe these people money?" Li Tian was full of doubts. He was sure that he had heard correctly, and everyone was shouting for the World Honored One to pay back the money.

Curiosity made Li Tian stop, looking at the scene in front of him.


The rear door of the Bentley was opened by the security guard, and a tall, handsome beauty walked out. Hao Ran looked like a cold president.

"Ding, the system automatically detects high-quality investment candidates with ultra-low risk value for the host."

Zhou Yunchen

Status: Chairman of Shizun Group
Age: 26
Face value: 94
Body: 92
Favorite: 50
Special: 0
Investment: A fund of 8 million yuan is urgently needed.

Duration: three days

Risk: 1
Profit: 1000 million

1. Investment: It is the investment plan of the host, and it also meets the financing needs of the other party.

2. Risk: There is no absolute zero risk in investment, the lowest risk value is 1, and the highest is 100 (as long as the risk value is lower than 10, the host can invest with confidence)

At this time, Li Tian, ​​who was looking at the Bentley beauty, felt his heart skip a beat. With such detailed information, he could still get a profit of 1000 million yuan.

but! !
Li Tian thought of a question, "Are you messing with my mentality, the system? Where can I get [-] million to invest?"

Li Tianhuo was so angry that he had only read the profit entry for the last second, and he forgot that besides the Porsche that the system currently gave away, he only had more than 3000 yuan in his card.

'Ding, the host can use No Money, Never Points to exchange for funds in the mall, 1 point is equal to 100 million. '

The prompt of the system made Li Tian's eyes widen, and he was ecstatic in his heart, "One point can be exchanged to 100 million, then the big gift package I just got 100 points... [-] billion, I want to send it?"

'Ding, the host can understand that! '

'Friendly reminder: The host can use a point to exchange for 100 million. On the contrary, if you need to buy points, 200 million can be exchanged for a point. Please use the points carefully. '

"Wouldn't it be nice for me to change to 100 billion?" Li Tian was disdainful.

'Ding, this is not necessarily the case, the system mall can provide the host with items that cannot be bought with money. '


Li Tian's heart moved, and he scanned the system mall carefully.

His complexion changed, he took a deep breath, and sincerely thanked the system for the reminder, otherwise he would suffer a lot, especially when Li Tian saw the special item 'Primary Perspective Card'.

. . .

But if you don’t have money, you can’t use the system, it’s too dark. One point can be exchanged for 100 million, and it’s double the price to buy it back. It’s a proper black shop!
Li Tian dismissed the idea of ​​directly exchanging all the points for 100 billion.

"System, besides exchanging money for points, is there any other way?" Li Tian had an idea, and asked, he didn't want to always exchange delicious money for points.

'Ding, you can get points for completing tasks randomly released by the system. '

Understood, do the task.

Looking at Zhou Yunchen again, Li Tian is determined to win this investment plan, first cash out some cash for self-defense, and at the same time earn an extra 1000 million, no one will think it's too much money.

[-] million points only need [-] points, which is not too much compared to [-] points.

"Guys, your bills are due in five days, isn't it against the rules to make trouble like this?" The female assistant standing next to Zhou Yunchen was mediating.

"I don't care what your rules are. Don't think that we don't know the situation of your Shizu Group. The hotel will probably change hands in five days."

"Please pay attention to your words, otherwise I can send you a lawyer's letter." The female assistant spoke sharply.

"Anyway, we are going to receive the money today. I will provide wine to your hotel. Now the bill is more than 700 million. I can't wait."

"Don't worry, as soon as the billing period comes, you are welcome to the financial settlement list at any time." The female assistant reassured everyone again.

"It seems that the news is accurate. Your group's capital chain has been broken. Hurry up and pay back the money." Someone in the crowd started the rhythm.

"Repay the money!!"

"Return our hard-earned money!"

Seeing that the situation was getting out of control, the female assistant looked at Zhou Yunchen for help.

Zhou Yunchen's embroidered eyebrows were slightly frowned, her black hair was curly, and she still said coldly, "You all take the bills to the Finance Department to settle the settlement, and our cooperation ends here."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked into the hotel with the female assistant, and passed Li Tian, ​​a burst of fragrance swept over him, Li Tian admitted that he was a little dazed.

"What's the matter, what kind of spectacle is it? In a few days, the Shizun Group will not belong to your Zhou family..."

"The big tree of the Zhou family has fallen, and a little girl can't afford to turn over the waves..."

After Zhou Yunchen finished walking, there was a burst of gossip.

Li Tian followed closely behind and entered Zhou Yunchen's elevator together.

"Mr. Zhou, are you okay?" Zhou Yunchen rested her forehead with her right hand, feeling a little tired, the female assistant asked worriedly.

Zhou Yunchen shook her head lightly.

"You are Zhou Yunchen?" Li Tian's magnetic voice echoed in the elevator.

The female assistant looked at Li Tian warily.

"Huh?" Zhou Yunchen looked up at Li Tian, ​​"If you pay the bill, go directly to the finance department."

"I'm not here to ask for money." Li Tian said lightly.

"Then what's the matter with you?" Zhou Yunchen frowned slightly.

"Don't you need money urgently? I'm here to lend you money."

Hearing Li Tian's words, Zhou Yunchen's eyes became brighter. Given her current situation, Li Tian was the only one who said this to her.

Carefully observing Li Tian's clothes, companions, and estimated age, Zhou Yunchen's burning hope was drowned out in an instant.

It's not that she doesn't trust the young man in front of her, but that Zhou Yunchen needs too much money.

Eight hundred million!

Not eighty-eight million.

However, the corners of Zhou Yunchen's mouth still twitched slightly, trying to squeeze out a smile, "Thank you for your kindness, but my problem is not something you can solve."

If it wasn't for Li Tian's kindness, Zhou Yunchen wouldn't have said so much.

"The problem is big? How much is missing, is it [-] million?" Li Tianfeng said lightly, [-] million was like eight yuan from his mouth.

Li Tian's words hit Zhou Yunchen's heart like lightning, and she took half a step back in shock, her vigilant eyes wandered over Li Tian, ​​"Who is your boss?"

The person in front of her was at most about 20 years old. She didn't believe that she had such great energy. Not only did she know that she was short of [-] million in funds, but she also looked confident that she could take out this huge sum of money at any time.

The elevator door opened, "I don't have a boss."

"Then who are you?" Zhou Yunchen didn't get out of the elevator, and stared straight at Li Tian.

"Do you think it's appropriate for us to talk here?" Li Tian asked with a smile.

Zhou Yunchen looked away, this is really not the place to talk about things, "Please follow me."

After a while, Li Tian walked into the chairman's office under the leadership of Zhou Yunchen and the female assistant.

"Please sit down." The female assistant gestured.

Zhou Yunchen sat down on the sofa opposite Li Tian, ​​as if negotiating, "Tell me, who are you?"

Straight to the point.

Li Tian crossed his palms, "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you need money, and I have money."

"Of course, you can also regard me as a businessman who saved you from desperation. My name is Li Tian."

Combining the various situations at the hotel entrance and the elevator room, Li Tian can conclude that Zhou Yunchen's situation is not optimistic.

Zhou Yunchen stared at Li Tian with pure and concise eyes, as if it was as simple as he said, and had no other purpose.

'Boom thump...'

There was a knock on the door...

(End of this chapter)

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