Chapter 5

Walking into Box 555, 4 of the tables were already full, leaving only a few people at the last table. These guys were eating, drinking, and running faster than rabbits.

"Brother Tian." Zhao Xing waved to Li Tian.

Li Tian smiled and nodded, and waved his hand, "Hello, students!"

From the corner of the eye, she glanced at Luo Siying, who just happened to be looking at Li Tian, ​​their eyes met for a second, and Luo Siying lowered her head with blushing cheeks.

Zeng Xiaopeng knelt and licked next to Luo Siying without a doubt.

"Student Li Tian, ​​you came too late. There is no room for us at this table. Find a seat yourself." Zeng Xiaopeng said with a smile on his face.


Zeng Xiaopeng and Luo Siying sat at the same table, so of course he didn't want Li Tian to sit with them.

Li Tian didn't take it seriously, and walked towards the final table No. [-] with a smile.

The four female students in the class sitting at table five are all the kind who are relatively quiet and seldom interact with others on weekdays.

Especially Tang Jing among them, she was as good-looking as Luo Siying, but since the few boys who had pursued her before had all been sent to the hospital, there were no boys who approached her.

Brother Tang Jing was responsible for all these things, so everyone speculated about Tang Jing's powerful family background.

Gently pulling away the chair, Li Tian asked with a smile: "Everyone, is it convenient for me to sit here?"

The four of them nodded at the same time, and Tang Jing said in a rare voice, "It's convenient, welcome!"

As soon as Li Tian sat down, Zhao Xing rushed over, "Brother Tian, ​​I'm here!"

Suddenly, another figure in the private room also got up and walked towards Li Tian.

No need to ask, of course it was Luo Siying.

"Student Li Tian, ​​can I sit here?" Luo Siying asked a little greenly.

Zhaoxing, who was sitting on the other side of Li Tian, ​​was stunned, his mouth shut from ear to ear: "Dig, dig, dig grass..." He even stuttered.

"Brother Tian, ​​Cowhide!" Zhao Xing gave a thumbs up while lowering his voice.

Although Zhaoxing deliberately lowered his voice, it was still very clear in the box, and now a needle can be heard in the box.

Luo Siying's voluntary request to sit next to Li Tian had already stunned everyone present, all staring straight at Li Tian, ​​if eyes could kill, Li Tian would be dead.

They couldn't figure out why Luo Siying wanted to get close to Li Tian over and over again. They basically had no contact with each other before. Could it be that Luo Siying had a crush on Li Tian for three years, and now that the college entrance examination is over, they want a showdown?
Not scientific!
Everyone felt that their brains were not enough, and they were a little confused. On the other hand, Zeng Xiaopeng's expression was comparable to that of Zhang Fei.

Li Tian smiled slightly: "Goddess please!"

'Ding! '

'The system detects that the host gets approached by a girl and gets a face value card. '

"Pfft..." Li Tian laughed suddenly, which aroused angry eyes from the audience.

This is Li Tian's blatant provocation in full view, laughing happily?Gone?

Luo Siying's cheeks were red and she lowered her head.

Li Tian didn't realize the surrounding environment, so he quickly used the beauty card.

'Ding, the face value card is used successfully, the face value is increased by 2 points, and the face value of the host is 79. '

Can it also increase the value of the face?
Against the sky!
'Ding, friendly reminder, the host can scan interested girls by himself. '

'If you don't have money, you can't do it' The system is too popular, stop nagging, you are the father of the system.

'Start scanning' Li Tian said silently in his heart.

Tang Jing:

Status: student

Age: 18
Face value: 91
Body: 93
Favorite: 75
Special: 0
Investment: None

Special: The number of soul exchanges between men and women, if it is higher than the value of 100, it will be replaced by N.

Since Tang Jing was sitting opposite Li Tian, ​​Tang Jing's information was scanned first.

Followed by.

Li Tian turned his head to scan Luo Siying next to him.

Luo Siying:

Status: student

Age: 18
Face value: 95
Body: 94
Favorite: 79
Special: 0
Investment: None
"Li Tian..." Luo Siying felt that Li Tian was staring at her, and she slightly annoyed her, lowering her head even lower.

Hearing this, Li Tian looked away. She knew that Luo Siying must have misunderstood, and hurriedly teased: "Goddess, we basically have nothing to do with each other. What kind of operation are you doing? Are you going to use me as a shield?"

"Because you've always been quiet, can't I like being quiet?" Luo Siying raised her head and said generously, "And you handed me so many small notes in class before, did you forget it so quickly?"


Li Tian had a black question mark on his face, "Shall I pass you a small note?"

"Oh!" Zhou Xue stood up after hearing the words, "Li Tian, ​​you are a sullen type, and you secretly handed out small notes."

"Do you know? I have been secretly in love with you for three years!" Zhou Xue looked at Li Tian pitifully as she walked over.

Liang Zhuang also stood up and gave a thumbs up, "Brother Tian, ​​very good!"

Zeng Xiaopeng put on a poisoned face, "Li Tian, ​​you even made a small move in class, passing a small note, I'm going to tell the teacher..."

Zeng Xiaopeng was halfway through talking before realizing that he had graduated now, so he snorted coldly and sat back.

Zhou Xue is a well-known troublemaker in the class, and she is obviously making fun of Li Tian.

"Witch, don't make trouble." Li Tian replied, then turned to look at Luo Siying, "Siying, I'm sure I didn't send you a note."

"Well, I know it's not you." Luo Siying said lightly, "I can read your handwriting."

Finally the truth came out, but then Luo Siying released a depth bomb.

"Then you don't deny that you borrowed books from me? You even took notes for me. I can recognize this as your handwriting."

"Oh! Brother Tian also helps others take notes..." Zhou Xue became excited again.

Li Tian looked at Zhaoxing, only to see that guy giggling, "Damn it."

Li Tian said that his mind was buzzing.

The truth of the matter is that the two of them once forgot the book in an Internet cafe. After returning to school, Li Tian asked Zhao Xing to borrow a random book from a classmate. He didn't know that this guy went to borrow it from Luo Siying.

Li Tian remembered that the class happened to be a geography subject that he was good at, so he took notes. He never thought that it would lead to the current situation.

"Ahem..." Li Tian coughed lightly, "Well, I didn't know it was your book, it was Zhaoxing..."

Before Li Tian could speak, Luo Siying interjected, "Yes, I borrowed it because Zhao Xing said you wanted to borrow it from me."

Li Tian glared at Zhaoxing, this guy's strength is pitting his brothers.

the same moment.

"Students, I'm late, and I'll punish myself with three cups later." Wu Xinghuai pushed open the door and shouted loudly: "By the way, the local tyrants are really arrogant now. The latest Porsche Cayenne 4.0T is directly stuck in the World Grand Hotel at the gate, domineering."

"The Porsche Cayenne turbo coupe 4.0 just launched?" Zeng Xiaopeng asked Wu Xinghuai excitedly.

"It seems that the monitor is also..."

(End of this chapter)

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