Chapter 4 [-] million transaction
"Come in!" Zhou Yunchen was a little impatient, especially when he was observing Li Tian.

A middle-aged man walked into the door, with a slightly anxious expression, "Mr. Zhou." When he found Li Tian opposite Zhou Yunchen, the middle-aged man stopped and looked at Zhou Yunchen, "Mr. Zhou has guests?"

Zhou Yunchen nodded slightly. She knew the purpose of the middle-aged man in front of her, and looked at Li Tian apologetically, "Mr. Li, wait a moment."

next moment.

"Miss, something is wrong..." The middle-aged man said nervously when he walked to another office with Zhou Yunchen.

The middle-aged man's name is Mo An, who has served the Zhou family for nearly 30 years and is someone the Zhou family can trust.

"Uncle Mo, speak slowly." Zhou Yunchen felt ominous.

"Lvshui Group used its connections to stop our [-] million loan from the bank." Mo An said solemnly, "If we can't even get the [-] million loan, we won't be able to survive tomorrow."

"It's Lushui Group again!" Zhou Yunchen gritted her teeth, "Father raised a white-eyed wolf."

"By the way, what about the 3000 million promised by Uncle Chen? And Uncle Wei's 7000 million..."

Before Zhou Yunchen could finish speaking, Mo An waved his hand and sighed, "Everyone pushes the wall down. Your father's whereabouts are still unknown after the accident. They don't think highly of you, so just..."

In order to take Zhou Yunchen's feelings into consideration, Mo An didn't continue talking.

"Understood." Zhou Yunchen stabilized her figure, her indifference was nothing more than that.

"Miss, there is one more thing I don't know if I should say it or not?" Mo An gritted his teeth.

"Speak, Uncle Mo!" In this situation, what else can't be said?
"That old guy from the Lushui Group said... that as long as you go to his villa tonight, the future Shizun Group will still be named Zhou." Mo An said with a painful face.

"Hmph! He's dreaming!" Zhou Yunchen snorted coldly, her eyes determined, "We will definitely get through this."

Back in front of the chairman's office, Zhou Yunchen regained her original strong appearance in a blink of an eye, without leaving a trace of loss. She is worthy of being a domineering female president.

"Mr. Li, let's continue talking." Zhou Yunchen still sat gracefully opposite Li Tian, ​​"You help me, what are your conditions?"

"You have to pay me interest." Li Tian replied in seconds, that was a profit of 1000 million.

The word "take advantage of the fire" flashed through Zhou Yunchen's mind, and her intuition was that Li Tian would definitely open his mouth like a lion and tear off a piece of her body fiercely.

"What else?" Zhou Yunchen wanted to know Li Tian's purpose all at once.

"Anything else?" Li Tian was puzzled, "That's all."

A flash of surprise flashed in Zhou Yunchen's eyes, and then she said cautiously, "How much does Mr. Li want in return?"

"You can make a decision, I still have things to do." Li Tian didn't ask for a price, one was to see what kind of person Zhou Yunchen was, and the other was to test the accuracy of the plan given by the system.

Of course, he really has something to do, and the downstairs classmate dinner will start immediately.

Hearing Li Tian's reply, both Zhou Yunchen and the female assistant were a little sluggish. There are people like this whose rewards are determined by others. The Li Tian in front of them is completely incomprehensible and incomprehensible.

"Mr. Li, 1000 million, three days, [-] million?" Zhou Yunchen added a lot of profits to the return, but still looked at Li Tian carefully, lest Li Tian disagree, the lion opened his mouth.

"Deal!" Li Tian replied quickly, and stretched out his right hand to express his happy cooperation.

Zhou Yunchen felt like he was dreaming. This unremarkable person in front of him handed over [-] million to him so calmly.

Why do you trust yourself so unconditionally?

Now people in the entire Guangzhou and Shenzhen City don't say they are helping themselves, they just want to avoid them if they see them.


Why is he?
Could it be that he likes me?

Playing hard to catch?

Zhou Yunchen's heart was disturbed, and her face was cloudy and uncertain.

"Mr. Zhou!" The female assistant looked at Li Tian's raised hand, but Zhou Yunchen didn't respond, and reminded her.

"Hmm? Hmm..." Zhou Yunchen, who recovered, stretched out her right hand, "Thank you, Mr. Li!"

Touching Zhou Yunchen's delicate little hand, Li Tian's whole body went limp.

Fortunately, Li Tian had too much concentration and retracted his hand like lightning.

Zhou Yunchen frowned, such a serious man is rare.

"Mr. Zhou, give me the account number, and I'll arrange it right away." Li Tian had already consulted the system, and the system indicated that it could be exchanged directly to the host card, or it could be withdrawn to the other party's account after exchange.

Now at night, even if you exchange it to your own account, you can’t transfer it. If you change it to tomorrow, you must go to the bank to handle such a large amount. His current bank card does not have such a large daily limit. Li Tian finds it troublesome , just prepare to let the system transfer directly to Zhou Yunchen's account.

Li Tian's unintentional words once again shocked Zhou Yunchen and the female assistant so much that they transferred without even signing the contract?
That's not eight yuan or eight hundred, it's eight hundred million, and people are not allowed to live.

It's a pity that they didn't know that Li Tian had a system, and Li Tian believed 100% of the assessment given by the system.

"Mr. Li, why don't we sign the contract first, and you can transfer it later." Zhou Yunchen reminded Li Tian friendly.

"No, I'm rushing downstairs to attend the classmate dinner, it's too late."

"Give me the account number. As for the contract, I'll come up to sign after I've attended the party."

Earlier, Li Tian had redeemed the corresponding funds with his points, and now he wanted to make a quick move, so as not to have long nights and dreams, that was a profit of 1000 million.

It's not that he's not worried, but the main reason is that the system is powerful, suggesting an ultra-low risk value. In Li Tian's view, this deal is a sure win.

With Li Tian's unquestionable tone, Zhou Yunchen could only nod in agreement.


"Mr. Zhou, [-] million will arrive!" said the female assistant sitting in front of the computer.

"Okay, then I'll go first!" Li Tian saw that the investment money had arrived, and was about to slip away.

"Wait a minute, may I ask which box Mr. Li is in our hotel?" Zhou Yunchen remembered that Li Tian was going downstairs for dinner.


"Secretary Qiu, can you tell which family this person is from in Guangzhou and Shenzhen?" Looking at Li Tianyuan's back, Zhou Yunchen asked the female assistant Qiu Bixue.

Li Tian left a deep impression on Zhou Yunchen today.

Do not!
Not profound, should be indelible.

"I'm sure that I haven't seen him in all the big family banquets I attended." Those who are qualified to be a secretary naturally have an amazing memory.

"Hmm..." Zhou Yunchen nodded, she also couldn't see through Li Tian, ​​"Why do you think he helped me?"

"I don't know either, there is no intersection between you." Qiu Bixue shook her head, then her eyes widened, "Could it be that Zhou is always his sweetheart?"

Qiu Bixue felt that this was the most reasonable explanation.

People who can casually spend 1000 million will care about [-] million profits?
Qiu Bixue didn't believe it, and of course Zhou Yunchen didn't believe it either.

But Li Tianxin, he is very short of 1000 million. After all, the card only has more than 3000 yuan.

People who drive a Porsche, the card is only more than 3000 yuan, can you believe it?

As the saying goes: 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty!After completing this order, Li Tian is not more than 3000 yuan, but more than 1000 yuan.

"What are you talking about?" Zhou Yunchen glared at Qiu Bixue, "Go and sort out the contract."

"By the way, let's arrange room 555. It must be the highest standard of entertainment."

After Zhou Yunchen gave her orders, she fell into deep thought, and a figure flashed in her mind.

Li Tian, ​​who got out of the elevator, sneezed.


(End of this chapter)

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